Thursday, June 12, 2008

Double Portion on the BBC Tonight

I hope you will all have your video recorders available tonight. I will be on DINNER WITH PORTILLO on BBC 4 at 10.20, immediately following MARGARET THATCHER: THE LONG WALK TO FINCHLEY. It's a thirty minute discussion on the previous programme and Margaret Thatcher's reputation. Also around the dinner table are Shirley Williams, William Rees Mogg, Mary Riddell, Lionel Shriver and John Campbell.

But if that's doesn't take your fancy, I'll also be on Newsnight talking about guess what...



  1. But if that's doesn't take your fancy, I'll also be on Newsnight talking about guess what...


  2. I knew Iain Dale when he was just a blogger - oh sorry, am I name dropping?

    Nice one Iain.

  3. There was a time when a person interested in the politics of the hour could come to this blog to get some insight.

    Now we just get ads inviting us to watch you giving your insight on forthcoming TV spots.

  4. DD is trying to roll back the police-state, just as Thatcher did with socialism. A good night's viewing.

  5. No Conservative members are available --just Real Conservatives under the flag of David Davis.

  6. who rules
    Davis or Cameron

  7. I think that Iain now justifies the soubriquet 'Media Darling' - they just can't get enough of him !

    and quite right too .... he's an excellent commnunicator. Seems to me there's rather too much jealousy around here.

  8. Davis V UKIP I fear
    Libs saying wont stand and so say Labour
    waste of public money etc etc etc

    or do we have by elections on ever issue

    what a great idea

  9. Who uses a video recorder these days? PVR old chap

  10. Well done Ian. You must be a very important blogger.

  11. Video Recorder?

    Oh perleeease.

    Even His Grace is sufficiently modern and trendy to have graduated to Sky.

    But congratulations. Your incisive comments on today's developments will be important. Do not omit to mention the referendum in Ireland, which Mr Davis has somewhat trumped.

  12. At this point I am genuinely sorry I do not have a TV, if only because I shall miss the inevitable sexual tension between a certain blogger and Portaloo.

    BTW just reminded that the traditionally built Diane Abbott was magnificent on the 42 days debate. She looked sincere. I am busy modifying my Ann Widdecombe shrine - with roughly the same body shape, it has been easier than I thought.

  13. Will UKIP profit from standing against Davis?

    The EU appear to be as illiberal as the Brown machine.

  14. Could be that things are not happy on the good ship, HMS Cameron.

  15. brilliant performance on newsnight iain. well put.

  16. very nicely argued Iain. where on earth did they drag heseltine up from at such short notice?

  17. Iain
    I am not a Tory but read your blog to secure sincere views just like I read the Telegraph

    I dont believe you really agreed with what you said on Newsnight

    dont sell your soul to get on TV Iain

    or people will think you will take any line to get on

    the truth is it was a very very bad idea for DD

  18. Iain,

    I hate to be catty but, whilst watching "Question Time" tonight, I have to say that:

    Tony McNulty looks likes a Maitre d' who has lost his job and is now trying to make some sort of living as a gigolo for ladies of a certain age who don't care that his suit no longer fits.

    June Sarpong looks like an extra from my local Village Hall's production of Aida.


    Michael Gove has come across very well.

  19. "At this point I am genuinely sorry I do not have a TV....."

    Come on Mr Weasel, sir, tell us how you saw the magnificent Ms Abbott delivering her speech on 42 days if you haven't got access to a TV. I smell a rat! (Now that's an odd expression too!)

  20. You were very good on Newsnight. This Week has been interesting on 42 Days as well.

  21. The boy done well.
    Re the dinner:
    I thought the Riddell woman was Peter Riddell's daughter (See nepotism in journalism), but she's at least as old as he is. Sister? Aunt?
    Lionel was very good. Very convincing as a woman.
    And what about Michael? Ain't he lost weight? His mum must be worrying.
    Re the Thatcher drama:
    Very entertaining, but a cartoon really, full of stereotypes.
    Some great performances; I was particularly struck by Roy Kinear's son as Dennis. He looked, sounded. and had the same mannerisms as his dad. I wonder what his mother thought about it.

  22. Sadly missed both slots Iain. But what do you think of Luke Akehurst's big idea and rachel's response? And how about the idea of your fellow Scot Kelvin Mackenzie as a Murdoch Party "throw away the key" candidate?

  23. Gove was OK, but so was McNulty. Gove lost it with suggesting say 650,000 Irish citizens voting NO and stopping 490M others going forward was in some sense democracy. 0.13% that is.

  24. Chris Paul said:
    "Gove was OK, but so was McNulty. Gove lost it with suggesting say 650,000 Irish citizens voting NO and stopping 490M others going forward was in some sense democracy. 0.13% that is.

    June 13, 2008 12:53 AM"

    Chris has just got a calculator! Wow!

    30% of secondary schools in Manchester don't have any pupils who achieve 5 GCSEs - any GCSEs - including Maths and English.

    Is Chris happy that his Labour Party has delivered the high quality of education that we were promised for our young people by this dismal and failed government?

  25. I'm going to stop reading this blog. I come on here for news about politics rather than news about Iain Dale.

  26. DIABLO said.
    Come on Mr Weasel, sir, tell us how you saw the magnificent Ms Abbott delivering her speech on 42 days if you haven't got access to a TV. I smell a rat! (Now that's an odd expression too!)
    I expect he did by this new fangled device they call the internet, but hey could be wrong.

  27. Anon 3.11 am,

    That's a real shame.

    We'll all miss you.

  28. I haven't watched the Newsnight yet (on my Harddisk recorder, you Luddite!)

    You were great on 'Dinner con MX Portillo'. You managed to get in a reference to BoJo! So funny. I thought Comrade Claire from 18DS days was good too.

    Tell us about your backstage banter with Portillo though. Was there still some fallout from election night?

  29. Iain

    I'd like to know where you go and what you get to eat at Dinner with Por-tee-ho?

  30. Iain

    I thought that your first contribution to Dinner with Portillo where you drew a link between the blessed Margaret and Boris Johnson was a bit weird and weak! Why are you trying to ingratiate yourself with Boris in this way? Time will tell whether Boris has been underestimated in the same way that some initially underestimated Thatcher. Leave this one for a while - premature ejaculation of this sort makes the ejaculator look a bit silly (as well as wet).
