Sunday, May 04, 2008

Move Along, Nothing to See...

I just vosoted LabourHome. I don't do it very often, but I thought I would see what they were saying about Gordon Brown's interviews today. The answer is sweet F A. Nothing. Nada. Not a post, not a paragraph, not a sentence, not a word. I wonder why that could be. Were they embarrassed by the performance of their Dear Leader?

UPDATE: I have just visited the following lefty blogs and found not a single mention of Brown's relaunch interviews...

Kerron Cross, Hopi Sen, Ministry of Truth, Bob Piper, Chicken Yogurt, Byrne Baby Byrne, Harry's Place, Conor Ryan, Mars Hill, Rupa Huq.
Even bloody Chris (Comical Ali) Paul doesn't go into bat for Gordon. None of them get links for being either idle, ashamed of their leader, embarrassed, or all three.

If anyone needed proof as to why the left wing blogosphere is so rubbish, this is it.


  1. it's all here iain. trust me. we're all fecked off with gordon too

    just a selection:

  2. They are embarrassed, depressed and despairing. How could they be otherwise after Brown's shambolic appearances today?

  3. Perhaps Labourhome are beginning to feel a bit like this about Grodon?

    It seems much of the rest of the country already feels that way....

  4. According to LabourHome, Cameron is a "oil salesmen" and likes to go shooting...?


  5. Very quiet indeed. Though I did enjoy Alan Duncan's comment:

    "I think if that was a fight-back, Gordon Brown is now in deeper water"

  6. Iain,

    They are not happy. This post over there is not too Brown friendly.

  7. The PM is the leader. How can toru traitors hate our leader so much. There are plenty of other nations to go to if you do like the leader of our country.

  8. Yes, I noticed it myself an hour ago whilst browsing English blogs for reactions to link to my own take...apart from yourself I only came across reactions on Guido's blog, the Daily Referendum and Chicken Yoghurt...not surprised Labour bloggers are silent, but is the centre-right blogosphere beginning to suffer from Brown fatigue?

  9. But does Labourhome censor comments?

  10. Are you going to apply for Henley?

  11. Mr Dale:

    On your Twitter entry, you say "Eric Pickles will be doing a live webchat on my blog at 8pm on Tuesday"

    I'm too old to understand what the hell Twitter is meant to be, but I suspect that like many other people who voted for the first candidate to be on your webchat, I'm disappointed.

    We all voted for "Erci Pickles", not this Johnny-come-lately "Eric Pickles" whoever-he-may-be. Probably one of these 'tribute acts' that you drug-crazed youngsters seem to like so much.

    Frankly, I'm disgusted. I will alert Trading Standards. You, sir, are a cad and a bounder.

  12. Dirtyeuropeansocialist:

    Brown couldn't lead his party out of a paper bag.

    He's no leader to the English and never will be and you can guess who we think are the traitors for allowing him to succeed to the Premiership.

    The gutless cowards in the Parliamentary Labour Party. That's who!

    He and Labour have shamed this country for far too long. The sooner we are rid of them, the better.

  13. Javelin, Kind of you to ask but no.

  14. I agree with you Iain. And have posted accordingly on his blog.

    But I am hijacking your message space (based on the 'nothing to see' title) to complain about the BBC which have on their news promoted the failure of Microsoft to take over Yahoo to 2nd place on their running order - relegating the death (murder) of 2 children in Glasgow to a brief 3rd. Needless to say 4th is a cyclone in Burma which seems to be occupying longer air time.

    Hmmm... the world according to the BBC.

  15. Oh Iain bless. I'm serious, it's quite flattering in it's own way :)
    With me it's none of those things, and I know for a fact that one of the other bloggers does not have ready Internet access. In my case I have had a busy day delivering a sermon (on new beginnings believe it or not), and doing housework that couldn't be delayed.
    I have posted on the Mayoral results, but I want to give some thought to Gordon's leadership before blogging on it, which I will. My general view though, as you may guess, is despair that a premiership which I have started seeing with high hopes is going through such a slough of despond. I am sure you know that feeling when Maggie went through painful periods of her premiership.

  16. Pity , I somewhat dread Pere Johnson performing the embarrassing dad routine at a national level. What about Nick Boles , if he is recovered ?

    He has a lot to add even if he is a gay Public school wet who has never done a hands turn.

  17. Nick Boles is already the candidate for Grantham!

  18. I liked the bit on the Sky (I think) interview when Brown is talking about the London elections and says something about "Boris", then suddenly remembering the Tessa Jowell dictat, mutters "Johnson" to avoid having to put a quid in the swearbox!

  19. *yawn*

    This illustrates your overtly Westminister mentality somewhat Iain.

    First, the left-wing blogosphere isn't simply official card carrying Labour blogs.

    Secondly, we're not all obsessed by the minutae of what GB is doing... even if we are trying to think of where the Labour party should go from here.

    On the latter, there is plenty of commentary and discussion if you look for it.

  20. Sunny, so , er, Gordon's interviews have nothing to do with the future o the Labour Party. Ah, I see.

  21. The PM is the leader. How can toru traitors hate our leader so much. There are plenty of other nations to go to if you do like the leader of our country.

    Go back to Russia is the typical ending of this lame argument.

    Perhaps if he were "Elected" rather than just stealing the leadership people would have more respect for him.

  22. Sadly I didn't see the great leader in action today. So I can hardly review them.

    But I must say that the portions chosen for repeating by BBC and Sky and ITV do not look like a bad job from Mr Brown. Humble and reflective.

