Monday, June 09, 2008


From Lord Levy's Q and A on today's Independent...

Q. Are you still in regular touch with Tony Blair?
A. Yes, though much less than before. Call it a lucky guess, but I'm expecting that trend to accelerate in the wake of my book.

Q. Has your opinion of Cherie Blair changed in recent weeks?
A. Not one iota. Read into that what you will!


  1. "Accelerate"

    Monday morning, I suppose.

  2. It would be interesting to know hwo many book's Levy's sold.

    Cherie's book is being sold via Tesco, which seems to me the be the apropriate venue.

  3. auntie Flo' said...
    "Cherie's book is being sold via Tesco, which seems to me the be the apropriate venue."

    It is also being sold at Hatchards, Blackwells, Waterstones, W H Smith, John Lewis and the Parliamentary Bookshop.

    Very downmarket!

  4. I love this man!

  5. Did anyone within the ranks of New Labour have any time for dear Cherie?

    She denies a close or even friendly relationship with Derry Irvine in her autobiog, and yet Alastair Campbell's Diaries show Irvine keenly involved in the choice of schools for her children, on a personal, not political basis. Anyone able to explain these inconsistencies?

    Cherie has threatened instant legal action on any media which features her kids. Has she got something interesting to hide about one or two of them?

    I am sure Levy doesn't cover this topic, but you get the impression there might be something to hide. Clarissa Dickson in Her Spilling The Beans was adamant that Tony Blair was gay. Confusing, isn't it?

  6. My fave bit was:

    *** Q: Who would you like to see as the next Labour leader?

    *** A: Barack Obama

    Too right - Wouldn't we all like to see that...

  7. canvas said...
    "My fave bit was:
    *** Q: Who would you like to see as the next Labour leader?
    *** A: Barack Obama"

    Interesting that when, in late 2003, Americans were given a list of people including Tony Blair, George Bush and a number of prominent U.S. politicians and were asked who they would like to see as President, they overwhelmingly chose Blair.

  8. Anonymous said...
    auntie Flo' said...
    "Cherie's book is being sold via Tesco, which seems to me the be the apropriate venue."

    It is also being sold at Hatchards, Blackwells, Waterstones, W H Smith, John Lewis and the Parliamentary Bookshop.

    Very downmarket!

    Yes, but .... Tesco IS the appropriate venue

  9. Anonymous said...
    "Yes, but .... Tesco IS the appropriate venue"

    I saw Thatcher's biography in an Oxfam shop recently. I suppose that is equally appropriate.

  10. 7:32 - Could you tell us why?

    There is an easily discernible reason for equating Cherie Blair with Tesco's, but I don't understand your point about Margaret Thatcher's book in a charity shop. Was it a new book being sold at a sharp discount, or was it a used book that someone had paid for originally and later donated?

    We don't speak Trollese in these parts,so we didn't get your witticism.

  11. "Was it a new book being sold at a sharp discount, or was it a used book that someone had paid for originally and later donated?"

    It was donated in mint condition - UNREAD - by someone and was selling for £2.99. Presumably, they had been given it as a present but couldn't bring themselves to read it.

  12. 10:36 - Or alternatively, sweetie darling, the giftee already had the book, because it was such a popular item at the time, and decided, without telling the individual who gifted it, to donate it for the benefit of all.

  13. verity said...
    "I don't understand your point about Margaret Thatcher's book in a charity shop."

    Maybe the point was that Oxfam is a dumping ground for unfashionable, unwanted cast-offs.

  14. 3:04 - How long ago did Mrs Thatcher's book come out? Obviously, books that have been read and arent going to be read a second time do get passed on to friends, or donated.

    Cherie Blair is a low-rent sleazebag who discusses her private life and her bodily functions with the general public (I wonder why she thought people would be interested? Part of her delusional approach to life, I suppose.) That's why her book is in Tesco's. Water seeks its own level.

    I see you're not posting from the UK.

  15. verity said...
    "I see you're not posting from the UK."

    Why do you assume that?

  16. Just an assumption.

  17. verity said...
    "Just an assumption."

    Your favourite pastime"
