Saturday, May 10, 2008

Nick Clegg and the Politics of Envy

Yet again, the Liberal Democrat Leader has displayed his immaturity. Jonathan Isaby reports that during a visit to the Crewe & Nantwich by-election he said this...
“Unlike the multi-millionaire Conservative candidate, our candidate Elizabeth Shenton is actually hit by the doubling of the 10p tax rate.”

This provokes a number of comments...
  • Nick Clegg is a millionaire himself, as I think he admitted in his GQ interview
  • The man he beat in the LibDem leadership contest, Chris Huhne, is a multi millionaire
  • If we were in America we would be hailing the fact that a successful man wants to stand for political office
I don't know what the background of the LibDem candidate is and from a financial viewpoint I don't really care. I am sure that she genuinely feels the 10p tax rate abolition was wrong, just as I am sure Edward Timpson does. Just because someone isn't directly affected by a tax change, it doesn't mean you don't understand its effects. Part of the reason Labour lost so badly last week was because hundreds of thousands of richer people looked at the 10p tax issue and decided it was wrong, even though they themselves benefitted from the 2p drop on the basic rate.

Nick Clegg's cheap little attack has achieved only two things - to make him look a little cheap and a tad hypocritical.


  1. Maybe you can start a poll: who will cease being leader of their party first -Brown or Clegg?

    Their MPs and party members must be sitting with their heads held in their hands at how badly they are both performing in their respective jobs...

  2. A bit like that Harry Enfield character in reverse;

    Vote for us , we're significantly poorer than yooose

  3. Very similar to Labour tactics of dressing up as "toffs". A throwback to the socialist days of envy;spite and class hatred(they should ponder well that the very "middle classes" they will depend on to win any future General Election don't look well on such stupid and pointless tactics. Can you imagine the uproar from the "liberal left" and the "Guardinistas" if Conservative activists dressed as "ragged arsed working men" ? Exactly. They should realise that people's backgrounds are of NO consequence. It's what they do that's the point. I don't care if Boris or Dave went to Oxbridge and Eton or were in the "Bullingdon Club" so what ? I'd sooner trust Cameron and Osbourne and even Boris over the likes of Brown & co( and of course Labour should remember that a few of their "finest" including Balls and Harman went to private schools and had a "privileged" upbringing.

    The only good thing about Labour and Liberal shennanigans is that it just makes people more determined to vote Conservative

  4. So a wealthy man is going to take a significant pay cut to do some public service? Sounds decent to me. Far better than someone wanting to be an MP because they're looking forward to the gigantic salary increase and getting into the next tax bracket.

  5. I know of two Lib Dem activists who work their socks off delivering leaflets in North London most days. Do a really good job for the Lib Dems and they must be badlty affected by the 10p tax rate.

    Why, because both are on Disabililty Living Allowence. Both claim that they are too depressed to work and have ME which means they have to go to sleep at regular intervals and yet find a by election and they are both up at the crack of dawn on the morning raid.

    Makes you wonder, doesn't it.

  6. Crewe and Nantwich is part of the set of elections that is having to substitute for the general election Brown and his Party never dared to call. The suggestion that Labour always has difficulty getting out its vote in elections that are not crucial for holding power must be the beginning of the spin operation to explain the result.

  7. Hyprocrisy and the Lib Dems go together like stinking and skunks.

  8. I don't agree with Clegg's statement (perhaps it's a first for me to disagree with him on anything...) but it's just a tad hypocritical for the Tories to be talking about this 10p tax business as if it were their issue. See Camoron's article in the Independent yesterday, dripping with hypocrisy as it was.

    Beyond all doubt, the Lib Dems are the party for those who are struggling to live on low incomes... and want their children to have a future which is brighter than theirs, by having a realistic chance of social mobility.

  9. Im sure she will be a millionaire by the time she leaves(if she wins).

  10. Shouldn't Edward Timpson be stressing his humble family background. Not for nothing is his nickname "THE COBBLER"

  11. The Libbie candidate for C&N better be careful and NOT let Clegg fill in her expenses form. He might hand it in late.... Btw:- are we surprised that a LD could be cheap & nasty?! I think not.

  12. Iain, cheap attacks, just like you seem to do - perhaps is should make you think before writing some of the rubbish you do.

  13. Nick Clegg has several tricky problems:

    1. In a few short months he has amply demonstrated that his Party picked the wrong person to lead the LibDems.

    2. Deep down, he now knows this; it has seriously dented his self-confidence and his resulting performance.

    3. He has not got a CLUE how to take on and best Cameron. But he feels he needs to try - bizzarely using one of his two questions to the Prime Minister each week to try and do so!

