Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Boris Special

1. LibDem blogger Quaequam on the weakness of the Paddick campaign.
2. Bob Piper says the last thing Labour needs now are 'initiatives'.
3. Peter Black AM takes ITN to task for talking up the Tories in Wales.
4. Bozzawatch blog has just been launched.
5. Richard Havers reckons Brown is a 'back door man', whatever that means.
6. Phil Tayor on why the London counts took so long.
7. Luke Akehurst on Labour's losses.
8. Donal Blaney explains why Boris needs to act now.
9. Looby Loo Dorries has found where Gordy Browny is hiding.
10. Rachel North just doesn't get it.
11. ConservativeHome on the Winners & Losers of Thusday.
12. Liberal England on Tory smugness.


  1. "Rachel North just doesn't get it."

    Seems to be her trademark ;-))

  2. Has Rachel North ever uttered a complete sentence that hasn't been pre-seen and tested on the lefties over a period of months if not years?

    She give a whole new dimension to the word 'vacuity'.

    She allows that she approves of him being a classics scholar. Such a relief!

  3. Shurely 'Loopy Loo Dorries'?

  4. Tamsin Dunwoody chosen as Labour C&N by-election candidate

    C&N Guardian

    UK Polling Report


  5. Ah, nothing like a bit of good old Labour nepotism.

    Smithson over on politicalbetting makes this telling point about Bojo's triumph:-

    ...the sometimes controversial online pollster, YouGov...for the second London mayoral race in succession got the final result right to within one per cent.

    And since the budget it has been YouGov which has been showing the biggest Labour deficits - a colossal 18% in the last survey.
    (full post at

    My take on the recent polls was that the real lead was about 12%. The 6% (or whatever) was too low and the 18% was too high.

    I'm now rethinking this. Given YouGov's excellent record, and the actual lead of 20% seen on Thurday, I think 18% is probably about right for a GE.

  6. Peter Black AM takes ITN to task for talking up the Tories in Wales.

    Not so much "talking up the Tories" as just bad coverage, the same can be said of BBC 24, as I blogged HERE

  7. BBC's Have Your Say team should be sacked.

    At a time when the majority have rejected nulab and Livingstone at the ballot box and have backed the Conservatives and Boris, why is BBC's Have Your Say selecting the comments it publishes in order to slur Boris and Conservatives and to boost nulab and Ken?

    On the first 5 pages of HYS, the proportion of pro-Boris comments published are as follows:

    P1. 3 out of 14
    P2. 5 out of 15
    P3. 5 out of 15
    P4. 5 out of 15
    P5. 3 out of 15

    To read HYS and you would think that Ken and nulab came out on top in the recent elections.

    HYS are also up to their old tricks of publishing a lot of pro-nulab comments on page 1 and leaving them there all day to gather votes.

    The extent of HYS comment manipulation is all too evident when the most recommended section - the one HYS cannot manipulate - is viewed. This shows runaway support for Boris and the Conservatives.

  8. And to kick off the 'tough choices' post election analysis, Gordon Brown goes for an interview with Andrew Marr. The love-in continues.....

    re. auntie-flo, I was listening to BBC London when Boris got elected and the callers made it sound like a wake, same bias if not worse.

  9. Have read Peter Black's comments and the response by Prof DJE, which Peter obviously didn't like as it was totally factual not spin (which the Lib Dems clearly aren't used to). Dylan is Chair of the Conservative Party's economic commission in Wales (God knows they need someone to do something about the economy) and exactly the type of person the Tories should be getting on board. I believe he stood for them at the last Assembly election. He isn't a bad blogger either!

  10. Can anyone direct me to a complete copy (text or video) of Boris's speech yesterday in City Hall?

  11. I have the audio of Boris's speech here at the link on my name.
