Thursday, June 26, 2008

LibDems in Henley: Off the Wall

Oh dear. Remember the story from yesterday (Scroll down)? Whittalls seem to be gradually getting their way...


  1. Giggle Giggle

    Word verification = updnd (up and under) how apt.

  2. Typical wishy washy Lib Dems, everything they do becomes unstuck in the end.

  3. Don't you need planning permission for this type of signage? I think you do
    Andrew H, Hants

  4. Ah, is that the best you can come up with?

  5. you are keeping very quiet about the David Davis campaign ?

    have you received 'instructions' from central office, or have you sold out your chum to avoid queering your pitch for a future prospective parliamentary candidacy ?

    answers on a postcard...

  6. To Whittals vintners - order is restored!

  7. eeek!!!
    O/T... when will that TotalPolitics cover pop-up of Bogey McBroon be in situ?
    I keep inadvertantly triggering it with the mouse and its making me ill

  8. Anonymous coward at 10.52: David Davis's campaign is being launched tomorrow. There has been no campaign so far because of the Henley By Election.

    If you read this blog you will know that I am often criticised for being too loyal to my friends, rather than the opposite.

    I don't know how many more times I need to say this but I am not applying for seats.

    So go **** yourself.

  9. Detrimecence has set in to Nick's erection!

  10. Is no-one going to finish the job and pull it down?!

  11. David Davis needs a short & punchy campaign to get the message over. There is only a finite attention span across the country for the by-election so it will be difficult to keep peoples interest.

  12. For all of Nick Cleggs boasts...

    ...the flacid LibDems just can't keep it up for the duration!

  13. *duhhh...i meant 'how long?', of course

  14. you tell 'em Iain.

    Perhaps you should revert to non anonymous posts.

  15. It is not just the Henley by election that is holding up the H&H by election campaign. Nominations do not close until 4pm this afternoon, when the list of nominations will be published shortly after.

  16. Hard to believe anyone could get a temper up about the Liberals anyway .

  17. Iain,

    Why no blog on Harman's latest Politically Correct Nonsense 'equalities' paper?

    Where companies who do business with the Government will be required to give details of their pay scales to their employee's (to ensure equality)

    where black or women candidates with the same qualifications as a white candidate will get preferential treatment!

    I am totally opposed to positive discrimination and I am amazed that the Tory Party are backing this. How on earth do you think this will get the votes of the majority population?

    It would be interesting if you would hold one of your welcome referendums on this. I would be amazed if this gets the support of the majority.

  18. 'winning here' ?????

    how many have they had?

    I agree with ben pensant.

    Picture of Brown is unedifying for your Totalpolitics launch. Can't we have one of David Davis to really piss off your anonymous commenters?

  19. O/T Iain but is the list for H&H accurate? No BNP, TFF that. Huzzah! Wish ya bud Dave well for us - he's a lucky man to have had a constituency like that (don't wanna be guilty of hubris what what).

  20. Why O why will nobody answer my question WHERE IS CHARLES KENNEDY? Is there a conspiracy amongst The Westminster Village to keep us in the dark?
    freedom to prosper

  21. Keeping Charles Kennedy in the dark?

    Don't be ridiculous, he was on Newsnight last night..

    I am glad Iain has clarified things and look forward to his endorsement of David Davis, and his confirmation that he will not ever become an MP, so that we can continue to enjoy his unbiased political reportage, free of any 'strings' being imposed upon him by the need to maintain party unity.

  22. That photo comes from the high winds more than a week ago. Sign repaired within 4 hours

  23. I'm going to have to get tough on my "Where is Charles Kennedy?" campaign. The BBC Crimewatch team can do a reconstruction where Charles is on a lonely railway station, rings the BBC to say he has missed his train and is never seen or heard of again.
    freedom to prosper

  24. I can answer where Charles Kennedy is.

    His campaign office is in the shop below this poster - the off licence!

  25. strapworld 1.40 p.m.

    Couldn't agree more. Iain, get a life and get some subjects on your blog that are worthy of comment - please? I really don't give a t*** about the Lib Dem Henley campaign, I don't give a fig for a number of your latest blogs.

    We have Wendy Alexander being found guilty of non-decalration, the Balls brothers being investigated for cheating on expenses (although I really am not holding my breathe, and Harriet Harperson spouting off complete and utter nonsense that will. in the end, (literally) blow up in her face.

    And all you seem interested in is some Lib Dem poster hanging off a wall at a by-election they ain't gonna win.

    I'm back to Guido.

  26. The local Henley newspaper is reporting a Liberal Dmeocrat has today defected to the tories.

  27. Is that sign bent over double laughing at the Lib Dem Policies?

  28. Yes, now they have a big orange sign dangling dangerously over their shop. They must be overjoyed.

  29. Iain Dale said "So go **** yourself." your spare time, you don't comment on Guido's blog as "Thick as Thieves" do you?

  30. There is no report of any LD councillor defecting in Oxfordshire.

    There are just anonymous comments on a blog.

  31. New slogan for Liberal Dreamocrats.

    Winning Here?

    Cross out one N.

    Now they're talking.

  32. So Labour's vote collapsed from 14.33% of the vote to an astonishing 3.07%.

    Absolute meltdown.

    Less than 16% of those voting for them last time could do so again.


  33. Hmm.. "Wilting Here", I think.

  34. Liberal Democranks are fading - just like in the picture - both in Henley and in You Gov poll - down to 15% nationally.

    People want chnage. The LDs are in the way, and offer nothing.

  35. Lab lost deposit, just like where I grew up, happened every election, probably still does, there's still some pockets of resistance left !

  36. I work in this shop. The sign was held up with 2 old pieces of wood and a few nails. When the wind picked up one of the pieces of wood with 2 nails through it fell onto the path outside the shop which could have seriously hurt a passer-by. When the deputy mayor of thame who lives in the house above was told she said it was coming down the next day so it didnt matter! Forgetting the fact that it posed an immediate serious health and safety risk to our customers and people walking by the shop.


  37. So you're saying that you approve of vandalism or God is on your side?

  38. Iain ,why did you wipe out the two posts about the English flag?
