Tuesday, June 24, 2008

ICM Poll: Record Lead for Cameron

An ICM poll for tomorrow's Guardian puts the Conservatives at 45%, twenty points ahead of Labour, six points up on last month. Labour is down to 25%, only five points ahead of the LibDems. Nearly a quarter of respondents gave the Prime Minister only one out of ten for his performance in the job in his first year.


  1. And I finally managed to get my paws on the interview with Lord Levy on PM this evening.. Gosh he sounds jolly happy !

    At the end of the interview he is challenged about his full and frank views and says words to the effect of 'Well I could have said something much stronger..'

  2. I thought Nick Clegg put it well he said " The voters have turned their backs on Brown".You do have the impression that there is nothing he could ever say they would believe now ( Thats irony that is )

    PS I noticed Denis Mc no-Shame in the New Statesman repeating his wish for tax cuts and frankly admitting that most of the Labour Party accept they cannot win. The battle for the future of Labour is already in the phoney war stage.Ed Balls makes the case for big government elsewhere...

    How I wish I could hear what they are saying privately sigh...

  3. Gordon Brown and his cabinet of professional politicos remain the single greatest asset the Conservative party has at the moment.
    Let's hope his "moral compass" can find the nearest JobCentre when needed but not yet please.

  4. Not good news for Cameron then? ... he could lose Brown!

  5. Oh yes how badly I recall John Major was doing until the night of the 1993 election

  6. That being the case 'anonymous', one could employ the EU current voting system if it is the 'wrong' result?

  7. Churchill supported the EU So did Einsenhower.
    Eisenhowr the saviour of our conteinte explicitly supported european federation, so did Orwell.
    Hitler was against european unity and expliclty asked for the ideas to be stopped from being formilated when minor nazis suggested it.
    The founder of the EU Robert Schuman was nearly executed by the NAZIs.

    Hitler said that there was a jewish one planet governemnt. In Mein Kampf he says "Should one State preserve its national strength and its national greatness the empire of the Jewish satrapy, like every other tyranny, would have to succumb to the force of the national idea." Hardly an internationalist then.

  8. Any truth in the rumour that Gordon is on suicide watch at The Priory?

  9. Anon 11.32pm: "Oh yes how badly I recall John Major was doing until the night of the 1993 election"

    Was there a general election in 1993? It must have passed me by.

    I remember the 1992 General Election where John Major and the Conservative party polled the highest level of votes ever for a winning party.

    Is that the one you are thinking of, Anon? Do you really expect Cameron to stand up in a rally in Sheffield in 2010 and shout "Awright! Awright! Awright!" whilst the band plays "Things can only get better"?

    Do you really think Brown can turn it around when he has shown himself to be so unsuitable to be Prime Minister?

    I'll have some of what you are on.

  10. 11:02 - Linkee, plse?

    Newmania, I read somewhere that the odds on him surviving one more year in office are odds on. 5 to 2 I think was quoted. I'm thinking of taking it up, actually.

    He was a grossly incompetent Chancellor and I am baffled about who was bigging him up while he was in office. It must have been Blair, but why? (And if not, who?)

    The Labour cabinet are like Yahoos at a free feast, swigging Champagne, swinging from the chandeliers, free Agas, taxis for wives for grocery shopping, double-dipping by husband and wife MPs, free airmiles for the whole family ... Etc.

  11. The Conservative Con trick
    "Many people have been fooled by the Conservative Party into believing the party is anti EU...
    Because the Conservative leadership would rather be in Europe than be in power. The Conservative leadership, including David Cameron, is completely dedicated to Europe.

    (And to be fair, why should Conservative leaders miss out on the EU corruption gravy train?)"

    The abolition of the Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dem parties.
    "So sloppy have our politicians been in their reading of the EU treaties, most haven't noticed that the EU will abolish our Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dem parties. It was clear in the Madrid 1999 party financing document, and it was re-stated in the Constitution, clause I-46-4. Only pan European parties like the EPP or PES will be allowed. "

    Hence, it doesnt matter anymore.


