Friday, May 30, 2008

Vote in the May Political Performance Index

Each month I invite you to take part in compiling the Political Performance Index, which gives you the chance to rate how the top 50 politicians in the country performed over the last month.
Please don't just automatically give high marks to the politicians from the party you support - try to be as dispassionate as possible. Obviously I don't pretend that the readership of this blog is representative of the country as a whole - 55% of you vote Tory, after all! So if you are from another party and have a blog, please do link to this survey and encourage your readers to take part. I'd like to get at least 2,000 people taking part each month. You should give marks from 1 to 10 (1 being the worst) for how you rate each politician's performance during the month of May.



  1. Iain,

    You've missed an important person off the list.

    There doesn't appear to be anywhere for us to rate Tamsin Dunwoody's dentist.

  2. What - mo Annabel Goldie ?

  3. And please don't leave out the gorgeous, pouting Miss Lightwater. The way she controls that pony... phwoar.

  4. What about the hand the works BuffHoon? I would give it 10.

  5. Hows about adding Nadine Dorries and Frank Field? Backbenchers they may be but they have been moving and shaking Parliament more than many on your list.

  6. Can you tell me where to find the results of the "Sex in politics" survey you polled about two months ago - I still haven't seen anything!!

  7. The electorate is nearing your 55% Tory voter readership.
    Exciting, is it not?

  8. "Obviously I don't pretend that the readership of this blog is representative of the country as a whole - 55% of you vote Tory, after all!"
    I have a sneaky feeling that after a few more YouGov surveys you may wish to omit this sentence...

  9. 55% Conservative voters, that's not too far off of the latest opinion polls figure!

  10. Frank Field has been brilliant. I would like to give him a high rating. Where is he??

  11. Gave Pickles a 10.

    Tempted to shave a point off for his performance on Question Time. He totally fudged the question on fuel duty.

    Every Tory politician when asked about tax should hammer on about the National Debt. Why can't the Tories promise tax cuts? Because the National Debt is out of control.

    With £31bn in interest payments each year on a total debt of £581bn all the Tories can do is promise to start to pay off the national debt and then cut tax when the interest payments fall.

    Right now, when families are burdened with huge debts of their own, the mill stone of bond-funded debt is easily comprehensible to all voters.

    Telling voters about the size of the National Debt might also counter the "Brown was a great chancellor" crap we keep hearing.

    With the government borrowing £45.7bn this year (includes the £2.7bn 10p tax fiddle) public finances are in a complete mess.

    Ruth Lea made a stab at explaining this but never bothered to mention any hard facts.

    Every voter should know the size of the National Debt. It is the single biggest issue, connecting EVERYTHING from police pay to fuel duty to the 10p tax to our pulling out of the International Hadron Collider.

    Pickles, for one, ought to grasp this.

  12. IF you would let us score Theresa Villiers she'd be minus something big.

    This right wing totty is HOPELESS.

  13. Just read the comments, after doing the survey and yes, someone echoes my comment, "what about Annabel Goldie" and yes, Eric Pickles - he got ten from me, not only for delivering the result, but showing the "toff" campaign to be the deceitful phoney bollocks that it clearly was.

    If I could, I would give David Cameron minus points - I mean, yes he is ahead but totally on the back of Brown being such a dismal failure. What precisely is he doing to deserve all this popularity? It is time he moved in for the kill and ramped up an aggressive campaign of shock and awe.

  14. Eric Pickles was the only one I rated over a 1.

  15. charlesoj's comment is pretty stark. Why aren't the Tories and LibDems shouting this at every opportunity.

    "Telling voters about the size of the National Debt might also counter the "Brown was a great chancellor" crap we keep hearing." Correct.

  16. Somebody has to ask this difficult question, "Where is Charles Kennedy?"
    freedom to prosper
    PS Good luck with the mag

  17. Glad Wendy Alexander is there
    I expect a lot of SNP "Thank You" votes for wendy - She is in fact doing a great job :-)
