Thursday, May 22, 2008

PMQs Review with James Duddridge & Mark Seddon

A five minute chat from Friction TV with Tory MP James Duddridge and Mark Seddon, former editor of Tribune, and now diplomatic correspondent for Al Jazeera. We talk about yesterday's PMQs and the likely after effects of the Crewe & Nantwich by election.


  1. Why doesn't this breach the broadcasting guidelines for election day coverage? It's peppered with references to the Tories doing well in Crewe and Nantwich - are you assuming because you keep saying "tomorrow" you are OK, even though you only loaded it today?

  2. It was loaded onto the Friction TV site yesterday. This counts as a link to an existing broadcast. In any case, internet TV is not regulated by OfCom. I am not a lawyer but I doubt whether it is subject to the same rules on election day stuff, but I may be wrong. It doesn't apply in this case, anyway.

  3. I am complaining to Ofcom about your political broadcast today in relation to the Crewe and Nantwich By-Election.

    Unfortunately you do not display any contact information either here or for Friction TV.

    Please supply your registered office address so that proceedings can commence. These will include a High Court injunction preventing you from making any further such broadcasts and to remove the existing material. You may do this now to avoid such action and publish an apology.

    (solicitors acting for the Labour Party)

  4. I enjoyed that. It was excellent reporting of a very high standard with fluent well chosen interviewees.
    More please.

  5. A test case should be had - clearly it's a complete disgrace that you feel able to get away with this. Email winging it's way to Ofcom right now!

  6. Repeat: This was posted on Friction TV yesterday.

    If you really think I will respond to anonymous threats, think again. If you really are the Labour Party's solicitors then feel free to email me at my email address which is freely available at, but I'll make it easy for you -

    I cannot see how linking to an existing video breaches any law, but if you'd like to quote me the relevant legislation I'll happily look into it. But please don't do it anonymously.

  7. Do you believe then that you are not a "Broadcaster" as defined in the Act? What makes you think so?

    "Broadcasters should also have regard to relevant sections of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) (“RPA”) – see in particular sections 66A, 92 and 93 (which is amended by section 144 of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000).) "

  8. Iain, I think anonymous@11.13 was a spoof. No real solicitor writes like that. Nor indeed does anyone about to make a real complaint.

  9. I predict the tories to get a majority of around 7000, witgh labour just losing to the lib dems by a 1000 or so votes. Pretty unfiar result as the top hats will do zero for the people fo Crewe.

  10. Did not realize Seddon was now working for Al Jez- just confirms my long standing view that socialism (him) and fascism (mid east mocharchy) are pretty much the same thing.

  11. Nice to see that anonymous at 11:29 quotes the OfCom Broadcasting Code without bothering to read the foreword. If he/she had, they would have seen that it states "Additionally, audio-visual content through the internet – a medium unregulated by Ofcom – is increasing." Friction TV is therefore not covered by the broadcasting code. And suggesting that a link to an existing video can breach guidelines is just extremely silly.

    There is no law on the subject of election day coverage, simply the OfCom Broadcasting Code which stipulates the behaviour of those broadcasters it regulates.

    If one of the anonymous complainants does bother to complain to OfCom, he/she will get an answer politely telling them to go forth and reproduce.
