Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Imperial War Museum To Get New VC Gallery

As many readers know, Michael Ashcroft is one of the investors in TOTAL POLITICS. He gets a lot of flak for his political activities and even, unbelievably, for the fact that he is a collector of Victoria Crosses. A couple of years ago I advised him on the publishing of his book VICTORIA CROSS HEROES, which became a best seller.

Perhaps his detractors might like to pause today when they read in today's papers that he is donating £5 million to the Imperial War Museum to house a new gallery to house not only his own collection of 152 VCs, but also the 50 VCs and 29 George Cross medals already owned by the museum.


  1. Your point is what? Rich man gives away money. Recipient of rich man's largesse bigs him up. Remind me what bears do in the wood again?

  2. Glad to hear that part of Britain's military history will be returning home from Belize.

    OK, I shouldn't snipe, this really is a good thing :-)

  3. @ John terry's tears.

    You really have no idea at all, do you? Anyone who's served in the armed forces in your tribe?

  4. John terry's tears said.

    I cannot believe that you could write such rubbish. This donation is to honour those men and women who have in most cases, given their lives in a very courageous manner.

    That their memory will live on in the Imperial War Museum through the generosity of this man is wonderful news and will be greatly appreciated by the majority of men and women of this ,once, great country.

    When supposedly 'men' can cry over losing a game of football, it may pay such people to visit the museum when this wing is completed to realise that whilst they play a game, they play because men and women far greater than them gave their lives for others!

    Frankly your comments are despicable.

  5. I was going to post a sarky comment along the lines of "Do you really think the NuLab attack dogs will give it a rest just because he's done something that no one could argue against" and "John Terrys Tears" made my point for me before I even got here. If Iain didn't ban the C word I would call you one sir, for one you are.

  6. Great museum to visit, if only to see the magnificent works of art.

  7. "Glad to hear that part of Britain's military history will be returning home from Belize."

    Betty Vasquez?
