Saturday, June 07, 2008

More Bad Polls News for Gordon Brown

An ICM poll in tomorrow's Sunday Telegraph puts Labour on 26%, only 5 points ahead of the LibDems and 16 behind the Conservatives on 42%. It's Labour's worst ever showing in an ICM poll.


  1. You might want to tell us why?

  2. oh yes i remember John Major on a similar percentage and still winning

    When Cde Cameron is bald and we have PR lets see the result


  3. But this sleaze stuff will hit us hard just like G Schools

    so get ready

  4. Good news.I wonder if this all means that resources will be switched to the new marginal seats as was suggested in the Speccie . Perhaps we can have some more celebs down here where a good campaign might just do it especially as we have aquired a 2000 votes from boundary changes .

    The Iain Dale guide to dislodging a dug in Liberal MP should be interesting if (you) ever get round to writing it.

  5. Newmania the best way to decontaminate a Constituency is to publicise Lib Dem policies to Lib Dem voters. They have no idea what the Party they vote for proposes, and are invariably shocked when they find out. They then stop voting Lib Dem.

  6. "The Iain Dale guide to dislodging a dug in Liberal MP should be interesting if (you) ever get round to writing it."

    I suspect based on past form the Lib Dems would pay for a big advance on such a publication.

  7. Austin Mitchell is giving Brown two months to decide if he is a Tory or Socialist.

    Is the reality that the Tories and Socialists in the old sense are dead and any government will be much the same, treading a middle way? I certainly can't see any difference between Tone and Dave, and Gordon is only the odd one out because he dithers so much.

  8. Anon@9:11 - "Is the reality that the Tories and Socialists in the old sense are dead and any government will be much the same, treading a middle way?"


    "I certainly can't see any difference between Tone and Dave, and Gordon is only the odd one out because he dithers so much."


    Nail on head.

  9. Ian, the fact that you are selectively deleting bad news comments for the tories on your site has been noted and by more than a few people who generally think rather well of you, and what you stand for.

    Remember your take on Conway?

    There are enough Conservatives making prats of themselves without your help.

  10. No, I am deleting all anonymous comments on the previous thread - good or bad - as I made clear I would in the original post. THere is nothing selecive about that at all. If people want to make insulting comments about Caroline Spelman they can put their names to them. Otherwise they ain't getting through. There is nothing selective about that at all. I said I would do it and I did it.

  11. Fathers for Justice staging protest on roof of Harriet harmans house, say Met Police - SKY report

  12. Newmania said:

    I wonder if this all means that resources will be switched to the new marginal seats as was suggested in the Speccie. Perhaps we can have some more celebs down here...

    Good idea, send David Cameron to Lewes so he can win over the Liberals!

    What I want now is for Gordon Brown to follow Cameron's highly successful public meeting tour of the marginal seats.

    Come on Gordon, we double dare you to hold a well advertised PUBLIC meeting in Harlow.

    We're just dying to tell you what we think of you, your 10% tax scam, your sinister surveillance society, your stealth taxes like the one on petrol and your abuse of expenses and anti-terror laws.

    Harlow wants to give you a VERY warm welcome indeed, Gordon - shame you don't dare to come here!

  13. Don't think this is so much about Labour or politics anymore. With everyone maxed out on credit and taxed out of house and home, it's all anger and blame.

    Business and consumer confidence will not return under this Government. The longer Brown remains, the deeper the recession and the more Government MPs will lose their seats.

    An early election trigger could be the Labour share slipping below that of the Lib Dems. If Vince Cable or even Ming had been leader, I think this would have happened already. Difficult times need solid, credible heavyweights.

  14. Makes you wonder if "Spelmangate" has been given legs to deflect the appalling poll results for Labour or could it be to damp down the fact that the PR firm Ogilvy turned down the offer to take on Gordon's PR make-over because "It may upset our other clients!" AND just to emphasise the further suicidal tendencies of Labour at present- their plans to bring in congestion charging in Manchester might not worry the solid Labour Manchester City Council or Chair of the Labour PLP Tony Lloyd but I bet it sure as hell worries those MPS who represent constituencies in the suburbs who see it as yet another nail in Labour's electoral chances.

    Whilst we're on the question of Spelman - the whole thing is so much **********!!!!!!!!! and not even in the same league as Conway.Dover,Chichester, Hain or other "Whoops-a-Daisy" moments. Spelman is one of the few straight as die MPs in parliament and works hard for her constituents. It shows how desperate the BBC,Crick and Labour are to trawl back over 11 years(when the rules were arcane to say the least particularly for a newly elected MP)struggling to deal with a backlog because of her predecessor's untimely death and without the immediate benefit of a constituency office. I'm sorry I can't get worked up about this. And before I'm accused of bias I'd say exactly the same if Spelman was a Labour or LibDem MP if the circumstances turn out as she has described them in her statement

  15. "oh yes i remember John Major on a similar percentage and still winning"

    The Tories were never anywhere near as low as 26% between November 1990 and April 1992.

    I think more people will have high fuel and food prices on their minds rather than some stirred-up non-story from over ten years ago.

  16. "An early election trigger could be the Labour share slipping below that of the Lib Dems. If Vince Cable or even Ming had been leader, I think this would have happened already. Difficult times need solid, credible heavyweights."

    Very perceptive.
    I have been wondering what it willtake to collapse Brown and Labour falling behind the LibDems could just do it. Actually, I think Brown has more stamina than he has been given credit for. He doesn't have much to lose any more which can be stimulus in some cases.
