Monday, June 16, 2008

Thank You

Thank you to all those who have left such kind comments on the blog over the last couple of days and to those who have emailed me privately. John and I really appreciate your good wishes. We had a fantastic day yesterday and I'll post a few pics of the occasion later this evening. At the moment I am at Warners Printers in Peterborough watching the first issue of TOTAL POLITICS coming off the presses. Three of my colleagues are with me and we all agree it is as if we are collectively having a baby! We're abosolutely thrilled with how it looks.


  1. Wow! So Peterborough is now THE destination for honeymooning couples: are you planning to spend you second week in Crawley? :-)

  2. so glad it all went well for you and John.May you have many many happy years together.Look forward to the pics, so you didnt do a Hello deal then:>)

  3. At least you got married before the baby comes :)

  4. Congratulations to you both, I'm glad the day went so well for you.

  5. Glad that it all went to plan, and congratulations once again. I look forward to the pictures – and the magazine – with bated breath!

  6. Glad the day went well Iain.

    I must say though, I emailed the editor of Total Politics about the fact that the Green's are represented on the panel of the mag but UKIP aren't, and haven't got a response. I could put you in contact with someone from UKIP who would be very interested in playing a part, I'm sure.

  7. Congratulations again to you and John, Iain. I'm glad that the day went well.

  8. What! No immediate honeymoon!

  9. Hmmm...

    I have not until now made any comment, but since I think honesty in the blogosphere is important I will try.

    I am really pleased you had a nice day. I am really pleased that you are able to put your personal affairs on a proper legal footing. I think everyone should be able to do that and designate someone as a special dependant. Its a pity that some people are still discriminated against in this respect.

    I am afraid I do not see that this qualifies for anything approaching similarity to a wedding ceremony .. but let me be clear I respect the fact that people should chose to make a commitment in life. There is too little of that and its to be applauded.

  10. Sooo... another uneventful week then...

  11. trevorsden said...

    "I am really pleased you had a nice day. I am really pleased that you are able to put your personal affairs on a proper legal footing. I think everyone should be able to do that and designate someone as a special dependant. Its a pity that some people are still discriminated against in this respect."

    I hope these words are read by everyone who in the name of ending one form of discrimination merely imposed another. That is the real hypocrisy here.

  12. "I am afraid I do not see that this qualifies for anything approaching similarity to a wedding ceremony"


  13. BenSix said...

    "I am afraid I do not see that this qualifies for anything approaching similarity to a wedding ceremony"


    - It doesn't unite complementary genders with their generally contrasting personality characteristics.

    - It doesn't involve biologically natural sexual union.

    - It definitely doesn't result in procreating the human race and thereby creating natural kin.

    What's to ask "Why?" for?

  14. Apologies for derailing the thread, Iain.


    "It doesn't unite complementary genders with their generally contrasting personality characteristics."

    Non sequitur.

    "It doesn't involve biologically natural sexual union."

    Non sequitur.

    a) Why do you place an intrinstic value in the 'natural'.
    b) Homosexual unions are present in many other species.
    c) Do you oppose all other forms of sexual intercourse?

    "It definitely doesn't result in procreating the human race and thereby creating natural kin."

    I assume that you're opposed to the marriage of sterile individuals.


