Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mum, I'm On t'Telly

I'll be doing the papers on the BBC News Channel (as we must now call it) tonight at 11.45, and on GMTV tomorrow morning (sometime between 6 and 7.25 - repeated on ITV 2 a bit later) with Steve Richards discussing the woes of the government with Alex Hilton. Alex is, how shall I put it, a tad controversial regarding Mr Brown's future, to the extent that I am now worried about Alex Hilton's future.


  1. Must be a bit embarrassing to be considered at the same level as a political commentator as Alex Hilton.


  2. They had booked the editor of Tribune. Alex stepped in at the last minute I believe.

  3. Much as I would hate to criticise a fellow Audi driver...

    Radio 4 this morning
    BBC News Channel tonight

    Do I see a media whore before me Iain?

  4. Good answer ;)


  5. Iain, who did you step in in place of? :)


  6. We must keep the the present leader of the labour party. As he has great mental strength and intelligence not many people can lose an eye and recover to get a double first. (I mean get a double first he did not get his eye back) Or lose a child and still not be broken. He is a man to admire. One thing you troeis myst admitt he is very clever and is mentally very strong. Could you cope with the stuff the media throw at him. You have to admire his stamina.

  7. Over on CHome the first comment about the newly open seat in Chorley is "Iain Dale for Chorley!"

  8. The Labour PPC for Kensington didn't announce Gordon's death did he?

  9. "One thing you troeis myst admitt"

    Nice to see that 11 years of NuLab have substantially raised educational standards.

  10. Mr "I killed Hitler" is a sock puppet. Someone keeps posting this tripe under different identities.

  11. Iain, did you get the little saucer of cream I put down for you?

  12. Alex Hilton's image certainly lives up to his politics.

    Go comrade!

  13. "on t'Telly"...

    Ah! So you must be one of the Yorkshire Dales.

  14. Good show Iain, well done. 2 weeks notice from Alex? Gordon must be sh*tting himself.

  15. On Wiki is says about Alex ...

    "Hilton was Labour councillor for Newbury in the London Borough of Redbridge until 2006, where, for undisclosed reasons, he did not stand for re-election" - any idea why.

    In fact his only redeeming feature seems to be he is related to Paris Hilton - sharing her intellect but not her looks.

  16. Mr "I killed Hitler" is DES and I claim £5.


  17. Alex Hilton stepped in ? In what way is this an improvement to an empty seat or a babbling child ?

    It does irritate me seeing such worthless people given the "oxegyn of publicity"

  18. I'm an activist in Redbridge politics: I think you could probably say that the local Labour Party didn't fully appreciate the astonishing 'talents' of Alex Hilton or his Mum, another ex-councillor.

  19. Perhaps your anonymous Redbridge Labour activist would like to tell me his or her name so we can have this out like adults?

    I chose not to stand for re-election because a male Labour councillor treated a Tory female councillor very badly and got away with it. Going to meetings with the guy after that made my stomach turn.

    I didn't submit a form applying to be on the LGC candidates panel and I didn't apply to be reselected in my ward.

    If you have heard anything different, perhaps you will let me know. Perhaps you'll be less of a coward an use your name.

    Alex Hilton
    07985 384 859
