Friday, June 13, 2008

Carlile or Carlisle: The Sun Can't Tell the Difference

The Sun carries a whinging article today by LibDem Peer Lord Carlile slagging off David Davis today. The Sun can't even put the right picture on the article. Instead they have a picture of former Tory Education Secretary Mark Carlisle - who died in 2005. Great work by Britain's "super soaraway Sun".

And then on page 15 we are treated to this wonderful piece of prose...
Gordon Brown yesterday broke off from the oil crisis and 42-day detention row to speak on Britain's most hotly debated issue - should Lee McQueen have really won the Apprentice? He took a pause from international politics to share his thoughts on the show...

Er, no he didn't. He was asked a question by the Sun's political editor at his monthly press conference.


  1. Now that is a super soaraway Sun special. Almost worth buying the bloody thing for.

  2. To be fair, after their last grubby little exercise over the EU referendum LibDem peers might as well have been dead since 2005.

  3. Shh, Iain. Anyone would think you were bitter at them gatecrashing your chum David's little attention-seeking stunt...

  4. Oh, Iain, you should know that the 'Currant Bun' is only interested in a bit of 'churnalism-lite' [or summat that rhymes with it..] and don't give a xxxx for serious news.

    What I think is amusing is that you have you compounded the error by referring to 'whinging' rather than 'whingeing'.

    Let us hope that you don't get caught up in a confusion over being a 'swingeing tax cutter' or a 'swinging tax cutter'.. Ooh.. nasty..

  5. Is the Sun taking on the Conservatives again?

    DD may have done the Tory part incalculable harm. Or was the party so week in the first place that it shattered under its first real blow in ages.

    On the day when the Irish are about to say no and by implication show that Brown is undemocratic over a UK referendum, all the talk is about DD, DC and splits in the Conservative party. Gordon Brown must be rubbing his hand with glee.

  6. Why did Brown hold his usual Lunchtime monthly press brief at 10.30 am yesterday, was he tipped off about a 12.30 announcement from DD?

  7. I don't read the Sun. Not after the lies they printed after Hillsborough disaster. In fact I wouldn't line the cat's box with it. Its a nasty twisted rag, and not the sort of support the modern Conservative party needs.

  8. Iain,

    when the disgusting former editor of The Sun and former 'owner' of Talk Radio and former? Kelvin Mackenzie appeared alongside the brilliant violinist Nigel Kennedy on the Brillo/Portillo/Dianne Abbott show last evening- he mentioned that he had attended a birthday party for the editor of the Sun (cannot remember her name) and it was there that the Australian/American (who considers he controls this country) put it to McKenzie that he should run, if the Labour party did not put anyone up against David Davis, So the Sun will bankroll the election.

    This story and your earlier one about McKenzie and Hull just sums up the intelligence and also the type of individual that works for Murdoch. No scruples, No morals, just take the money and do whatever and whenever the aussie says!

    We know where Brown went do we not! and he obviously took his orders from Murdoch.

    Brown suggested this morning that Davis standing for re-election is a joke. For a man that tries to tell us he knows all there is to know about Courage, when he is staring at it he cannot see it! Bottler Brown lives on.

  9. Stalin showed the left can be tough on terror.
    The BNP, the UKIP and the tories are now all weaker on terror than labour. Beat that tories.

  10. Iain, The Sun tells lies, falsehoods and deliberate misinterpretations. Always has. Would you have complained so much when it backed the CP?

    Oh and Dirty European Socialist - Stalin WAS the terror.

  11. Iain, the Sun is a bag of shite. Why be surprised at it's general disregard for anything other than the next Page 3 loverrrrrly?

  12. The Sun has its finger on the pulse of the nation which supports the 42 days. Kelvin McKenzie is a man of the people in a way that the sorry looking Davis will never be.Standing there making his awkward rambling speech he cut a sad pathetic lonely figure -looking more like a whipped cur than a leader anyone could possible take seriously.

  13. Anonymous 11.20 a.m. said...
    "What I think is amusing is that you have you compounded the error by referring to 'whinging' rather than 'whingeing'."

    The Oxford English Dictionary editors agree with Iain about the spelling of WINGHING.

  14. Oops. That should read WHINGING.
