Monday, May 12, 2008

The Daley Dozen (Monday)

1. Ewan Spence on the likely number of Scottish Tory MPs after the next election.
2. Red Box imagines if Ed Balls' "briefing" had been on camera.
3. Matt Wardman thinks he can put Editorial Intelligence out of business.
4. Cicero's Songs remembers Ray Michie.
5. Sunny Hundal rails against tow of Boris's ethnic appointments because they are ... whisper it, Conservatives, presumably betraying his steroetype that all ethnic minorities must vote Labour.
6. Dave's Part draws parallels between Gordon Brown and John Major.
7. LibDem Voice asks if the LibDems ask too much of their candidates.
8. Ben Brogan on the Crewe voters being love bombed by Eric Pickles.
9. Fraser Nelson has news of a complete Balls Up. Another one.
10. Tom Harris MP vents his frustration with the media.
11. Jonathan Isaby wonders why Tamsin Dunwoody was travelling first class. UPDATE: Or not.
12. Iain Martin explains why Labour's class war tactics in Crewe are backfiring.


  1. Isaby shows what a slacker he is. Tamsin Dunwoody was on the knocker in Crewe when Isaby's unreliable witness was reporting her going First Class.

    Shamefully while he's added an update he hasn't changed the toplines of his incorrect story.

    There's standards for you.

  2. Fraser's story about the 'Balls' up sounds intriguing.. Can Ed be long for this political world ?

    Mr Paul - If you are going to make a remark about 'standards' perhaps you could care to get the grammar right.

    Unless you were attempting post modern irony..

  3. Iain, thanks for the link to The Scottish Sketch.

    Ewan Spence,, the relatively new blogger on the political block!

  4. I was expecting a link to the Telegraph's top 50 most influential Right-wingers, if only to comment on the very surprising omission of Mr Dale.

  5. Not surprising at all since I compiled this list for the Telegraph last October.

  6. Sunny isn't criticising Boris's appointments because they're Tories - he's welcoming the one Conservative.

    He's criticising Munira Mirza because she's a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party!

    Quite a difference, no?

  7. >Matt Wardman thinks he can put Editorial Intelligence out of business.

    Heh. I wouldn't put it quite *that* strongly, but much of the data is a lot more easily available than it was - so they will have to rely more on relationships, introductions, networking, consultancy and training for their added value in future.

    I'm planning a rundown of their services compared with possible free equivalents.

  8. Tom Harris complains about the meedja, yet his Party were avid manipulators of journalists a decade ago - biter bit department.

  9. Iain:

    Yes, Sunny really laid into them:

    "Congratulations to Kulveer and this is one appointment I can’t dispute because I think he is very capable."


  10. You can't be a fan of Kulveer Ranger can you, Iain? After all, he's said of David Cameron that:

    "The aristocratic tinge to his heritage, the Bullingdon Club photo and even the Notting Hill lifestyle have served to reinforce all the old brand associations of a Conservative toff - albeit a modern day toff. This is his Achilles heel."