    4. At the moment he is looking at losing at least a third of his MP's - probably nearer half. But he can't bring himself to focus all his fire on urban/suburban Labour - even though that is where his prize might have lain. But now the Tories have "baggsied" those seats too, LibDems are looking irrelevent to the task of getting Britain out of the mess of Labour's making.

    Cue Captain Mainwaring....

    Marquee Mark

  14. Er...I wonder if he said this when Lynne Featherstone was standing for election! I hope Mr. Timpson reminded the medja of her!

    Cleggy is clearly immature and promoted above his ability!

    The Lib Dems are stacked to the gunnells with millionaires as much as any other party!

    The other issue is that the candidate for the Lib Dems clearly stands to get a significant pay rise when s/he (who is it anyway?) enters Parliament.

    I am always of sceptical of people who get pay rises when they go into Parliament - as you never know what there motive really is. Are they simply too crap to achieve anything substantive in the real world? (unless s/he is a nurse etc).

    Whilst many Lib Dems are successful businessmen/women, I know a few Lib Dems who have never had a proper job in their lives. Many are now MPs!

  15. Her website says that she is a senior manager at RBS and married to a IT manager.

    Me thinks that if she has been effected by the change, then it is only because she has voluntarily opted to change to part time work.

    Doesn't change the fact that abolition of the 10p rate without compensation was wrong, but does highlight quite how disingenuous Clegg is (again).

  16. Ironic that all the candidates in this election are cobblers. at least Edward Timpson was born into the trade.

  17. A. Yalland,

    "I am always of sceptical of people who get pay rises when they go into Parliament - as you never know what there motive really is. Are they simply too crap to achieve anything substantive in the real world?"

    Given that an MP's basic salary is more than twice the median income, and that most MPs earn substantially more than that... are you saying that the overwhelming majority of people are "crap" and have no "achievements" to their name? My own parents don't earn half an MP's basic between them, and they earn more than a lot of people.

  18. Asquith,

    I don't know why you think that Conservatives shouldn't be concerned about the 10p rate of tax. They have every interest in ensuring that the tax system is seen to be fair. Conservatives have a different view of fairness.

    They don't necessarily think that fairness includes mandatory redistribution of income to the same extent as the socialists, but that doesn't stop them being as concerned as anyone else that the widely publicised reduction of 2% in the basic rate should be funded by the unheralded abolition of the 10% rate.

    That was simply unworthy of any government.

  19. Clegg has been a little lost sheep ever since he and his traitor chums saved Brown over Lisbon . A history of attacking Labour from the left if at all cannot be gainsaid in a month or two of posturing and the Liberals find themselves of the wrong end of the get-rid-of-Brown movement ,flat lining when they should be filling their boots. This is what you get for a lack of any belief except that by tracking the centre you can be pivotal .New thinking cannot come from the middle and thus the Liberals are always going to be the un wanted latecomer who gets a bit nasty.

    I dearly hope the puerile snipes at a very fine Conservative Candidate are treated as they deserve to be. Meritocracy Dunwoody is a joke and Public school debating society fop Clegg can shut his fleshy gob about under-privilege.

  20. He's Nick the Clegg
    (diddle liddle liddle um)
    With his extra leg
    (diddle liddle liddle um)
    Wherever he goes
    Through rain or snow
    The people always let him know
    He's a disingenuous git.
    (diddle liddle liddle um).

  21. To say that Edward Timpson is from the cobbling trade is stretching a point.

    His great-great grandfather started the manufacturing and retail company, the remains of which (a chain of heel bars) are still in family hands.

    He hasn't become a millionaire by being a barrister in Chester - it's inherited wealth. So he won't be taking "a significant pay cut to do some public service."

    I wish him the best of luck, but let's get our facts right.

  22. Anon @ 1.30 - I think you'll find most decent barristers will earn a trifle more than 60k a year. So even though his wealth may well be inherited, he'll earn less as an MP than as a barrister. Same for most of the good ones who went into politics. Michael Howard, for example, was earning something like 3-400k a year as a QC.

  23. An interesting point Alan, but:

    (a)how much would an average barrister make out of family law cases in Chester? Not quite like being a commercial law barrister in London.

    (b)since when did MPs only make £60k a year? Every week we hear of yet-another scheme that the House has found to line the pockets of its members.

    (c) Why would being an MP preclude him from continuing with his legal career? Until such a time as he gained a higher office, he would be able to run both careers quite easily.

    I still wish the lad well, if only because his teeth are less frightening than Tamsin's.

  24. Nick Clegg is a millionaire himself, as I think he admitted in his GQ interview.

    Not true. He said that if he sold up everything, he would be well short of a million.

