Saturday, July 12, 2008

Name That Political Autobiography!

Just a bit of fun, but I thought we'd have a little competition today (with no prize...) whereby I ask you to suggest titles for the following politicians' autobiographies. Or feel free to suggest some others...

1. Hazel Blears
2. David Davis
3. Vince Cable
4. Wendy Alexander
5. Michael Martin


  1. David Davis "My part in My Downfall"

  2. Michael Martin: Order Order My Wife a Taxi

  3. Blears - Chipmunk on a bike
    David Davis - One who dares
    Cable - Plumbing the depths
    Wendy Alexander - The inperceptible rise to failure
    Michael Martin - No class. Sub-title .. An end to class war (believe that and you're a muppet)

  4. Vince Cable - Always live, never neutral

    Michael Martin - Disorder, disorder...

    Hazel Blears - Labour: My Part in its Downfall

    David Davis - Choice of Freedom

    Wendy Alexander - not so much a book as a set of fuzzy felt...

  5. Michael Martin - Social Mobility From honourable sheet metal worker to disgusting class warrior thug.

  6. 1. Hazel Blears - Who needs talent?

    2. David Davis - Do you remember me?

    3. Vince Cable - Bean Counter

    4. Wendy Alexander - Buddy, can you spare £995?

    5. Michael Martin - Power Corrupts

  7. Blears-"The long and short of it".
    PS...What about Jeffrey Archer.....
    "A CRICK in the neck"..think about it!

  8. Anthony Eden "Where I led Gordon will follow"

  9. Hazel Blears. Chopped off at the kneecaps.

    David Davis. Suicide Mission.

    David Milliband. Endless Puberty.

    Ken Livingstone. It Should Have Been Me. (Boris, my Nemesis!).

    David Cameron. Irresistible Force.

    Boris Johnson. The Latin Lover.

  10. Michael Martin - Head Headbanger


    Taking the Mick

    Alan Douglas

  11. Gordon Brown - "Macavity: From Stalin to Mr Bean"

  12. How about Harriot Harmon?

    "overcoming merit through gender awareness"

  13. Hazel Blears - View from a Periscope
    David Davis - The Straight Choice
    Vince Cable - Hotwired
    Wendy Alexander - Scotch the Rumours
    Michael Martin - I was Rab C Nesbitt's Spin Doctor

    "Only in it for the money" - a cross party anthonlogy.

  14. I think the creative souls in the Commons would probably write autobiographical novels, or even a Roman a clef, rather than a strict autobiography. How about:

    Hazel Blears and Sarah Teather - 'Very Little Women'

    William Hague - 'Previously Great Expectations'

    Vince Cable - 'Orange-bookers are not the only Fruit-loops'

    Michael Martin - 'Potrait of a Chartist as a rich man'

    Den Dover - 'Down and Out in Brussels *and* Strasbourg'

  15. Hazel Blears -- Chipper
    Neil Kinnock -- Gone With the Wind
    Jack Straw -- I've Never Even Seen a Paraplegic Camel, Honest
    Gordon Brown -- Ducked Courage
    David Miliband -- Great Expectations
    Ed Balls -- Body Knob
    IDS -- SYL
    Quentin Davies -- Out of My Mind
    David Willetts -- Geeks Bearing Gifts
    Mark Oaten -- Wild Oats
    David Davies -- Wrong Numbers
    Boris Johnson -- The Man in the Ironic Mask
    Iain Dale --

  16. David Davis - Freedom isn't Free

  17. "1. Hazel Blears"

    Biker Mouse from Mars.

    PS Sara Teather's not too 'little' in some departments Morus. Quite an handful some say!

  18. Wendy Alexander..Living in a goldfish bowl
    Michael Martin.. Breeding matters!Bollacks.
    Hazel Blears ...Empty Barrels

  19. Blears "Can you see me Mother?"

  20. David Davis "Bully For YOU"

  21. Hazel Blears -- 'Little Sister Was Watching You'

    David Davis -- 'My Way'

    Vince Cable -- 'A Long Day's Journey to the Right'

    Wee Wendy -- 'Gordon Brown, My Part in his Downfall'

    Michael Martin -- "Bewigged Bothered and Bewildered'

  22. 2: Give me Liberty or Give me Death - David Davis.

    5: "Taxi!" The Wife's Journey of Michael Martin.

  23. Hazel Blears. A Short Biography
    David Davis. Who Dares Won

    David Milliband. How to Watch Paint Dry
    Ken Livingstone. The Comeback Kid

    David Cameron. Everybodies Friend
    Boris Johnson. Blondes have More FUn

  24. Gordon Browm -- 'Worth the wait'

    Michael Martin -- 'Integrity Tested'

  25. 1. Hazel Blears - TOPIC (nutty...a one bite novel)

    2. David Davis - PETARD (bit of a damp sqib...phut)

    3. Vince Cable - HAS BEAN ('Sharp' but half baked)

    4. Wendy Alexander - GUPPY (disambiguation....Darius!)

    5. Michael Martin - BRING ME SUNSHINE ("Hip-Shifting for the Night Fleet")

  26. 1. Hazel Blears - Nuttier than squirrel sh*t.

