Friday, July 04, 2008

Bob Geldof on Freedom & Liberty

Bob Geldof paid a visit to Haltemprice & Howden today to support David Davis. He gave a terrific speech, which you can read HERE. Here's an excerpt...
Let us be grand for once then, for we talk of great subjects. Let us ask ‘what is the point of England “ now that Parliament, whose primary purpose is to defend the liberties of the people have so gratuitously, so wantonly, so casually betrayed that trust and taken from us that same liberty which above all else defines this country and its constitution, and that which has been its greatest gift to the world its freedom, its tolerances, its civilisation which William Wilberforce so forcefully argued from this town so many centuries ago.Melville claimed for America “that it bears the Ark of the liberties of the world.” It could be better said of that Britain which invented and codified those freedoms.

Are Magna Carta, and Habeas Corpus not to mention the Anti-Slavery laws, to be traduced in one brief sad moment of political expediency. When a 800 years ago Britons told the state in words that still ring true and through the ages: “To no man will we deny, To no man will we delay, Justice and Right”. 42 days detention denies and delays Justice and Right. It is a clear breach of ancient right, of Magna Carta itself.

So what great existential threat does this country now face that did not face our forefathers of the past 1000 years. What is so grave the emergency now that neither civil war nor world war nor various terrorisms were considered so dangerous to our security that our oldest statutes -and few have lasted the 400 years relevance of habeas corpus - could be upended for such a ha’pnworth of momentary contemporary panic. If authority is to be respected it must be just. When it is not, then the greatest threat to that authority is its own instinct to authoritarianism.

These new security measures, these new limitations on our liberties are not the thin end of the wedge We’re way past that now. This is now, already, the bulkier mid way point of that authoritarian block. For we have in the past few years so mauled our ancient defended rights, rights for which bloody battles were fought and heroes lived and died for, as to seriously consider whether the constitution is today much more than a cartoon of its essential meaning. And what moral authority resides any longer in a lawmaking body that acts against the liberties of its own people? Is it not true that the willingness to use intolerable means to achieve impossible ends shows the political mind at its most deluded?

Meanwhile our supine press gulled by political complicity, lull the population to apathy by banging on with their trivial irrelevancies while the constitution is quietly turned aside. Shame on them. Alas they are shameless.

What terrorizes the terrorists is our civilization. What those unthinking fools of fundamentalism fear most are the very freedoms our representatives strip from us. Essentially this ‘war on terror’is a conflict waged against Islamist forces that claim to reject the Enlightenment. If that is so, then how can we ever succeed if we side with our opponents in rejecting those same ideals? Every moment we are spied on by the invisible watchers. Every time that we are recorded and monitored at every turn, on every purchase. Every time we are mandatorially logged, noted, tagged and followed on databanks and files because “it is in our best interest” They win. And every time we accept it, we lose. We must not hold this attitude of passive acceptance to these restraints on justice, rights and liberties that ultimately amounts to nothing more than complicity with intolerance.

Inspirational stuff. But not considered worthy of reporting by any BBC channel. Maybe they thought DD's outing on ANY QUESTIONS tonight was enough publicity for one day.


  1. more importantly... when do we bomb zimbabwe?

  2. And to think that up until now I'd written him off as a light weight.

    I am in awe.

    This gives me hope for the shape of the world my children will be experiencing twenty years hence.

    Thank you BG.

  3. Sorry, I don't understand. Is this Bob Geldof's speech, or DDs?

    It sounds too articulate for BG.

    Never mind. Nobody cares. Nobody really cares. Do you hear people on the bus talking about this? Are the newspapers taking up the cause? No. People want to know who is being kicked out of Big Brother.

    The nightmare has arrived. We live in one of the most controlled anti-democracies in Western Europe.
    David Davis was right to stand up for this issue, but he is a voice crying in the wilderness: his only observer will be the usual street-corner CCTv camera, the only listeners are merely making sure he does not upset minorities.

  4. And thank you DD for having the conviction, courage and foresight to get things started.

  5. Maybe something to do with freedom of speech being controlled...

  6. All the news media are running big on Lewis, why aren't you?

  7. George Orwell told us in '1984' that truth would be suppressed. Aldous Huxley told us in 'Brave new world' that truth would be lost in a mass of trivia. The truth is, both were correct yet somehow Huxley's predictions seem more terrifying to me. That we are on the brink of losing such essential and historical liberties whilst the country shovels alcohol down it's collective throats whilst watching rubbish on the idiot box and pondering on such inanities as whether Posh Spice has lost too much weight is truly truly frightening

  8. Very good speech from Mr Geldof, reminiscent of the one Col Tim Collins (another oppnent of 42 days) gave ahead of the invasion of Iraq.

    Sadly, as another contributor said earlier, this is wasted on the public at large. They don't understand what is at risk here, what it is they will lose if this goes through. The general public are, sadly, 'comfortably numb'.

