Friday, May 09, 2008

Message to Ken: You Lost...

He obviously doesn't quite realise he has lost, because Ken Livingstone has just turned up at City Hall at the AGM of the London Assembly. Let's hope he doesn't have the effect of the ghost at Banquo's feast...

UPDATE: Ken has just said he will attend every Mayoral Question Time for the next four years. He's going to be like one of those sad defeated MPs who appear in the House of Commons after they have lost, as they can't quite bear to leave.


  1. Is Ken going to be like one of those poor guys in the twilight of their careers, who sets off to work at the same time every morning - because they can't bear to tell the wife they have been fired?

    Someone should tell him to spend more time with his families.
    [For Vic and Bob fans, my word verification is honestly "eranhu"!!! Eranhu indeed....]

    Marquee Mark

  2. The London Assembly AGM is open to members of the public - even to Ken Livingstone.

  3. Isn't it time that he became a member of the "disappeared".

    Is their an ex-Argentine agent, resident in London, available for a small last job?.

  4. I agree with anon@11:01 Ken is a Londoner and is perfectly entitled to watch the proceedings.

    Marqee Mark, great word verification!

  5. Poor Ken, he's clearly missing the attentions of the massed ranks of sycophants, cronies and placemen at City Hall.
    When they're all fired Ken can have them round for tea, or not as that wont be at the public's expense.
    I wonder if Ken went to Jasper's motivational speech?

  6. Clearly a large part of the AGM of any organisation is a review of the year gone. If Ken had not turned up your story would be "Ken Fails To Deliver Annual Report - Shame on Him".

    Perhaps Boris has got a job for him? Apart from getting the billionairess Lynne Featherstone out of parliament ...

    Hilarious to hear about Ken's cronies now that Boris' motley crew are beginning to take shape. Even serious fraudster and convicted Etonian Lord Brocket is up for consideration.

    Dame Shirley's Milton, Oxford Crony Hari, a segregationist doing youth ... watch and weep.

  7. Clearly a large part of the AGM of any organisation is a review of the year gone. If Ken had not turned up your story would be "Ken Fails To Deliver Annual Report - Shame on Him".

    Perhaps Boris has got a job for him? Apart from getting the billionairess Lynne Featherstone out of parliament ...

    Hilarious to hear about Ken's cronies now that Boris' motley crew are beginning to take shape. Even serious fraudster and convicted Etonian Lord Brocket is up for consideration.

    Dame Shirley's Milton, Oxford Crony Hari, a segregationist doing youth ... watch and weep.

  8. "Ken has just said he will attend every Mayoral Question Time for the next four years."

    He doesn't expect to be gainfully employed elsewehere then...?

  9. perhaps he could do what other failed politicians seem to do these days and set up a blog and snipe from the sidelines

  10. Ken and Boris at EVERY Mayoral Question Time for the bext four years? Ouch!

  11. Or maybe he genuinely cares about London and believes he has something to contribute by turning up?

  12. Talk about kicking someone whilst they are down.

    Shame on you, Iain!

  13. Nobody is disputing Ken's right to turn up, but I think most people would think it a little strange.

    It's a bit like those people that leave a job but are always hanging around the place because they can't move on. A bit like David Brent in series 2 of The Office after he was made redundant, in fact.

    Ken's speech when the result came through was quite gracious but see his article today in the Guardian to see that he has revised his earlier gracious response to something altogether more bitter.

  14. JuliaM said...
    "Ken has just said he will attend every Mayoral Question Time for the next four years."

    "He doesn't expect to be gainfully employed elsewehere then...?"

    The Mayoral Question Time sessions are held in the evening to make it easier for the general public to attend.

  15. "The Mayoral Question Time sessions are held in the evening to make it easier for the general public to attend."

    Oh noes! That'll cut into his drinking time instead then...!

  16. Juliam 12:11 - Hahahahahaha!

    Anon 1:08 - It was still funny.

    Ken is indeed going to be one of those people who think the oranisation cannot exist - or be run properly - without him.

  17. Iain & KJFBig. You are making a dangerous mistake.

    Last Friday's Mayoral election was a loss in a tactical battle but
    it was a major victory in Ken's strategic ambition to lead the Labour Party and be PM. View his article
    in the Guardian today in that light and see his true intent.

    This is his subliminal message to Labour MPs.

    " I almost won London with a Scottish albatross dragging me down.

    Look guys even in the middle of the mess Gordon has made, I won a share of the vote that, at a general election, would see us today moving towards re-election not staring into the abyss.
    These votes were won in the Southern England heartland which will be key to the next election. So we need a new leader now, an internationally recognised figure, media savvy and popular with the electorate, untarnished by the Brown Blair years and committed to the Labour heartland. I have those credentials and the stomach for the fight, both to win the leadership and beat the Tories."

    Put aside any thoughts of Labour disintegrating in a fratricidal frenzy over ousting Brown and the potential succession. Labour Minsters and MPs sacrificed their principles over the last decade in their lust for power and the trappings of office. Expect these instincts for self preservation to be sharper and more ruthless now that the next general election looms to centre stage and the dole queue beckons. The same can be said of the Toynbee cliques who will be mortified by their humiliations and Tory triumphalism over the past weeks. Watch them swallow whatever reservations they may hold to rally behind a leader "with true Labour instincts" who they believe can turn the tide and win

    Ken knows this too. Thats why he knows his time has come

  18. Labour party apparachiks suffer from this power withdrawal syndrome which may lost for years.

    As an independent governor for a school in my local borough of Islingon I used to come across a few Labour councillors and even ex-chairs of the labour party in the council as fellow governors. One was from the dark loony-left days of Margaret Hodge (before she beamed herself as a new Labour Blairite in 1990s). They were wicked old men and in one case a woman who used to hog the meetings with weird discussions.

  19. Fabian

    If he has something to contribute then why did he not do it while in office, rather than toadying up to communists and racists? He spent a lot of time and effort on pointless exercises.

  20. Get a life Ken, perlease!

    25 years of your boring nasal drawl and endless excuses for failure is quite enough. Go live in Cuba or something!

  21. I would humbly point out that it was Banquo who was the ghost at Macbeth’s banquet.

    Is this a pedant I see before me?

