Thursday, May 08, 2008

Guto Harri: The Man Who Will Sell Boris

ConservativeHome has broken the story that former BBC political correspondent Guto Harri is apparently set to become Boris Johnson's Director of Communications. He left the BBC a few months ago to join PR firm Fleishman Hillard. It's not clear whether this is a secondment or a permanent move.

This is a very astute move by Boris. Guto was one of the most popular members of the lobby and is an absolutely first class appointment. Rumour was that Guto was a front runner for the job which Andy Coulson was eventually appointed to.

Boris's team is shaping up very strongly. Nick Boles will be spending three months managing the transition, with James McGrath, a very shrewd political operator as his deputy.

My column in the Telegraph tomorrow looks at Boris Johnson's first hundred days.


  1. Boris Johnson's first hundred days? Good God, Iain! He hasn't even been in office for his first hundred hours!

  2. "My column in the Telegraph tomorrow looks at Boris Johnson's first hundred days."

    That's a bit premature. Or do you mean first 100 HOURS?

  3. And isn't it great that financial heads are rolling at City Hall! Anyone got the full story behind that?

  4. Bad luck Iain !

    Seems like they were looking for a proper journalist...

    Better luck next time..

  5. Sell Boris ?

    We haven't finished with him yet !

  6. Better yet, he has got Patience Wheatcroft on the team !

    I bet the vast army of 'communication consultant' types are shaking in their shoes...

  7. That's very funny. My days in political PR are long gone. Nothing would ever tempt me to do it again, not even Boris's many charms!

  8. not even a quickie in the broom cupboard ?

  9. So much for BBC bias. Ex BBC reporter become tory spin doctor. Is this finally the nail in coffin of the myth off BBC anti tory bias. Will the blog biased BBC please explain why former BBC reporter is sooooooo biased to the labour party that he become Bori's spin doctor.

  10. Why do you think he's a *former* BBC employee?

  11. Does anyone know who the Mayor is going to appoint as his transport guru? This is a key post.