    2. David Davis - Freedom is a novel idea.

    3. Vince Cable - It could have been me.

    4. Wendy Alexander - Bring it on!

    5. Michael Martin - Stuck in the middle like poo.

  27. Hazel Blears - 'The only way is Up'

    David Davis 'Liberty'

    Vince Cable 'Mr Bean and I'

    Wendy Alexander 'Why lip surgery does not work'

    Michael Martin 'They say I was one of the greatest speakers of the house of commons, but I couldn't possibly comment'

    Gordon Brown 'Courage Volumn 4:
    Taking tough decisions'

    Jack Straw. 'A man of Straw'

    Harriet Harman. 'I always wore the trousers'

    Peter Hain 'Tanning for Dummies'

    Tessa Jowell 'I won the lottery'

    Geoff Hume. 'At the forefront of British Politics'

  28. Boris Johnson - Spectator No More

    David Davis' Deadly Book Of Political Assassination

    Wendy Alexander - Out Of My Depth

    Michael Martin - Cooking The Books - Advanced Level.

    Vince Cable - Political Genius In A Liberal Democratic Wasteland

    Hazel Blears - Gordon's Pet Dwarf

  29. David Davis - The ego has landed.

  30. Michael Martin: Order! order! there's no accounting

    Wendy Alexander: Big Brother in the House

    Gordon Brown: Scotch, on the Rocks

    Alistair Darling: Scot on the Rock

  31. Charles Kennedy: Scotch and Sober

  32. Michael Martin: Pride and Prejudice
    Vince Cable: Gullible's Travels
    Gordon Brown: Dithering Heights
    Jaqui Smith: Tale of two Titties
    John Prescott: Naked Lunch
    Ed Milliband: The Big Sheep
    Wendy Alexander: to Kill a Mocked-at-Bird
    Hoon: Tinker,Traitor,Soldier,Sh*t
    Jack Straw: Waiting for Gordot.
    Ed Balls: The Great Fatsby
    David Davis: Sense and Sensibility
    Peter Hain: A Clockwork Orange
    Charles Kennedy: Schindlers Pissed.
    Alistair Darling : Diary of a Nobody
    Des Browne : Des Miserables
    Lord Levy : Vanity Fair
    Tamsin Dunwoody: Exodus
    Harriet Harman: Bin-Her

  33. Tony Blair - Live and Let Die

    George W Bush & Dick Cheney - The World is not Enough

    Mark Oaten - The Guy Who Loved Me

    Wendy Alexander - Moneyraker

    John Prescott - Blunderball

    Gordon Brown - Die Another Day

    Vladimir Putin - From Russia with Radioactive Poison

    Simon Hughes - For Everyone's Eyes Only

    Cyril Smith - Thunderthighs

    Evan Harris - Dr Death

    and, not a politician, but...

    Sir Ian Blair - Licence to Kill (the innocent)

  34. Hmm.. missing an angle here, forget the books, collar the market in the musicals, and your fortune shall be made..

    Blears - Eager Beaver Chipmunk Fever. Featuring the songs of the Bee Gees.. A lowly working class dancer tries to hit the big-time in the big, bad city relying on her wits and her, er, wisdom to make it, well as large as she can manage in high heels really..

    David Davis - A subtle re-working of that high culture epic 'Chess' by those musical polymaths Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, who has subtly changed the words to..
    "One night in Haltem-price and Howden... I can fell an angel sliding up to me.."

    Michael Martin - Phantom on the Expense Account - a touching tale in which a hideously disfigured Speaker somehow manages to land a mutually beneficial relationship with a lady with expensive tastes in travel and dining...

    Vincent Cable - A non-sexist working of the fable of Cinderella in which Vincent does get to go to the ball to dance with the lovely Alesha, who then has to repatriate his slip-on which has become slip-off, all to the music of Mis-teeq..

    Wendy Alexander - Well, I'm sorry to be so predictable, but it just has to be Evita doesn't it ? She takes other peoples money so that she can lavish it on herself and the poor folk of Scotland despite the fact that she doesn't have the charisma or power of Eva Peron.. so she ends up living alone with a wide variety of stray cats she has taken in..
    Based on the book 'Old Possum's book of Characterless Prats..'

  35. Chris Patten:

    "Patten - Lust for Infamy"

  36. Fiona McTaggart

    'Beauty is not just skin deep'

  37. 1. Holding Back The Blears
    2. With My Bare Hands
    3. The Cable Guy
    4. Sister 'n' Law
    5. Taxi To The Dark Side

  38. 1. Hazel Blears - Love's Labour's Lost
    2. David Davis - Much Ado About Nothing
    3. Vince Cable - The Comedy Of Errors
    4. Wendy Alexander - All's Well That Ends Well
    5. Michael Martin - The Merry Wife Of Glasgow

  39. Going on my theme of Shakespearean plays, I had a few other ideas:

    1. James Callaghan - The Winter's Tale
    2. William Hague - Measure For Measure
    3. Mark Oaten - A Midsummer Night's Dream
    4. Gordon Brown - Macbeth

  40. Gordon Brown. Walking Into a Propeller.

    Tony Blair. A Preen too Far.

    Michael Martin. White Collar Crime Boy.

    President Mugabe. The Scum Also Rises.

    Michael Portillo. Un Visage a Claque.

  41. 1. Toxic
    2. Baby one more time
    3. Do Somethin
    4. From the bottom of my broken heart
    5. My Prerogative.

  42. Michael Martin and the Chamber of (Legally Enforced) Secrets.
