Saturday, May 24, 2008

For Addicts of STRAIGHT TALK

Fans of Andrew Neil's STRAIGHT TALK programme will be delighted to learn that the programme has a new website with loads of the best interviews now available for download on the BBC iPlayer. This is now about the only proper interview programme on TV now and it deserves a wider audience. Go HERE.


  1. Thanks for this, Iain.

    Many happy hours of viewing lie ahead!

  2. Straight talk. Here is some straight talk. The PM lost an eye and a child he has the mental strength to overcome losing a by election and will win and win again. The cruel vindictive tories will NOT win.

  3. Iain. Sorry I realise this is an old post but I must agree with Howard. Hardtalk is a very well respected interview programme and though Tim Sebastian is sorely missed the quality still remains high.
