Monday, June 23, 2008

Woe is Me

Apologies for no posting today. I have a streaming cold and feel as though death might be a more preferable option than addressing 300 people at the Total Politics launch party this evening.


  1. You seem to suffer from an inordinate amount of colds. I think you need to fill yourself with Vit C and Echinacea

  2. If they don't like your speech, they can go home. ... ooh .. racist!

    (so long as someone perceives it to be)

  3. Don't think you could have caught mine through cyberspace.My commiserations.

  4. A shot of whiskey mixed with a half pint of hot water, slice of lemon, teaspoon or two of honey and a few cloves chucked into the mix.

  5. My commiserations Iain, I know how you feel.

    Ordovicius, the only thing I'd add to that cure would be a couple of asprins :-)

  6. Hmm... what has actually happened is that Boris is getting his own back. Anyway, look on the bright side. He could have spiked your lunch with amoebic dysentery or salmonella instead.

  7. Iain, you really need to revisit that Total Politics ad. The scroll over effect is most alarming - unannounced full screen clseups of Grodon aren't good for anyone, let alone a chap in my (and presumably your) condition.

  8. Please take that picture of gordon down its scary.

  9. When I saw you on Sky the other night you looked ropey and I thought you had overdone the honeymooning. Have a break, take the whisky and good luck with the mag.
    freedom to prosper
    PS Take up smoking

  10. Might I suggest that you suck a 'fishermans friend' ? Though some might feel that you are in enough trouble already. Argh Argh !

  11. Congrats! The magazine seems really good...I wish you luck

  12. I think you feel as I did early yesterday and the day before. For me: steam, decongestants (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) - but not if you have a tendencey to raised blood pressure, anti-histamines and a combo of brandy, hot water, lemon juice and honey did a marvelous trick! Especially when I thought I was out of it! Not so.

    Best wishes and back to well soon!

  13. Half a bottle of whiskey does it for me. You might be rough, but you don't know and you don't bloody care.

  14. Codeine linctus clears the airways for me, though i have to hunt around for it.

  15. Man Flu - buck you ideas up!

  16. Nice the number of people on this thread who don't know Iain doesn't drink. It means loads of new readers coming onboard.

  17. Get well soon Iain...

    Do you have a take on Britishness lessons for the English?

  18. I thought you had influence- not influenza.

  19. I think the magazine is a great idea, but the first issue is very poorly executed.

    The layout and design is awful and hard to follow, the 14-point text suggests you don't have much to say and are stretching it out to fill pages, and the content, while promising, leaves a great deal to be desired. Too much fawning, not enough analysis. For example, how could any serious journalist secure a rare interview with Lynton Crosby and then fail to ask a single direct question about the role played by the Evening Standard in the mayoral campaign?

    3/10, could do better.

  20. "Nice the number of people on this thread who don't know Iain doesn't drink. It means loads of new readers coming onboard."

    Don't worry, Verity, you'll eventually scare them off as well.

  21. verity said...
    "Nice the number of people on this thread who don't know Iain doesn't drink."

    He may well drink whisky medicinally.

  22. Anonymous @ June 24, 2008 8:28 AM

    ".... The layout and design is awful and hard to follow, the 14-point text suggests you don't have much to say and are stretching it out to fill pages, ..."

    When my son was 8 he used to read 14 point reading books at school and was assessed with a reading age of 11.

    Emotional maturity of an 8 year old, and the intellect of an 11 year old? That sounds about right for some of the inhabitants of the Westminster village.

  23. Iain, I'm afraid I must concur with anonymous in respect of the magazine. Firstly I have to say that I am suprised at the website - whoever you have paid to design it should be sued for negligence. Not only does it not function well, it is very poorly designed, font and colours are reminisence of gcse colouring. I am sorry to say that it looks very unprofessional.

    Just look at the politico interview with Oaten and the size of font and garish colour! The html is also corrupt.

    I appreciate that Standpoint is a very different magazine but just take a look at their website in comparison. You really need to get a grip and do some serious thinking about those on the team around you. I am a risk analyst in the Square Mile and I would say you have comitted a big mistake in going to print as it stands. First impressions count and, I for one, am not impressed.

    My expectation was clearly far too high. 2/10.

  24. Did you find a miracle cure? Imagine my surprise on going to CH and being greeted by a vision of Iain Dale looking as fit as a flea. Shame about that miserable cove gazing morosely over your left shoulder though.

  25. If you are going to die, can you leave comment moderation OFF so that we can continue this blog while you have shuffled off to join the choir invisible...

    p.s. You are working too hard - shouldn't you be on 'honeymoon' ?

  26. Iain,

    Is the photo of Gordon Brown on the front cover of Total Politics either:

    (a) a fine example of the Photoshopper's craft?

    (b) a picture of Gordon Brown's waxwork in Madame Tussauds?

    Because it doesn't look at all like the chap we've come to know and despise...

  27. You see Iain, this is what happens when you slap that old panto dame Gordon Brown on your 1st front cover.

    The Brown 'Jonah' effect strikes again!

  28. The website is awful Ian. Probably best to take it down immediately and relaunch with one that can be easily read and not dazzled by the colour scheme. It really is one of the worst websites that I have visited.

    The photoshopped cover image of Gordon is a mistake, no one would want to be seen carrying that around in public.

  29. That picture leaping from the page is a rude assault sir. FFS make it a little smaller.
    Also you need a tag for NZ political blogs on the TP site. If the bloody germans get one we should have one too.

  30. Poor Iain, hope the worst is over quickly. Steam inhalation works, apparently.

    To reduce the risk of catching a cold, I've been told to avoid touching your mouth/eyes or other mucous membranes if you haven't just washed your hands. It's how many infections are spread, supposedly.

    (If Gordon doesn't suffer from frequent colds this must be be an old wives' tale)

  31. From the unofficial Army Handbook:

    "If you are looking for 'SYMPATHY' you will find it in the dictionary: it comes between 'SHIT' and 'SYPHILIS'. Now move your fucking arse, you wimp"!