  25. How did Clegg make a million ? He's only worked for the EU, been an Euro MP and a MP - ah I see .....

  26. When will Lab and Lib MPs realise that the inverse snobbery thing doesn't wash with most educated people? Furthermore, this Clegg example does indeed have the added angle in that he is pretty weathy.

    Clegg is an idiot and in a way I am glad he comes out with rubbish like this, because the more he says it, the less likely people are to vote LibDem

  27. One Night...

    No, I am saying nothing of the sort.

    I know many fine people earn way less than an MPs salary - nurses, fire officers, most local government officers, most police officers, those in the retail sector, people at Tescos - the kind of people without whom civilised society would collapse.

    But what I am saying is that there are a lot of people in non-jobs, who leave University, go into politics working for an MP as a researcher, then hang around politics until they get elected, (then get a whopping pay rise) without actually having done anything in the real world, and having pretty much zero expereince of the kind of issues most of the rest of the country face on a day to day basis.

    A lot of Labour's 97 intake are classic examples, which is why they make such woefully poor legislators - they have zero expereince of anything except party politics!

    These are the kind of people who would never survive in the real world because they are either too crap to achieve anything substantive, or have an inate sense of entitlement to being our masters without ever actually having proven their worth in any real sense!

    And for the record, I have equal disdain for candidates who come to politics having made bazillions of pounds, have spent a few years as officers in the military, or are part of the establishment, and impress Tory associations accordingly, then get elected! They equally have very little expereince of the problems faced by the majority who were not born into their social circles and wealth. A lot of the Tory 2005 intake qualify for this analysis in my book!

    I think a candidate for political office should be able to demonstarte that they have expereince of real life - whether it is in a commercial sense, or by working as a key worker.

    There are too many barristers, journalists and bankers and arrogant officer-class types on the Tory benches, and too many social workers, college lecturers, union officials and professional party hacks on the other benches.

    There are not enough middle managers, small businessmen, GPs, nurses, ex-coppers, and 'normal' people anywhere in the house!

  28. Clegg is a hypocritical t--t. Problem is that our campaign is going so complacently in Crewe that these t-----rs will get away with it.

  29. I wouldn't worry about anything Clegg says after his Party's showing in the local elections. The middle-ground squeeze will see his share of the vote shrink to nowt.

  30. Clegg really is looking immature compared to Huhne - and definitely compared to Cable.

    Clegg uses the language of a poor 6th form debating society.

    As somebody else commented earlier who is going to be replaced first, Calamity or Bean? Lib-Dem ratings are not good at all, given Jonah's standing.

    But then again how many Lib-dems read this blog? - or if they do are in any position to unseat Clegg?

  31. Laurence Boyce said...
    "Not true.....blah blah"

    August 31, 2007 4:46 PM , Laurence Boyce said...
    "Anyway, all I really want to say is that if Boris Johnson becomes Mayor of London, I shall kiss Donal Blaney's arse."

  32. Adrian, recent Tory intake, off the top of my head, try looking at backgrounds of Anne Milton, Mike Penning and Lee Scott for starters - hardly your traditional toff backgrounds: nursing, fire service, international charity.

  33. Surely Clegg (my most hated politician) has done worse than Brown in recent months. If I were a Lib Dem (not while my arse points down) I would be asking why we weren't picking up a mass of voters from those leaving Labour. Clegg is a chimp and I hope the Lib Dems keep him. Just keep him off the TV because he's bloody annoying.

  34. The likes of Clegg is what you get when you appoint pretty boys and girls to the Commons. It was clear he wasn't up to it before they appointed him and he's proved it many times since.

  35. Judith - I never said it was applicable to all applicants. But Mike Penning is an interesting point in case - ex copper and a real working-class Essex-boy Tory (albeit spent a spell under Amanda Platell in CCO). Yet, repeatedly tunred down by associations - including my own associationin - in favour of PR execs and barristers. Eventually elected - thank God.

    But for every Mike Penning, there is a Brooks Newmark (lovely guy - one of the nicest on the Tory benches, but with massive private wealth, Harvard background, and a career in the city), or Tobias Elwood - ex officer class and straight into the city, or Ed Vaizey - again a smashing and talented bloke - but ex barrister and PR spiv (like me - so I am not insulting him). Although at least Ed has real world expereince - and I engaged his company once!

    So, talented as they are - they are all from a similar background. we need more depth!

    There are not enough like Grant Schapps - grammar boy who started his own business aged 21! That is real expereince of life - and no wonder is he such a great MP!

    I am hoping however that the next election will see some new blood coming in - small business people like Mary McLeod in Isleworth and Julia Mulligan in Leeds NE!

    we just need balance. That's all I am saying!

  36. 'politics of envy' is a phrase which gets chucked around a lot.

