Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sir Ian Blair is on His Way Out

The Sunday Times reports that Sir Ian Blair has been told privately by the Labour Chairman of the Metropolitan Police Authority, Len Duvall, that his contract will not be renewed in 2010. Sir Ian has always felt it was just the Tories who were out to get him. Now he knows different. However, with two years to go, he now knows he has lost the confidence of the MPA and the Mayor. Not a happy position for him to be in, but he has had plenty of opportunities to fall on his sword in the past. Don't expect him to do so anytime soon.


  1. I welcome the news. Distrusted by his subordinates, disliked by his senior officers, politically biased, ruined the good name of the Metropolitian Police. IF he had any decency he would have gone months ago. He should go now.

    He will not of course as he is a socialist and they never know when they should go!

    Boris would be well advised to get Cameron to agree that the Mayor and the Police Authority should demand that they and they alond appoint the new Commissioner. They MUST not let the Home Office force another Labour Supporting Commissioner or a token Woman/Black Commissioner on London.

    Perhaps Boris should say he wants to appoint the American advisor! OR bring in a European Police Chief. The Scandanavian Countries and Germany have good ones.

  2. Good. It would be a start...

  3. Dunno what all the fuss is about. Have any commish's ever had two 'terms', they normally only ever do their 5 years and go, that's normally enough for most normal people. The only reason this buffoon wants to stay on any longer is that he won't be able to completely destroy the great institution that was the Metropolitan Police. He should have been forced out after the De Menezes shooting. A truly dishonourable man.
    Still, who follows him? Anyone suitable? They're all from the same mould these days and Labor has ensured the office of commissioner of police for the metropolis can never be one free from political interference.

  4. Not soon enough ... think I can wait for his diaries too ...!

    wonder what his payoff would be ?

  5. This is normal Iain. Five years and go. Five years and go. Five years and go. Blair also did five as Deputy.

    Did he seriously ask for a further term? if he didn't then this amounts to a complete non story.

    He will be 57 and that's a ripe old age for a serving policeman. He'll no doubt be set to work in various pastures new, possibly one of a confusing plethora of Lord Blairs.

  6. Good riddance:

    Send him to Burma..
    Airdrop him in fact...

    dont bother with a parachute

  7. Strapworld says: "OR bring in a European Police Chief. The Scandanavian Countries and Germany have good ones."

    A cute Norwegian would be good. They speak beautiful English and, unlike the Swedes, they have a wonderful sense of humour.

    A Norwegian (Norway isn't an EU vassal state) would see us through until sanity prevails and we have a massive clear-out of the left and unproductive "immigrants" and leave the EU.

  8. When the Tories get back in there will be a lot of new Labour placemen and women either jumping or needing pushed.

  9. You'd sooner see Gordon Brown being returned with a 500+ majority then Sir Ian Blair doing the decent thing. I'd assume that he must keep the manufacturers of Mogadon in business because I can't see how else he sleeps at night with all that he must have on his conscience - presuming that he's got one of course.

  10. According to that 'Times' article, there are no clear frontrunners to succeed him. However:

    "Speculation has focused on Sir Hugh Orde, head of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, and Sir Paul Scott-Lee, chief constable of West Midlands police, Britain’s second largest force."

    I think that latter may be in doubt now, given their forced and grovelling apology for the politically-motivated prosecution over the Channel 4 documentary... ;)

  11. Strange to say it, but Len Duvall was right to have The Word with Blair.

    Problem is, though, what difference will it make when the next guy will just be another Home Office placeman?


  12. Iain a link to Mr Keith Hallawell's article in the Sunday Mail would shed a lot of light on this subject.
