Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kevin Maguire Thinks We Don't Like Him

James Silver has done a rather good interview with a very chippy Kevin Maguire for the Sky News website HERE. Mr Maguire seems to think we don't like him very much.
"I'm a hate-figure for certain Tories," he says. "That's just the way it is. But as long as they read my blog, I don't care."

Of course not. It's not that we don't like him, we just don't like the rubbish he writes most of the time. Mind you, our Kev has a bit of good news for those of us on the right.
"Brown's in a deep hole, things are incredibly bleak for him and Cameron's going to win the general election."

Indeed. See, he can write sensible stuff if he really really tries.


  1. ... and for the first time in his life he's correct.

  2. I don't like him. He comes across as a chippy "professional northerner" although he lives in Kingston-upon-Thames IIRC.

  3. I don't know about him being a hate figure for certain Tories, rather it is a matter of indifference towards him by MOST Tories

  4. I'd just like to let Kevin know he's right, we absolutely hate him, despicable slime that he is. And furthermore I would not read the utter tat on his blog any more than I'll watch a paper review featuring dear Kev.

  5. He's a hate figure for certain lefties too...

  6. Any comparison's between the Toff obsessed Kevin Maguire and William Joyce are purely coincidental.

    Furthermore, any suggestions that a cell has been identified for him in the Bloody Tower and final resting place over Traitor's Gate are completely untrue.

    So much so that if I could find my master's Flat Cap we could have a whip round to pay for some counselling to get rid of that classist chip he's got on his shoulder before he completely loses his head......

  7. He's a Radio 5 "friend " !

  8. I don't hate you, Kevin. I pity you. You're like a left-wing Ann Coulter.

  9. As a genuine and still living here northerner from Mr Maguire's part of the world, I think he's a git wart.

    I am sorry we sent him down there. Bad choice of missionary.

    A couple of times I've emailed 5Live to say that if I wanted to hear Mr Maguire's opninions, I'd but the Mirror or read its website. I don't. So I don't expect the BBC to foist his opinions on me.

  10. I wouldn't say hate figure , its more a matter of bemusement that he is any sort of "figure" at all.

  11. wow he's right bloody hell how did he work that out

  12. Kevin sucking up to Brown is as feeble as Britain sucking up to America.

  13. You still havnt got it have you Kevin? Bless! You're not a hate figure - just a stupid twit who for some strange reason sucks up to Brown in a most cringe making manner (and any other lefty for that matter) How on earth you manage to hold down a job as a journo beats me!

  14. Kevin Maguire? Do you mean Brown's rent-a-quote?

  15. Blog? He has a blog? We don't read his blog. We just think he's a tw-


  16. "It's not that we don't like him, we just don't like the rubbish he writes most of the time."

    The only thing missing from this post is self-awareness.

  17. Kevin seems OK to me. I visit his blog. And he does not seem to bann anyone. So he allows freedom of speech. And people should not hate him for supportng labour. That is evil to hate people just because they dissagree with you. We are not a facist dictatorship.
    Why do tories have rods stuck up their buttocks. His stuff about toffs is a joke get over it.

  18. I am fed up with the hate coming from the tories. They have to learn not to hate someone just because they dissagree with you. It is dangerous to get that extreme.
    I do not hate tories so why do so many tories just have an automatic hatred of anyone who supports the PM. This is a free country. Not some millitary state.
    The reaction to McGuire is an exmaple of the tories losing their sense of humour.
    I dissagree with him I thin labour will still win the next election. The PM lost an eye at 16 and and a child but has incredibe mental strength and intelligence to pull back from that. He will win back again as the oi"k"l price drops.

  19. Years ago, a friend of mine asked Maguire about the possibility of a job on the Mirror's political team. His reply had at least the merit of candour: "I need someone with tits."

    Interestingly, since Maguire's ousting of Oonagh Blackman and the departure of Rosa Prince, the Mirror has become one of the very few national papers with no female lobby correspondent.

  20. Maguire is appropriate for his employer's target audience, and is probably no more than a symptom of a broader malaise of leftyism, now almost completely discredited.

    It seems to this observer that the ongoing decline in the Daily Mirror's readership, along with a much wider public awakening to truths (however uncomfortable to some), means that he and his paper cannot expect to survive unless they accept reality.

    For what is possibly the first time in their professional lives (except for old handers who were around during the Thatcher years, for whom this would be their second time), the Mirror writers are being forced into the real world.

    Even the Aaronovithches, Toynbees and Maguires eventually reach the point where they can no longer credibly maintain their previous stances if they are going to keep their jobs.

    Note that this does not change their underlying characters, and they are to be treated with suspicion (not hatred, though) for the rest of their lives. "Leopards and spots." They are in reality just trying to save their professional careers.

  21. I cannot stand Maguire, however I wouldn't want any harm to befall him, but why he has to do this professional North Easterner Act is totally beyond me. He knew the writing was on the wall when the ten pence tax fiasco blew up.
