Monday, July 28, 2008

Breaking News: Subversiveness Beckons...

I am notified by a correspondent that my blog has now been blocked by the Great Firewall of China. All I can say is, what took them so long?


  1. Ahhh. People's Democratic Republic. Three words that mean exactly the opposite of what they say.

    Congratulations on achieving 'Imperialist Running Dog' status. You are in good company. I understand Chris Patten was officially branded as an 'IRD' while governor of Hong Kong.

  2. I read that as ‘submissiveness beckons’ . I was just thinking "No Dale", I do not want a blow by blow account of your sordid sexualised role playing theatrics for all that I will defend your right to indulge in whatever perverse and disgusting act you like.Then I read it properly ...


  3. 'what took them so long?'

    the fact that you are not so important.

  4. They took the wrong slant on what you were saying.

  5. I have a friend who lives in China and he just seconds ago accessed your site without any trouble...

  6. Congratulations and well done Ian - they OBVIOUSLY take you very seriously - whats the betting unlectedted brown had something to do with it - take it as a compliment

  7. ...and I was so looking forward to your live updates from the Olympics...

  8. Must be very recent. I was there last week and you were coming loud and quee-- er, I mean, clear.

  9. IRD. Your new initials Iain,

    It means, of course when they have control of the planet, you are one of the first to be shot.

    Have a nice day.

  10. All of blogspot and blogger are blocked. As are all other blogging services. Not just you, I'm afraid.

  11. When I was in China three years ago the Great Fire Wall wasn't so great. You might be able to email your correspondant a link - so long as it's not the home URL - he/she may be able to navigate.

    This certainly worked with the BBC when I was there. I got people at home to email me links and so long as I never went back to just I could get the whole site.

    Sarah. Trying to break down those pesky walls.

  12. Congratulations, If ever there was a badge of honour for a blogger this must surely be it.

  13. Congratulations, If ever there was a badge of honour for a blogger this must surely be it.

  14. The so called "Great Firewall Of China" website is almost completely useless and wrong.

  15. Obviously havent yet realised Blogging is an Olympic Sport!!!!!!

  16. An outstanding achievement by any standards. But it won't matter very much though.

    Nobody will be able to see the minority sportspersons coughing and wheezing their way through the peasouper that passes for the air in Beijing, so there won't be much to see or write about.

  17. Know how you feel Iain.

    I have just been banned from Comment is Free. {posting as Joe Starlin ) note the deliberate spelling mistake.

    The first thing I thought was "Why did it take them so long."

    May I say also?

    Please try to get a copy of Atlas Shrugged and READ it very carefully. It is one of the most badly written novels ever produced but is a work of a truly sublime intellect all the same.

    It explains all you need to know about what is happening RIGHT NOW. This because the work was financed promoted and commissioned by the people that run this world, as a blueprint for THEIR future and our demise.

    Atlas Shrugged

  18. I'm writing this from Guangzhou at the moment, Iain. No problem at all.

  19. "Ah so"............
    it was pointless adding translation to my blog then?

  20. Better late than never ") Mine was blocked last year!

  21. It amazes me how much your ego is boosted by something which happens to all bloggers!

    Nicolaus Copernicus (February 19, 1473 – May 24, 1543) was the first astronomer to formulate a scientifically based heliocentric cosmology that displaced the Earth from the center of the universe.

    Then we had Galileo.

    Galileo's championing of Copernicanism was controversial within his lifetime. The geocentric view had been dominant since the time of Aristotle, and the controversy engendered by Galileo's presentation of heliocentrism as proven fact resulted in the Catholic Church's prohibiting its advocacy as empirically proven fact, because it was not empirically proven at the time and was contrary to the literal meaning of Scripture.

    Then came Iain Dale,who disproved all of this because the entire blogging world revolves around him.

  22. Probably in preparation for the Olympics Iain - you (and many other bloggers) will be much more likely to write about China throughout this event than you would ordinarily.. and then when it's finished, you'll forget all about it again.

    If there were to be any major civil unrest the first thing they'd do is "switch off" all of their ISPs and mobile carriers.

  23. But. Your Blog was hardly overflowing with chinese contributions before it was chopped suey.

  24. Access to your blog used to be blocked by the Hertfordshire Library Service.

    This site is banned site:

    You are seeing this error because what you attempted to access appears to contain, or is labeled as containing, material that is contrary to the Library's Acceptable Use Policy.

    If you have any queries please contact a member of staff.

  25. Ha - so!

    Preez rissen. Preez do not attempt to force your brog on the people of China.

    You are Impeeriarist Lunning Dog; not likey-likey in China.

    Also, homosexuarist - not good, except for gallotting.

    We prace cookie on your brog - is not fortune cookie, is tlacking cookie. Brog blake down soon.

  26. Oh Mr Dale, and I was just rejoicing here on the 17th floor of my Beijing block that they've taken you off the blacklist. Unfortunately Guido remains well, shunned. Or well shunned. Still, TOR, you know? Anonymous tonight.
