Wednesday, May 07, 2008

How to Make a Pig's Ear Our of a Dog's Breakfast

Brian Taylor explains HERE. Ach, wee Wendy, I feel you'll not long be for this world. You quite clearly live in a parallel universe already...


  1. Ach, wee Wendy, I feel you'll not long be for this world.

    Aber Iain, mein freund, in Scotland they say Och. Not ach, which is reserved stricly for the Huns.

  2. First Minister's questions tomorrow...wonder if Wee Wendy is looking forward to the occasion, the little feartie! She didn't even ask all her questions the other week.

    Perhaps she really should have asked Broon first, rather than leaving herself dangling in the wind, hoisted by her own petard (etc). A stupid strategy in any case, but blitheringly incompetent not to ask the boss first.

    One of the things I look forward to most about the demise of ZaNu Labour is the fate of that generation of student political activists from the 70s and 80s who - courtesy of a supine electorate in the heartlands, particularly Scotland - bestowed upon themselves the divine right of rulership after "18 years of Tory rule" and years of embittered low-level politics in student unions, trade unions and local government. Ha-ha, as the gesticulating chap out of the Simpsons is fond of saying.

  3. I think it is a storm in tea cup.

  4. She's toast. But Broon looks even worse.
    That he didn't prepare for this and left Andy Burnham looking a gimp on TV tells us all what a complete failure this guy is.

    He' the "Last King of Scotland".

    Never again will a Scot be PM of a state called the UK.

    There may be a UK in the future but it won't - can't - be a state.

  5. Did it not occur to this woman that I as an Englishman want a say on Scottish independence? We had enough of the iconoclastic Blair using the British constitution as a plaything. It contributes to the unpopularity of NuLab (and Brown) even if it's understated and it's time he realised itxv.

  6. I find the storm in a teacup comment unsurprising; this item has attracted little comment, and a similar post at the speccy ditto. However, it is seriously wrong. This Wendyrendum (Brogan) is going to be his undoing. If there was a replacement for her, he/she would be there now.

    As a person of Welsh ethnic origin living in Scotland, it has been obvious to me that Alex Salmond has had the keys to the Kingdom for a year. Even if NuLab win back the South of England (which won't happen) they have lost Scotland. That means no more Labour in Westminster. As has been pointed out over at Guido, if/when the Tartan Tories set up a low tax regime in Edinburgh, the motorways North are going to be jammed. Your share of the oil; we'll pay you $35 a barrel. Your number not ours.

  7. The one thing you as a "beleagured" PM( who himself is Scots and representing a Scottish Constituency) doesn't need is for the whole "Lothian Question" and the "Barnet Formula" to be be raised in the minds of "English" voters on top of all his other problems.

    Ignoring the question marks over Brown's last vestiges of remaining authority the controversy started by Wendy Alexander of holding a referendum on Scottish Independence is a minefield for our "Supreme Leader". If he's still PM at Xmas it'll be a miracle !

  8. The video on my blog today shows how pathetically weak and incoherent Wendy Alexander has become.

    Come on Scottish Conservatives - make the most of it!
