Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Barack's Boring Blog & Blog Trouble for McCain

Newsweek has an indepth article looking at the blogs of Barack Obama and John McCain. McCain is revealed as a huge Abba fan. Maybe he will get my support, after all! The article says that Obama's blog is a bit boring while McCain's is much better - and that spells trouble for McCain's campaign. Read it HERE.


  1. I despair if Iain supports a feeble old man because he likes Abba - regardless of his backwards policies .

    Oh dear! Sad. LoL

    It doesn't look like like Barack Obama did bad out of his blog - how much money did he raise again??

    Obama to win.


  2. canvas: "I despair if Iain supports a feeble old man because he likes Abba..."

    A humorous posting just flies right over the head of people like you, doesn't it...?

    "Obama to win."

    Figures a NuLab supporter would put their money on an empty-suit, identity politics candidate... ;)