    What I'd like to know is what is actually wrong with that? Envy is a positive motivating force to be harnessed.

  37. Miller 2.0

    Yes, it can motivate. But it doesn't when Labour are involved. Their particular brand of envy is a desire to drag people down, not to build themselves up. It's why, try as they might, Labour just don't get the notion of 'aspiration'. They sneered at the Tory IHT proposal because at its highest level it only applies to a few thousand people. But they fail to grasp that millions of want to be in the millionaire bracket. The proposal tells people that if they work hard for themselves, the state can reward them by not taking their money away. Brown and his group just can't grasp this idea.

  38. Not the only laughable piece of LibDem campaigning in Crewe... strictly come doorknocking anyone?

  39. I stopped taking the LiDems seriously since when David Steel thundered years ago 'go back to your constituencies and prepare for government' while addressing his followers-the woolly brigade.
    Every one knew he was talking nonsense.
    Clegg blurts out not thinking much.
    Best to ignore him

  40. Adrian Yalland said... "There are not enough like Grant Schapps - grammar boy who started his own business aged 21! That is real expereince of life - and no wonder is he such a great MP!"

    Is Grant 1234 Shapps (spelling!)still advising people on internet security?

  41. Why are you worrying about anything Clegg has to say? He's a little boy in long trousers - just see his 'boast' about female 'conquests'!

    The Lib Dem vote is going to get squeezed until the pips squeak. It's the same every time Labour are voted out of power - it's anyone but Labour but make sure.

  42. But Iain. Oh dear. The attack re millionaires and mansions is I think justified by the candidates arrant stupidity in telling Channel 4 News on Tuesday how "we had it tough" as children. That was absolute bollocks.

    The family seat is here.

    He did not "have it tough" and he should be ashamed of himself for pretending that he did. That's the sin. Not being filthy rich.

  43. PS Just a little point Iain. Why do you call Edward Timpson a "successful man"? His greatest success so far is it seems being born into a retail dynasty.

  44. He's a qualified barrister. That makes him a success in anyone's book, apart from yours no doubt.

  45. I'm puzzled by this 'pretty boy' tag because to me Clegg isn't pretty at all.

    Why does he talk to us, the great unwashed, out here as though we're too stupid to understand him?

    Why is there so often this undercurrent of anger and impatience bubbling away beneath the surface with Clegg?

    And why is he so d*mn bossy?

    No, sorry Mr Clegg, I smell an elitist control freak with a huge ego and superiority complex, a man who thinks he's always right, whenever I see you speak.

    And that's all too evocative of Gordon Brown. You're Broon's little alter ego and that isn't at all pretty.

  46. Iain Dale said:

    "He's a qualified barrister. That makes him a success in anyone's book, apart from yours no doubt."

    Sorry Iain, but just how many barristers have you met?

    The legal qualifications aren't that difficult. Getting a pupilage is; there are 3 qualified barristers chasing ever pupilage post. If you're looking for a pupilage, family money and connections aren't exactly a handicap.

    Most qualified barristers don't see real money until they're 40+ and so have the option of (1) living like a prole until then or (2) living off your family's wealth until then.

    I think that Edward Timpson has ticked box number 2.

    Does this make him a success?

  47. I love it. Clegg has got you riled. Job done. As a Clegg fan, I'm now quite happy

    ps - the millionaire jibe -pathetic.

  48. And for the record, I have equal disdain for candidates who come to politics having made bazillions of pounds, have spent a few years as officers in the military, or are part of the establishment, and impress Tory associations accordingly, then get elected! (Adrian, 2.33)

    I speak as somebody with two sons who are serving officers in the Armed Services. I watched those lads grow up during the course of their training. That training, and their carreers since, qualify them amply in my view for almost anything they want later to do, whether in commerce or politics.

    And as an aside, I wonder if this Liebour government would have been quite so willing to commit our over-stretched and ill-equipped forces to so many foreign adventures if they had had a few more, or even any, ex military in its ranks?

    I yield to nobody in my contempt for a parliament filled with lawyers, ex-SPADS, PR-men and polytechnic lecturers, but please.... lets leave the armed forces out of this.

  49. Adrian Yalland said...

    "I am always of sceptical of people who get pay rises when they go into Parliament ... Are they simply too crap to achieve anything substantive in the real world?"

    Snotty tory. Good of you to remind us of why tories are so despised.

  50. Chris Paul,

    You must have missed Gordon Brown saying he has also had it tough on last week's Andrew Marr show. I can't blame you for not watching - it must be painful.

  51. A throwback to the socialist days of envy;spite and class hatred

    Throwback ? If you read the Guardian it's very much alive & well and a near obsession too.
