Thursday, June 12, 2008

42 Days: The Unnoticed Rebellion

Apart from Ann Widdecombe and 36 Labour MPs, there was another rebellion last night, which up until now has gone unnoticed. UKIP's only MP, Bob Spink voted with the government thereby defying his new party's policy on 42 days. Nigel Farage has made a big thing out of opposing the government on civil liberties grounds. It must be pretty galling for the party's much heralded only MP to defy him like this - apparently at the personal behest of Gordon Brown.

UKIP supporters are very angry if THIS messageboard is anything to go by.


  1. The Tories were well rid of him. Lots of them said this at the time!

    What do they put in the water at Castle Point...?!?

  2. One Conservative did not vote, probably a deliberate abstention - it was John Bercow.

  3. Mr Spink's conscience is clear - he voted with his parliamentary party leader!

  4. A 100% YES vote for UKIP then.

  5. Spink's vote was a disappointment for me as other than this I have been fully in agreement with UKIP policy.