    This was a protest vote for the most part. Things will change over the coming months.

    PS The Comical Ali gag does not work. You're obsessing about some minor blogger who's got your number is what it looks like.

  23. Of course GB is central to that problem, my point is that the issue is bigger than what he says in an interview.

    Whereas you're being somewhat of a Kreminologist, watching what he says on TV, many, including myself, who have been watching the Labour party for a long time, take a wider view than just what he said.

    LabourHome for example has a piece by Sunder Katwala on where the party needs to go. What GB says in an interview after a sound beating is... rather irrelevant.

  24. Hi Iain,

    The problem with the party cannot be encapsulated in one interview... What I mean is, you're being much more of a Kreminologist - watching each interview to see what people say and then blogging about it. Many bloggers on the left on the other hand take a more medium term - longer term view.

    LH has pieces on where New Labour must go now (by Sunder) while Liberal Conspiracy is running some pieces now and tomorrow morning on the Labour party itself. GB's recent interviews are part of the scheme, but not the whole issue.

  25. Labourhome certainly does censor comments. They are not in the least interested in discussing anything - the whole place is a massive circle jerk.

    The Labour blogosphere is still banging shrilly on about how Boris is a racist toff. It's as though they haven't noticed nobody believes them.

  26. Ah, I have worked out why DES can't express himself very well in English, and why he refers to Brown as Our Leader - he is obviously here on a student permit from North Korea!

    Welcome to the UK, DES - you may find your stay here more fruitful, and indeed more enjoyable if you lighten up a little and take a wider view of British society.

    Over here, the British tend to like a bit of humour, a bit of self-deprecation, and quite of lot of not taking things that seriously (on the surface). It's probably why Blair and Livingstone lasted so long.

    We don't believe that once a Prime Minister has been (non)elected, he is automatically the Father of the Nation and should be proto-worshipped by the proletariat. Unfortunately, you have arrived here at a time when we have a Prime Minister who does have a rather N Korean outlook, so I can see why you are confused.

    I do hope you enjoy your stay here, and I will no longer poke fun at your spelling - my Korean is certainly pretty bad!

  27. Is 'Stupid European Socialist' Westminster's no1 pie eater Mr Tam Watson MP?! Just as daft, and just as unintentionally funny!

  28. Socialist bloggers are not posting, or are not posting what you think that we should write?

    So far this month I have put up:

    Two Boris pieces, an attack on the social work filth and a good gloat at the Americans, five years after Mission Accomplished.

    Oh - and a rather nice photo of a decent bit of talent...

    Not posting?

  29. Just to say that Chicken Yoghurt and the Ministry of Truth tend to be objective when criticising the Government. I wouldn't read much into their not posting about the interview. Probably had better things to do with their time.

  30. Iain,

    couldn't agree more. I've been looking round to get some 'balance' and see what people are saying on the other side. Next to nothing.

    I thought the whole point of this type of blogging was to comment on things 'as it happens'??

    Looks like a gap in the market to me...

  31. Is the most important thing to discuss therefore Brown's interviews- or might there be other things- I don't know like policy perhaps that might be worth discussing- that's what I have against the rightwing blogosphere- you and Guido are just obsessed with the minutiae of the cabinet but don't seem to give a damn about policy. Well I don't give a damn about who is the next Prime Minister- I'm far more interested in what he does.

  32. But that's the whole point. In ten months we haven't got a clue what his vision is or what his policy vision is. Are you seriously saying that bloggers shouldn't be posing that question?

  33. You're the last person to be told what to blog about, you bloody hypocrite, so don't lecture me.

    Anyway, get your facts straight. Brown is not my 'leader' - I'm not a member of the Labour Party. Also, I *did* write about the 'relaunch' on Sunday morning.

    If we're going to talk about a conspiracy of silence, why no mention on the 'righty' blogs of Guido Fawkes' second drink-driving conviction?

  34. simon are you ill or somehting you seem to get angry at me all the time. Take that hermoroid lotion to claim you down.

    judith I have male stratyegic brain so i like skill at english i have male strategic brain. So lack socia and english skills. I may be shy but a i am clever. Why you have to resort to racims is beyond me.

    England Expects The PM runs England so you are a traitor for haitng him end of story.

    1984 1/2 If you do not like the PM go somehwere else there are plenty of other NAZI nations you can live in not run by the queens chief minister.

  35. Yeah Iain, whatever. Your lack of link has certainly taught me a lesson.
    Obsessively following Brown's every utterance on a bank holiday weekend then blogging its non-blogworthiness strikes me as a consequence of "too much time". Some of us have lives to lead, mouths to feed, kids parties to attend and stuff on a Sunday. I didn't see the morning interviews alas but could do you a great review of this morning's edition of Noddy if you like.

  36. What's the matter, Iain? Words failing you again?

  37. For you, Justin. Always. :)

  38. If anyone needed proof as to why the left wing blogosphere is so rubbish, this is it.

    The fact is, behind the bluster, the rightwing blogosphere is a bit shit too. The entire Brit-blog scene is garbage.

    Also, as a blog reviewer and one-time semi-serious blogger, I have lost count of the number of times there has been a bad-news day for the Tories and the response from yourself, Guido, Dizzy et al has been silence. Usually some ConHome nutjob speaks up, but the major blogs generally hide.

    So I think this is a bit of a pissy argument.
