Monday, June 09, 2008

Jeremy Hunt Has Got a Blog

Jeremy Hunt has just become the first Shadow Cabinet blogger. Read his new blog HERE. His latest post is about what Hamlet could teach Gordon Brown! Hopefully he will be able to teach his colleague Mr Vaizey the joys of blogging regularly! He's been doing better lately though, it has to be said...


  1. But Brown has tried constantly to hide this [his background] - talking about Britishness

    Sorry, is Jeremy Hunt claiming Gordon Brown is not British and hiding the fact he is not from Britain? Bizarre.

    Scotland is part of Britain you know!

  2. OMG Please bring back Hugo Swire - usless in a harmless way.

    How we pick em.

  3. And I was so looking forward to the Top Ten Political Traitors.

    Jeremy Hunt has got to be rhyming slang, hasn't it?

  4. Nice to see someone with a culture brief actually talking about some culture!

  5. Kerron,

    I rather think he is drawing attention to the fact that Gordon Brown has only ever lived in Scotland, been educated in Scotland, and worked in Scotland. And, most importantly, that he has rarely had anything positive to say about Britishness, or indeed any other countries of the Union, until he became PM.

  6. Kerron said:

    Sorry, is Jeremy Hunt claiming Gordon Brown is not British and hiding the fact he is not from Britain? Bizarre.

    I don't believe Jeremy Hunt means that at all, Kerron. he seems to me to be refering to Brown's general inauthenticity, which he, Brown, tries to mask with 'wonder boy' initiatives such as his bogus 'Britishness' one.

  7. Here's what Hunt really says, Kerron:

    "Both Gordon Brown and David Cameron have unusual backgrounds compared to the proverbial "man on the street." But Brown has tried constantly to hide this - talking about Britishness, posing as a tax-cutter and feigning toughness on terrorism. David Cameron, however, has neither hid nor apologised for his Etonian background..."

    Your selective quote first cuts out most of the preceding and subsequent pieces of that para, rendering it meaningless.

    Then you complain about the meaningless of the section you alone have constructed and distorted!

    That's pretty dumb. If you are going to try to stitch someone up like a kipper, try to cover your tracks better than that...there's a good little person.

  8. But we've got two Shadow Cabinet bloggers already, for quite a while: Lynne Featherstone (no longer Shadow Cabinet, but she was when she started blogging) and Steve Webb.

  9. Er, sorry. That previous comment (about the Lib Dem Shadow Cabinet) was supposed to be from me. Apparently my dad had been on my Mac and left it signed into his blogger account. He's a Tory (shame!) and I doubt he'd want me making provocative pro-Lib Dem blog posts in his name!

  10. Er, sorry. That previous comment (about the Lib Dem Shadow Cabinet) was supposed to be from me. Apparently my dad had been on my Mac and left it signed into his blogger account. He's a Tory (shame!) and I doubt he'd want me making provocative pro-Lib Dem blog posts in his name!

  11. Lynne Featherstone and Steve Webb are not, and never have been, in the Shadow Cabinet.

  12. Michael Gove has a blog too, but concentrates mostly on education-related stuff (i.e. ill be surprised if he writes it himself).

  13. J said...
    "Lynne Featherstone and Steve Webb are not, and never have been, in the Shadow Cabinet."

    They are in the LibDem Shadow Cabinet.

    Like the Tory Shadow Cabinet, it has no legal status.