    Not a UKIP voter

  12. anon 11.32pm

    Yes but Major wasn't hated by the electorate and when they thought hard about it they still preferred him to the Welsh Windbag Kinnock. The difference now is that a significant proportion of the electorate really do detest and hate Brown with a vengeance and the alternative in Cameron is more appealing to the electorate than Kinnock was in 1992.

  13. spartan, sitting in his desk at the number 10 bunker doing his best for the boss who is just not up to the job! Nobody likes him. Listen to SIR Micheal White on the Guardian internet site!

    I have no doubt that Labour will do ANYTHING to try to ensure they are victorious. BUT whatever voting system one adopts people still have to vote for the party, sadly for Spartan, they will not vote for Labour in sufficient numbers to give them more than a bakers dozen seats.

    Labour, in the words of Dads Army are DOOMED. It is not a case of DONT PANIC!, Panic, real cold panic, ice cold panic has set in and Labour are D O O M E D!

    Brown has certainly got his place in history now. The worst !

  14. Iain , have you any light to shed on the departure of the Giinga beast Heffer to the Daily Mail ? Brilliant piece by him in the Daily Telegraph today reminding us of forgoten monetarist wisdom.

    What do you know ?

  15. I'm generally a right wingish sort of person and more naturally supportive of the Conservative Party - so a bit partisan perhaps - but I just don't understand how anyone can still be hoping for a Labour win. These 25% - are they deranged? They really want 10 more years of this shite?

  16. A Tory win is still a psephological impossibility.......


  17. Sadly it is not a record lead for the Tories.
    It is a lead for the Nutories - completely sham with a sham leader.
    Don't expect anything new from the Heir to Blair as Cameron self professes.
    It is a measure to how much Labour is loathed. Nothing to do with Conservatives. There is no such thing except, perhaps, in South Yorkshire.

  18. All downhill from here then?

  19. You Gov is a better pollster. It allows you to score Gordon at 0/10

  20. Strapworld ... l'll ignore your comment as there must be an obvious lack of coffee in your abode this morning.

    Me? Want Brown and his acolytes returned??

    That'll be the day!

  21. verity said...
    "11:02 - Linkee, plse?"

    I don't know if it is accessible where you are but the PM broadcast is available on the BBC 'Play Again' facility until 5.00 p.m. this evening.

  22. Diablo said...
    "I remember the 1992 General Election where John Major and the Conservative party polled the highest level of votes ever for a winning party."

    Labour won the February 1950 general election with more votes than John Major achieved in 1992.

  23. Labour won the February 1950 general election with more votes than John Major achieved in 1992

    Not according to Wikipedia!

    JM: 14,093,007
    CA: 13,266,176

    Atlee won a higher *share* of the vote than Major did.

  24. DES,

    May I point you in the direction of this little utility:


  25. Oh yes where is David (Psephologically-impossible ) Boothroyd , the Michael Fish of Political forecast.

  26. The Guardian article may get the prize for understatement of the year:
    "[The poll] suggests that his prime ministership has been a disappointment."

    However, I don't buy the argument that the Conservative lead is purely down to Labour's unpopularity. That may be a necessary, but it's not a sufficient, condition. After all, the government was unpopular before the last election, but that didn't translate into Conservative popularity. But now, for the first time in many years, we have a leader who (a) is highly electable, (b) is serious about wanting to win elections,(c) has thought long and hard about how the party needs to change to get elected, and (d) appeals to voters outside the Conservative 'core'. DC is most certainly not to be underestimated - indeed I think that was Brown's first and perhaps biggest mistake. If Lord Levy is to be believed, it's not a mistake Blair made.

  27. Interesting that in 1951 the Conservatives won the election but Labour had more votes.

    Conservative 12,660,061
    Labour 13,948,883

  28. June 25, 2008 10:03 AM Are you a witch LOL?

  29. yes i rember thatcher and poll tax being very unpopular

    anyone recall what happended next ?

  30. DES are you the same ars*hole that infests many other blogs with this tripe. Or god forbid is there more than one of you

  31. Dirty European Socialist is now banned from leaving comments on this blog due to an extremely abusive comment which I have just deleted.