  9. DD was outed on Any Questions? Bloody Hell! I can't blame the BBC for thinking that was a bigger story...

  10. Gordon will lose Gorbals East, a general election will follow that Dave will win.

    Let's assume this comes true.

    Will the new Tory government act any differently in matters of freedom and liberty?

    I do not think they will.

    If that is true, then none of our politicians want us to be free.

    What then?

  11. NuLabsockpuppet-11.33

    Lewis is peanuts compared to the erosion of our national values and freedoms.

  12. Strange that both the TV and Radio 4 news programmes at six o'clock managed to cover the media hype surrounding Doctor Who's season finale, but failed to cover this quite extraordinary speech. Is the self publicising of an expensive BBC drama more newsworthy in the BBC's eyes than a speech which ably progresses our country's liberty debate?

    Thanks as ever for bringing it to light Iain.

  13. If he's been speaking about Africa or global warming it would have had wall to wall coverage on the Beeb. But our freedoms...?

  14. As Tony Hancock said: "Remember Magna Carta - did she die in vain?"

  15. Historical ignorance rampant again. There were major suspensions of civil liberties in World War II, and with good reason. Ask the ghost of Oswald Mosley for an explanation.

  16. Mr Weasel, if you had ever chatted to Bob Geldof you would be impressed by his quick wit and intelligence.

  17. Tremendous effort by erm... an Irish national, who doubtless takes great pride in his country's repudiation of 800 years of English rule and legal tradition (the chap who signed Magna Carta had a part-time title of Lord of Ireland).

  18. captain cupcake said...

    "Will the new Tory government act any differently in matters of freedom and liberty?

    I do not think they will."

    And you are right. DD is an exception; most of them are in love with power.

  19. What a wonderful speech. It brought fierce, proud tears to my eyes. Thank you, Bob Geldoff and thank you David Davis. I love you both for defending our freedom so fiercely, courageously and eloquently

  20. And, unbelievably, Jill Saward is
    apparently the Zanuliebour spokesperson.

  21. But Iain, you say the BBC did not report this - was there actually any video of the speech to report ??

    If not, I cannot entirely blame them for reporting that there 'was a press release' - there needs to be a bit more than that to generate a story for the six o'clock news.

    Where was Bob Ethiopia speaking ?

  22. I like DD and his campaign, but this speech leaves me thinking: windbag.

  23. "...have you forgotten Magna Carta?Did she die in vain?A Hungarian peasant girl..."I love Hancock.

  24. Anonymous 11.18. I am told various BBC national outlets were informed of Bob's trip and the contents of his speech. None decided he was worth talking to. The BBC doesnt take other people's video.

    Of course there wasnt just a press release. All the programmes were briefed on the visit and the speech.

  25. Fine speech.

    Anon 8:47. You are wrong. While it is true that there were suspensions of rights/liberties in WW2 detention without trial was viewed as a temporary measure. It was famously described as 'in the highest degree odious' by Churchill himself. Within three years most of those detained under Regulation 18B had been freed. By the time the wart ended there were only a handful left in custody. And moreover we compensated and apologised to those who were not fifth columnists. Mosley was of course a fascist and a danger. Pentonville was the best place for him and his misses.

    There is a big difference between then and now. In WW2 were were engaged in total war. A war for our survival as a nation. The 'war against terror' is not of the same magnitude. The powers that Brown wants are a permanent departure from the norm to deal with a threat that is trivial compared to the Nazis. Compare the Blitz to 7/7 if you disagree. Back then the line was 'we can take it'.

    For me the whole thing is summed up in Franklin's observation 'They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.'

  26. Stirring stuff by BG.

    Remember this is nothing AT ALL to do with "democracy". This is about Rule of Law. Far more important.

  27. When Lefties like Geldolf start waxing about freedom we have to wonder what dictionary they are using.This is the man who thinks robbing taxpayers of billions and funnelling the money down the black hole of Africa is perfectly acceptable.We don't need any lectures from his like on freedom.When his ilk start arguing for the frontiers of the welfare state to be rolled back they will be taken seriously re freedom.Not before.

  28. Re Niconoclast's commments there has always been a healthy strand of left wing opinion ( Benn the Elder also supports DD )which believes in freedom and liberty of the individual even though they can still hold left wing views on other issues

  29. David Davis really is scraping the bottom of the barrel if he has to turn to Bob Geldof for support.

    Has poverty been made history yet Bob?

  30. I imagine comments are closed by now, but Rohan is confusing means with ends. The Blitz vs 7/7 is not the point. Nazism and Islamism are equally dangerous, and feed from the same poisoned sources. The measures in WWII were for the duration, not temporary - Churchill, like the other MPs who passed the laws pertaining, hoped they would end, but they ended with victory. 42 days can be ended when it's no longer needed.
