Thursday, May 08, 2008

Labour Candidate for Mayor 2012 ... Lee Jasper?

There's a fascinating article on LabourHome suggesting that Labour should immediately select a candidate to 'shadow' Boris Johnson and then fight the 2012 London Mayoral election.

Their suggestions? Tessa Jowell (well, she certainly has experience of losing campaigns), Oona King (yup, let's alienate the Muslim vote that propped up Ken's shaky chances), Someone called Dave Rowntree who is a member of something called Blur (a popular music beat combo, I believe), and...cue drum-roll...yes indeed...I couldn't make this up...Lee Jasper. Lee ******* Jasper!

Quote of the year from his nominator: "I am thinking Lee Jasper would be a very good choice here. He has strong backing among ethnic communities, is a well known figure having had a lot of press coverage and of course nothing has been proven against him."

A further example of how these people are losing grip on all reality.


  1. Brilliant! Time to put aside party political differences and see what we can do to help. Is there going to be an open selection procedure we can all vote in?

  2. That surely can't be a serious suggestion?

    Or perhaps this is what it was like back in Jim Jones' compound, when you were handed the pitcher of Koolaid, and saw everyone around you dropping like flies - there must have been a few who just fatalistically said 'Bottoms up!' and had a good long swallow....

  3. Lee Jasper isn't even the worst potential candidate I've read of. Martin Kettle in the Guardian the other day came up with a list that included Peter Hain, Ian Blair, Cherie Blair, and Ross Kemp.

    As well as Seb Coe who would be an excellent candidate but there is one small problem.....

  4. Oh, God! That's wonderful! His major qualification is nothing's been proved against him! (Except for the licentious emails originating from his computer.)

    While I'm at it, the socialists have got to stop this "ethnic communities" crapola. This invention and moulding of "ethnic communities" is a socialist invention. Divide and conquer.

  5. Lee Jasper was in the Evening Standard last night saying he had been approached to contest Kate Hoey's seat in Vauxhall as the official Labour candidate. Presumably in retaliation for her accepting the post of sports advisor to Boris.

    (And nothing to do with her support for the poor devils who were threatened by Jasper sponsored bullies at the doomed LDA funded projects in her constituency, of course).

    I assume this is mostly kite flying by Jasper. What makes him or any of his supporters in Vauxhall Labour Party, think the Evening Standard would give him an easier ride than they gave his erstwhile (unlamented) boss.

    Shaun Bailey, the black Conservative parliamentary candidate for Hammersmith, describes Jasper as "representing the old school of black politics. The game has moved on. Too often he has played the race card when it's not appropriate."

    Brixton rapper Marvin the Martian agrees: "He's out of touch and he's missing the mark every time. Lee Jasper claims to speak for 'the black community' ... There is no 'black community'. There are poor areas in which black people predominantly live in. "

    Hazel J

  6. What are you saying, Julia? That Labour voters would never vote to be ruled by crooks? Come now!

  7. Ken Livingstone would make a rather strong candidate IMHO, especially if Bojo makes a complete hash of things.

  8. Further thought - Jasper sees himself, apparently seriously, as MP material, so I'm sure there are others who see him as Mayoral material.

    You know whenever a particularly stupid post appears in the sidebar on LabourHome, one can promote it to the front page by recommending it. 3 reccoes and up it goes, for all the world to gasp at.

    You have to be signed up to do so. It is almost worth signing up just to do so because the best way to turn people off Labour is to draw attention to what the average Labour nutter actually thinks. There is a maniac on there who thinks that the big current issue is the poor pay and conditions of public sector workers and that private sector workers loss of pensions is the fault of their employers. If only public sector workers could do less work for more money, we'd all rally behind Gordo once more.

    It makes the Jasper fan look balanced and reasonable.

  9. Add to that Diane Abbott and Luvvie Fry. No really!

    In terms of the 'This Week' crowd I think Portillo does more to harm our cause than Diane. He's certianly good at talking us down.
    I'm sure there are loads of media luvvies (you know, the ones that said we didn't have a serious candidate) ready to throw their hats into the ring.

    Iain, on an entirely separate note, does Richard Bacon express any political opinions 'off mic'? And if so, where do you think his political bread is buttered? (I know perfectly well you aren't going to answer and thereby send Bacon the way of the whale.)

  10. Actually, someone's just suggested Alan Sugar. I think they're onto something there....

  11. Alan Sugar will be a Tory again by the time the next election rolls around.

    Even more to the point, he's Jewish. A certain type of core Labour voter is, shall we say, distinctly unenthused about Jews in general. In fact, these voters' holy handbook describes them as "pigs and monkeys", and recommends killing them rather than voting for them.

  12. You post a fairly eclectic Last fm list but claim never to have heard of Blur?

    And don't you live in a house, a big, big house in the country?

  13. Oona King is a fair minded person. Cameron would do well to get her on board. But she probably wouldn't have him. Shame... Although she can't be happy with Labour these days...

    Anyway, I thought she gave up on politics.

  14. Paul Linford may have a point. I can well imagine Ken having a crack at being mayor again, just in time for the Olympics

  15. The person they should select is the least likely person they will select - the MP for Vauxhall Kate Hoey.

  16. Please please please can we have Lee Jasper selected, hopefully about 3 months before he is charged with numerous offences by plod.

    Labour still don't get it though do they; it isn't the candidates that are the problem it is the entire party and the damage that people are now seeing that they have done to the country.

  17. This is complete and utter rubbish. The London Labour Party won't select its candidate until summer 2011 at the earliest.

    And it won't be any of the following:

    Kate Hoey
    Stephen Fry
    Alan Sugar
    Lee Jasper
    Ken Livingstone

