Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Blogwars Revisited: Look Away Now

For those who were bored by the blogwars of 2007, feel free to skip this post. But if you want to know why some of us grew rather weary of the attacks on us by XXXXX of Bloggerheads, click HERE. He's been well and truly banged to rights by Phil Hendren (Dizzy) for his madcap conspiracy theories. And the person to do the banging? Why, none other than John Hirst, aka Jailhouselawyer.

I have no reason to write anything nice about Mr Hirst after all the things he has called me on his blog. But it takes a big man to admit when you've got something badly wrong, so well done to him for proving XXXXX's conspiracy theory wrong and as mad as a box of frogs. That's the conspiracy theory, I mean. Not XXXX. Obviously.


  1. Tim Ireland needs help. This man is one serious nutter. he made Anne Milton's life a misery for years. Nadine did the right thing when she switched off her comments, there is no other way to deal with someone like him. Well done Dizzy for showing him up to be exactly what he is - what a star.

  2. And given some of the comments about Mr Hirst which Iain has let through moderation in the past, it is not clear why he would have anything nice to say about Iain.

    It is also unfortunate that Nadine Dorries has been unable to apoloise for her slur on Ben Goldacre, which was patently false. It would improve her credibility as a parliamentarian if she were to demonstrate that she knew that evidence to a select committee was routinely published before relevant evidence sessions.

  3. I've just spent hours reading all this rubbish. Have I got OCD? Certainly that Tim Ireland bloke has got it. I'm amazed that Dizzy could be bothered to explain it all.

    I used to work with a bloke called Tim Ireland - bald, gay, ex-nurse turned NHS manager-type who lives in Sheffield. It's not him is it? I always thought he was weird.

    Anyway, glad it's all over now. We can get back to slagging off Labour and kicking Brown when he's down! (Whoops, reactionary Tory sentiments coming out there.)

  4. "Handbags at dawn" springs to mind

  5. Why do people refer to Ireland as 'manic'?

    Don't they realise they are missing an 'a'....?

  6. Manic thinks Iain is rather quick to accept the convenient version of events.

  7. Brilliant literature. A great and informative read about the war. Thanks for the public service Iain. We are on your side. Forward to victory!

  8. Excuse me Iain, but what exactly is 'mad' about a box of frogs?

  9. I am from the Frog Liberation League and I take offence at some frogs in a box being referred to as mad. Boxed frogs are every bit as sane as unboxed frogs

  10. Looking on the 'bright side of life', the sound quality on that 'Friction' film was so mind bogglingly abysmal that the sound of the cars, lorries and, yes, a helicopter [!] drowned out whatever inane claptrap Nadine Dorries was shouting off..

    Every cloud, eh ?..

  11. i thought it was' as foul as a box of frogs' and 'as daft as a box of lights'

  12. This Ben Goldacre guy doth protest too much. He never seems to shutup about this which implies a degree of guilt, as in he may have been rumbled.Is he a friend of Evan Harris? He was obvioulsy a friend of Tim Ireland. I think Nadine is doing the right thing. Nothing parliamentarian about engaging with maniacs.

  13. I used to work with a bloke called Tim Ireland - bald, gay, ex-nurse turned NHS manager-type who lives in Sheffield.

    no, this one has hair, as befits a 'guru'. Can't say about the other attributes, mind.

  14. No, it's Nadine who was rumbled. She accused Goldacre of receiving and publishing a leak, when all he was doing was reproducing evidence sent to her committee and published by it.

  15. Actually anon @ 12.41, never shutting up implies innocence. The police always say they can never keep innocent men quiet while the guilty remain silent.

  16. Anon @ 12.41 - you are talking absolute claptrap, and clearly haven't the foggiest idea what you are on about.

    It was Dorries who blatantly smeared Ben Goldacre. A smear for which she has yet to publicly apologise. Her behaviour in this matter was a disgrace.

    Ben Goldacre is a respected member of the medical and scientific community, who takes boilerplate rubbish from the likes of Ms Dorries and then tells the real story.

  17. A friend of Evan Harris? Writes for the Guardian? Enough said.

  18. @matt:

    no-one said Goldacre was a friend of Evan Harris. And Cameron had a column in the Guardian in the last Parliament, I recall.
