Friday, May 23, 2008

An Interview with Simon Mayo

I've written before on the blog about the brilliance of Simon Mayo as a broadcaster and interviewer. He won Sony Broadcaster of the Year recently and there's an interview with him in today's Telegraph. Well worth a read, HERE.


  1. He deserves it, no question.

    Your blog is much better in this format Iain. I really dislike the new design.

  2. I agree Iain.
    Simon Mayo is superb. It's his depth of knowledge on so many subjects - politics, sport, books, film, music - coupled with his gently probing style that makes him so impressive.
    I think, when still in his Radio One days, he was a Labour supporter. But unlike many BBC types he never betrays his own prejudices and is scrupulously impartial.
    He's also a Spurs fan, which can't be bad in my book.

  3. Not as hideously pro-Labour as Victoria Derbyshire but still very liberal-left. Not too bad a broadcaster once you get past the political bias though.

  4. Simon Saladcream has a lumpy face and his mother got him his first job. He is the Tamsin Dunwoody of broadcasting, only prettier and more feminine.

  5. Agree - Simon is a fantastic broadcaster.

  6. Agree he's fantastic. I always look forward to PMQ's and the interviews after. Friday afternoons with the Good Doctor are a must.

  7. Simon Mayo is one of the few good broadcasters left on Radio 5.

    Over the last few years the station has dumbed down incredibly.

    When Radio 5 moves to Salford, they'll lose him, which will be a great shame .
