Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Darling Pops in for a Swift One

Alastair Darling is currently quaffing drinks at the BBC Scotland reception ... snubbing his own drinks reception at the Treasury. Glasgow East anyone?


  1. Darling is probably reminding the BBC that they will need their support (in return for another 10 years of ripping off the tax payer with the TV tax) to defeat the Tories at the next election.

    Judging by the way the BBC has down played the toilet bowl economy, chav families and knife crime, not to mention Fatty Spliff's massive U-turn (seeing her do a U turn is like watching someone doing a 3 point turn in an oil tanker on a canal) on A&E ward hoodie's.

    Now you don't even need to go out on the streets to get knifed. Fatty Spliff will simply let you take one to the guts in an A&E ward. Cuts out the need for the Ambulance service I suppose.

    Oh and I loved Littlejohn's attack on Flint in the Mail today. Priceless.

  2. I expect he wants to be amongst freinds, after the day he's had... I can't see that hanging round the Treasury's much fun these days!
    As for Glasgow East, he might just be quietly hoping for a Labour rout to get him off the hook before Christmas. Just a thort...

  3. I thought there were no takers for Glasgow East.

  4. Surely Iain, you're not suggesting....

    ...that Darling may stand in Glasgow East? :O

    oh no, silly me, they already have some other non-entity standing. :)

  5. martin said ...

    Spliff = oil tanker ... great image !

  6. Guido Fawkes is claiming that Labour's campaign in Glasgow East has reached a new low in desperation (http://www.order-order.com/2008/07/exclusive-glasgow-east-labour-fakes-93.html ). If this story's true, it'll be dynamite.

  7. If it's true that Darling has now been barred from public houses throughout the kingdom, he must try to get a drink wherever he can find someone willing to serve him.

  8. Darling is most unlikely to be in the Commons after the next General Election. According to Stuart Dickson in comments on Politicalbetting.com, when current polls are pumped into Baxter, there are only be 6 Labour MPs left in Scotland from the current 40.


  9. New Labour's Darling is probably there to add his tuppence worth to the comments emanating from New Labour Central Office earlier this week alleging BBC Scotland is pro-Scottish National Party.

    It should be no surprise that New Labour have a track record of having done this during every election in Scotland.

    All of this is rather nauseating as in reality BBC Scotland is more like New Labour's PRAVDA in Scotland.

    To add insult to injury New Labour have also just appointed one of their ex MP's who lost his seat at the last election to head the new Scots Gaelic digital TV channel that starts broadcasting this autumn.

    It may interest those of you outside Scotland to know that New Labour have an exclusive hold on reporting and opinion in all of the media in Scotland. Despite this the SNP have fought their way to power and acclaim in Scotland.

  10. The Beeboid bar is probably one of the few bars in Scotland (or Britain for that matter) where Darling isn't barred...

  11. John Craig on live Sky News right now has just said he's come from the Treasury drinkies and "...there, Alistair Darling said..."

    Surely the Sky News reporter can't be spinning for Labour because there is no way you could mistake those eyebrows?!

  12. I got him a class of white McWine !! What a sweet man...

  13. After Railtrack and now the economy, I fully expect the drink will turn sour before it reaches his lips...

  14. He sure isn't going to get a drink anywhere but at a private function, none of the pubs will have him. And serve you right, Mr Darling. Next time you might think twice before you ban something out of hand.

    You'll go down in history for this...as the government minister who made himself even more unpopular than Beeching's Axe!

  15. Lord Elvis of Paisley said...
    After Railtrack and now the economy, I fully expect the drink will turn sour before it reaches his lips...

    You forgot his notoriety for the crooked SERAS Report on airport expansion. Alastair Darling is the Dirty Man Of Europe in my neck of the woods.

    You are not welcome in Heathrow, Stansted or most parts of Essex, Alastair Darling.

    Darling's going to end up in exile overseas when he retires, just like Dr Beeching, he had to leave the country because he was so hated for the damage he caused.

  16. But remember as a lot of rebel backbench Labour MPs have been told - " Don't worry. Alistair will put it ALL right in the November pre-budget statement !"

  17. Anon at 10:02 is absolutely right about the state of the Scottish media. Given that the tide has turned, they are going to be completely stranded by new media channels as a reward for their spin.

  18. clicked on your 1 min Gordo poll and find meself inundated with spam and ads for this so-called alleged Debenham's voucher.
    Clearly its a fishing trip that demands names, addresses, phone & mail data.
    I hope yopu have some means of getting the perps to clear the info base, cos i hold you directly responsible if i get me e-mail address flooded out.
    I would expect more care on your part as a sensible intelligenmt switched on blogger and businessman.

  19. The man always looks so sad and browbeaten... I think he would have been a better chancellor and the country would be better placed had Blair pulled the plug on brown when he was ascendant, and had put Darling in his place ....
    He may also have gone full term , with less plotting from the treasury bunker
