Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Do You Really Want to Make Gordon Cry?

The first song played by BBC Radio Stoke in the hour long Gordon Brown phone-in (still going on) was 'Do you really want to hurt to hurt me, do you really want to make me cry...' by Culture Club.

An amusing coincidence or a deliberate invitiation to voters ahead of polling day on Thursday? Or perhaps a message from Brown to Alan Milburn...

UPDATE: They also played: The Animals - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
The Beautiful South - Everybody's Talkin' (at me, I don't hear a word they're saying)

Definitely some kind of message there...


  1. If GB can listen to Radio Stoke for an hour and not cry, he's a tougher man than me.

  2. I'm sure Gary Elsby is enjoying it. Meanwhile, in neighbouring Crewe and Nantwich the Beeb quotes: "Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said on Sunday that he believes their candidate - Elizabeth Shenton - could win the by-election".
    Best laugh I've had for weeks, especially given today's ComRes for The Indy, with Lib Dems on 12 per cent.

  3. I'm listening to the debate - does anyone else think Tamsin Dunwoody sounds a little bit like Su Pollard?

  4. submariner, sadly, did not hear the whole quote, which the BBC did not play.

    .....could win the by-election if hell freezes over, if the golden candlesticks and chariots come out of the clouds, if all the other candidates decide to stand down,if Gordon Brown suddenly decided to join the Scottish Nationalists.

  5. On Friday morning I hope they'll play Nat King Cole singing "Smile though your heart is aching/breaking".

  6. Well at least they did not play Right Said Fred and "I'm too sexy for my shirt!"

    Good luck to the UK Tories from New Zealand.


  7. "Do You Really Want to Make Gordon Cry?"


  8. I'm also enjoying the debate via the web. It's a bit of a tame audience up there and Su Pollard's about right for Dunwoody.

    Just caught an interesting slant on DC's speech yesterday in
    this article over at the Mirror (I caught it on Google News).

    Might be worth a look to get the blood pumping!

  9. Now that he is London Mayor, when is Boris going to resign as an MP?

    We can then have our second by-election, which will really reinforce the results we have seen from the local elections.

  10. I would have thought 'Gordon is a moran'by Jilted John, more appropriate

  11. ianpj,

    they seem to have September pencilled in. Which is good, because it spoils the ZaNuLab apparatchiks' summer holidays, and gives the party all summer to roil and fester and conspire against itself.

  12. I like the arctic moneys, said Gordon
