Monday, June 02, 2008

Being Cheeky with Lembit at 11.30pm

I'll be doing the Sky News paper review at 10.30 on my own and then at 11.30pm alongside Lembit Opik. I will try to get a word in edgeways.

I had a moral dilemma earlier. Newsnight asked me to take part in a discussion about 42 days and Gordon Brown's position, which on any normal evening I would have jumped at doing. But I committed to Sky some time ago so decided I couldn't let them down. Just too honourable for my own good sometimes, aren't I? Don't answer that...


  1. Iain...What's your view on Anne Widdecombe supporting NuLab on 42 days detention? (The Guardian). Frankly I think she is wrong.

  2. cough cough splutter splutter

  3. More people watch Sky, don't they? And Newsnight don't pay. And from what I've heard, they screw you around less on Sky too. Good call.

  4. looking delectable this evening, Iain.

    Not sure about the kaleidoscope / stripes combo though!

    Oh and er,,,,,,,you talked a lot of sense too.

  5. I lost all my faith in Anne Widdecombe when she said MPs expenses should not be made public.

  6. Apparently there's a ComRes poll out showing the Tories 14 points ahead.

  7. Bo Diddley has died - the inventor of the greatest guitar riff in history. I trust you will all observe a reverential silence for the next 24 hours.

  8. "Just too honourable for my own good sometimes, aren't I?"

    Yes Iain!

  9. I suspect that long term, this was a good decision. Word will get around if you start ducking and diving interviews and appointments. And after all, it's not long since "a man's word is his honour" was the rule and not the exception. Good call in my book

  10. Newsnight? So bleeding what? Mind you, 'alongside' Lembit Opik is not a good call.

    But Al Beeb has vastly too high an opinion of itself. It's almost always lagging far behind the realities. Its presenters - with one or two exceptions - are pretty poor, with hugely overinflated senses of their own value. Indeed some of them are self-parodies, heads firmly and rigidly inserted up their own fundaments.

    Treat with caution. Industrial grade rubber gloves mandatory.

  11. You are so popular

    Dont believe the hype you knobber!!

  12. Iain- Glad to hear you did not cancel. I hate this practice of cancelling (usually social engagements) if a better offer comes up. If you make an arrangement you stick to it, and I am very glad to see that you did!

  13. so - forgive my ignorance - if you appear on Sky then you cant appear on Newsnight? Really? What if they asked you to appear on QT? It's like one of those moral philosophy questions they ask candidates in Oxbridge. What if the fate of some nuns was also involved?

    My advice. Jump. Want to see you on 'Newsnight Review' reviewing the new Abba movie. Mmmm - tempted now arent you Iain. Nuns v. Abba? How do you decide? Maybe your Momma knows.

  14. I would have pulled out of anyting involving Lembit Groe-it.....
