Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Unfortunate Coincidences

1.15pm Sat next to Sian Lloyd in Crussh at 4 Millbank.

1.45pm Spotted Lembit Opik and his Cheeky Girl showing their engagement ring off to Stephen Pound in Portcullis House.

Small world.


  1. I'm trying to work out the coincidence of Crush 4 Milbank and Stephen Pound at Portcullis House. Help me, is this a Westminster Village insiders' joke?

  2. And did the 'cheeky girl' actually LOOK short-sighted?

  3. I can't stand Seeann Lloyd after her humourless appearance on BoSelecta years ago. You can tell she is not a Libbie because she took no interest in 'The Bear's' erection.

  4. Katherine Bergen could put it in her Whip column in the Sun ... but sadly her editor would not let her as it is of no importance or interest whatsoever. Iain Dale who?

  5. That Sian Lloyd is everywhere these days.... sitting next to you for lunch and doing the weather on the telly.... next to you....

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  8. Did Sian Lloyd show any signs of her surreal encounter with 'Sur Alan' and his would-be Apprentices?

    I went to teh Atrium Restaurant at 4 Millbank the other day - virtually deserted. They said it was 'a busy day'.

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  10. Yeah, it's obviously Iain's clever play on words thing (crush/pound - geddit?). Nothing to do with Lemsip's occluded love-life ...

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  12. No, it's just a very, very small world....

  13. She is SO better off without............

  14. Sian Lloyd should consider herself very fortunate. She could and should do a whole lot better than wonky Opik.

  15. Iain, you're such a name-dropper.

  16. is that way ----------->

  17. "Someone should point out to Opik that it is the mothering law you should look at when selecting a wife"

    Who should Iain be looking at then?

    When he's not stalking z-list celebs, that is.

  18. You should thank your lucky stars it wasn't Sian Berry! she and Ken formed the unlikeliest couple since David Gest married Lisa Minelli and had he won another term, we would be no doubt be suffering Dutch style coffee houses selling cannabis and the legalisation of ecstasy. Half London would be high as kites and the other half would be so out of their heads on ecstasy they wouldn't know who the Mayor was if you asked them and crime would be through the roof.

  19. This thread shows there's a bit of 'HELLO' in all of us.

  20. So why is Lembit Opik nicknamed 'Tripod' at Westminster then?.....

    (I expect it's because he likes photography?... :0)

  21. Anybody seeing the Cheeky Girl's engagement ring should feel proud: each and every one of us paid for it through our taxes

  22. I must say, when I saw the engagement ring I did have to fight the urge to rope down the hubble telescope to see the thing...

  23. She had a lucky escape. He's a car crash in slo-mo. You should take on board what's happening politically in the LO saga.

  24. Wonder if Lembit Opik's expenses will prove interesting? Roll on October. It was reported in the press that Sian Lloyd bought him out with regards to the house they shared in Newtown. If it transpires come October that he was claiming his mortgage all along, then Ms Lloyd might like to reconsider her options.

  25. small world - wouldn't want to paint it though!

  26. can you imagine if Opik's lop-sided jaw had sex and bred with Brown's jaw-twitch thing.

    What would THAT look like?

  27. Indeed a small world: I haven't seen Stan Lloyd for years. Was he looking well? So how did you get to know a Coventry optician? Must be in his seventies now.

  28. Pity poor Opik. He used to be a politician, of sorts. He's now lost in showbiz. Anon is right. The end is nigh for him.

  29. er ... who ?, who ? who ? and who ?

    Alan Douglas

  30. No doubt the ring will be put through on expenses.

  31. Is this the most pathetic blog EVER?

    Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

  32. That Opik is a rum cove. He once predicted that the earth was going to land on the moon and then inexplicably copped off with Romanian country & western singer, Amy Winehouse.

  33. Maybe Alan's ignorance will lift when Lembit Opik loses his seat to the very popular local Tory in Mid Wales?

  34. Alan Douglas said...
    er ... who ?, who ? who ? and who ?

    Get a life Alan.

    Sian Lloyd has the unique ability to read an autocue and grin simultaneously, whilst Lembit Opik is the libdem version of Demosthenes.

    Oh, and the cheeky girl is some old tart with big knockers; just the sort of gal you'd like to take home to introduce to mummy.

  35. Actually, it's probably the cleverest blog ever, the sub-text being what's really going on in LO's rural Mid Wales seat. The Lib Dems could well get crushed and take a pounding, with the two females in said blog, playing a pivotal role. Good stuff Iain!

  36. Totally agree with last post. The lembit Opik story is going to run and run. Today we hear he got that Cheeky Girl a coveted Commons pass. Unbelievable! I would bet my last gallon of petrol that the fragrant Ms Sian Lloyd didn't get one!
