Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Crewe Dirty Tricks: Name the Guilty MP

This is from The Times' report of David Cameron's trip to Crewe today...
The Conservative leader was ambushed by half a dozen Labour activists with “hoodies” pulled over their heads as he arrived at the town's police station. A Labour MP could be seen loitering in a churchyard across the road before ushering the teenagers to stage the stunt for the TV cameras.

So who was the Labour MP who coordinated this childish stunt? Did they really think they would gain a single extra vote?

UPDATE: I am told it was the Chipmunk's PPS, Robert Flello MP. His mother must be proud of him.

To those who have commented that the Tories and LibDems also do these sort of stunts, that's obviously true, but it doesn't mean to say I them any less a waste of time. The difference here is that this one was actually choreographed by a member of the government!


  1. What on earth is it with Labour activists and childish stunts? If it's not gatecrashing Tory events wearing hoodies or top hats it's smearing rightwingers as racists. Is this the dumbing down of politics? I suspect it will only turn people off politics altogether. (And ironically enough that means fewer votes for Labour.)

  2. My bet is Shaun Woodward

  3. Really, where's your sense of humour? Didn't you think it was too hilarious when Brown was jeered and chased by 'beer bottles'?

  4. While some nulabbers are engaged in stunts which merely backfire on them, other nulabbers, such as MEP Richard Howitt, are trying to pretend the results of the May local elections weren't an all out distaster, just a bit 'mixed' and that the Crewe and Nantwich by election isn't happening at all - even before the disastrous results come in!

    Introduction to Howitt's newsletter sent out today, 13/5/08 (starring is mine):


    "Richard says it’s time to take the fight to the Tories, after the mixed results for Labour in May’s local elections."

    ***"The next electoral challenge for the party will be European and County Council Elections in

    "Richard campaigned with Labour candidates standing for Basildon, Cambridge, Epping Forest, Harlow, Great Yarmouth, Ipswich, Norwich, Stevenage, Thurrock, Waveney and Watford councils and saw first hand the hard work of Labour activists in a difficult year."

    "For more on the local elections and on Richard's work recently please read Richard's May/June newsletter, which is enclosed as an attachment to this email. Please forward it to any others who may be interested."

  5. I've worked on a few election campaigns over the years and I find it incomprehensible as to why the Labour Party are pulling these sort of stunts. It doesn't get them anywhere, apart from losing votes. I am going to Crewe on Saturday. It will be interesting to see if they have stopped their childish behaviour by then.

  6. Doesn't sound like Shaun's style-I'd go for Tom Watson or Sion Simon-just up their autostrada

  7. I posted to The Times about this story the moment it appeared.

    I knocked them for failing to report the MP's name and threw in a line about him trambling on the graves... naturally, they didn't allow it into their comments. Rotters.

  8. Don't forget that Crewe and Nantwich isn't the only pending by election, Iain.

    Harlow is at present awaiting the result of the following by election held here today.

    "Harlow Common Ward Election"

    "Following the cancellation of the Harlow Council election for the Harlow Common Ward, due to be held on 1st May 2008, a new poll will now take place on Thursday, 12th June 2008."

    The election was cancelled following the death of the greatly respected Labour councillor, Greg Peck.

    The local Conservative candidate, Clive Souter, has been working his socks off to win this ward.

    Clive thinks he'll win and so do I.

  9. Didn't notice you complaining about Boris supporters running off with Brian Paddick's megaphone. Sauce for the goose and all that...


  10. auntie flo, you are robert halfon and i claim my five euros

  11. John Pickworth said...
    "I knocked them for failing to report the MP's name and threw in a line about him trambling on the graves"

    Yes 'trambling' is disgusting behaviour, particularly amongst same-sex individuals, especially in a churchyard.

  12. "Yes 'trambling' is disgusting behaviour,"

    Oooops, having just quickly googled that I'm even more embarrassed than the I was when I realised I'd misspelled 'trampling'. (blush).

  13. Pots, kettles etc.

    But please can we get all of the parties to stop these ridiculous stunts.

  14. Let them - it'll only make people less likely to vote for the cretinous idiots.

    Or, as someone once said, "bring it on!"

  15. oh come on Iain. Don't go so establishment in your old age !

    I think most activists have been involved in the occasional stunt at some point.

    I myself remember being part of a Conservative group that was tipped off about Tony Blair's arrival in Chatham during the 2001 election. We heckled like crazy and disrupted an otherwise picture perfect visit.

    These things happen. What is perhaps more telling is that Labour are now pulling these stunts against Camaron in a way I described we Tories did against Blair in 2001.

  16. Agency workers to be paid the same as their fellow workers(Gordon Brown).

    Who talked that out in Parliament first time around, on purpose?

    Rob Flello.

  17. Get off of Shaun Woodward's back! He would never stoop to such foolish behavior such has been described here. As befits a proper member of NuLab, he would have sent his valet.

  18. I wish all parties would stop this sort of silly campaigning - and it is all parties.

    Call me old-fashioned, but I just think that one's political opponents have a perfectly legitimate right to campaign, and this sort of thing is rude.

    The worst example was the Chipmunk stopping (ultimately, unsuccessfully) David Cameron from having his photo taken in Salford. Very petty. Very pathetic.

  19. Auntie Flo' said...
    Don't forget that Crewe and Nantwich isn't the only pending by election, Iain.

    Harlow is at present awaiting the result of the following by election held here today. Harlow Common Ward Election.

    What a twit. I got the right day but the wrong month. Our by election isn't until June 12th, Sorry for the misinformation.

  20. Splashitallover said...

    auntie flo, you are robert halfon and i claim my five euros

    If I was Robert Halfon - Harlow's much loved and widely respected next MP - I wouldn't have got the by election date wrong would I?

    Anyway, that's a bit insulting, siao, as I'm clearly female.

    What a cheek.

  21. Although I can't confirm it personally... I understand that the Birmingham MP Steve McCabe is the Crewe Brown Shirt's head of dirty tricks.

    I'm sure Edward's people will be able to supply the details.
