Thursday, July 31, 2008

Royal Visit to Southwold

How lovely to see in the Eastern Daily Press that Prince Charles and Camilla have been to visit Southwold today, the Suffolk town where the PM is holidaying with his family. We're not told if Gordon was out on the streets waving his Union Jack, but it seems that the Royal Couple did hold a meeting with the local Samaritans.

I'll leave you to insert your own tasteless joke about phone calls concerning the death of political careers...


  1. i don't think that joke really occurs to anyone but you, iain.

  2. Okay Iain, you asked for it....

    Is it true that The Samaritans have had one of these units installed so they know when Gordon's one the phone again?

  3. Perhaps the Prince was asking Gordo to help him with the 35% increase in the Prince's gas bill - after all Gordo was such a good man with numbers...

    35% = Political Dynamite

  4. And so HRH Prince Charles follows the hearse solemnly down the High Street, accompanied by Camilla.
    A well wisher named Alex lined the route, proudly waving an SNP banner.
    Other members of the public were sadly absent, having had a prior engagement at the "going out of business" World of Leather sale.

    Former Prime Ministers also followed behind the Army Snatch LandRover towing a trailer containing the body of Gordon Brown's career.

    Lady Thatcher seemed delighted that the coffin wasn't hers, while John Major showed clear signs of sympathy. Anthony Blair seemed somewhat melancholy, as if he had finally bested a once formidable foe who had grown old and weary.
    His good lady showed less restraint, grinning like a letter box and laughing like a witch.

    Further back came his many friend, Edward and Mrs Balls, who was heard to comment, "well, that's the end of us".

    David Milliband, the acting Prime minister, threw the first handful of earth into the garden/compost recycling bin.
    "Its what he would have wanted. Here he can carry on getting on with the job of continuing to make fertilizer of all he touched, if only for a little while longer."

    The full service is available on the BBC 4 channel between 3am and 3.55 am.

    Order of service.

    Recital "ode to joy"

    Reading by Iman Al-Quada "Yeah; so shall you reap"

    "all things bright and beautiful"

    A.Blair: Excerpts from his wife's book.

    Hymn "I'm so excited, I just can't hide it"

    Eulogy: J.Prescott. [translation by the Arch Bishop.]

    The choir sings hits from Mama Mia!

    Prayer: God Save The Queen

    Final reading:
    " The Treasury parable of the 4.24% quota for loaves and the advantages of moving one of the two fish off balance."

    Exit: {to theme from Ben 10 }

  5. For one moment I thought you were referring to The Queen.

    Then again, maybe you were.

  6. Don't the royals always visit when there's a disaster in a town?

  7. Gordon isn't staying in Southwold !

    He's actually staying inland about 10 miles away, and the nearest town to him is not Southwold - its Beccles.

    Hes staying at Shadingfield Hall which is rentable via:

    and its location on Google Maps:,GB&ie=UTF8&ll=52.401993,1.578854&spn=0.117511,0.219727&t=h&z=12

    As you can see from that Google view, he doesn't have a view of the pier or even a chance of smelling Adnams brewing.

    I'm amazed that the press/blogoshere haven't picked up on this amazing bit of spin from Gordon. I may have missed it - but I've yet to see a photo of him even in Southwold.
