Saturday, May 03, 2008

City Hall Gets a New Mop

Hattip: Newsbiscuit


  1. Great news about Boris.

    I just hope that he did indeed pick up all the tips about politics from the Latin and Greek literature he read whilst at Oxford studying Classics.

  2. You mean Ken(Lubbers)Leninspart hasn't had his Reichstag moment.

    The shredders must be red hot by now......

  3. Is Boris going to halt the Olympic project?

    After all, you know it makes sense!

    London will be saved!

    Please send the Socialist 'blunder' called 'The Olympic Games' to:

    Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 100 and we absolutely promise to never complain again.

    (lost to the Nazi's again-and the only one to fight them to a standstill.)

  4. Well done, Boris!

    It looks like Polly Toynbee upset more than a few Grauniad readers with her performance on Thursday night's Question Time. Comments on her latest piece were suspended by the Cif Editor at 15.30 yesterday, citing the following reason:
    "Technical problems with the site mean that we are having difficulties moderating threads adequately. As some of you seem to reserve a special, in fact frankly misogynist bile for Polly Toynbee and persistently flouting our Talk Policy with abusive, off-topic and ad hominem comments, we are temporarily obliged to close this thread. It will re-open once we are able to provide full and effective moderation to the thread. In the meantime, perhaps the pause might permit certain people to reflect whether they would address a male columnist with such venomous disrespect."

  5. Now cometh the hour for the hordes of city hall undead, the placemen, the cronies.
    See ya all, have a nice time in the free market.

    Seeing the likes of Toynbee & the ghastly Jasmin Alibi, whining because real (presumably less clever)people who have to use real services like the Tube, voted for the WRONG candidate was priceless last night.

    The political tide has turned after
    fifteen long years.

  6. There is a lot of cleaning out to be done.

  7. Boris has so many open goals to aim at, I flippin' hope it's all been thought through & then reviewed ten times.
    Slash the non productive workforce, fire Ken's cronies, slash the advertising budget, close the office in Caracas, and send Bob & Peter packing.
    Then the work begins on Tuesday

  8. Great news from Stoke:

    Abbey Green

    Melanie Jane Baddeley, BNP - 858

    Gary Elsby, Lab - 784

    Barry Malpass, Green - 164

    Paul Sutton, Ind - 244

    *Andrew John Wragg, Con - 721

    Turnout 30.9 per cent

    BNP gain

  9. Gary Elsby


  10. i know,I know. local politics can be such fun but the truth is always best outed.

    2007 the Tories fielded a labour member in the election and we didn't even have the time to expel her.

    2008 The Tories fielded an absolute beauty.
    6 parties in 5 years and he lost his seat.

    The rest of the City can't wat for the Leader and deputy leader of the Tories to face the public. I can assure you, that every Tory voter within axeing distance want them gone.
    We Socialists will be around to clean up the mess, it's the least we can do.
    Nazism rolls on in the City with no complaints from the Tories.

    Next up is the BNP leader versus me (maybe)I know those of you in Toryland wish me well really.

    Nazi BNP is coming to a town near you soon, don't worry so please ignore the telly when they go on about Labour losing out to Conservatives. That's not the news at all.


  11. Now Ken is between 60 and 65 on a pension is he hit by the abolish of the 10p tax rate?

  12. Speaking of the Abbey Green ward, my mum lives there. A few weeks ago I was visiting her and Elsby put a leaflet through the letterbox. How we did laugh when we realised he actually is a real person.

  13. Gary Elsby said...

    "...I can assure you, that every Tory voter within axeing distance want them gone.
    We Socialists will be around to clean up the mess, it's the least we can do..."

    So in reality the Stoke result (Labour down from 60 out of 60 to 17 out of 60 in ten years) is a triumph for nulab? Keep up the good work.

  14. Our city is now a complete global laughing stock.

    This was the reaction of the respected New York Times:

    Johnson took 1,168,738 votes to Livingstone's 1,028,966 in a contest that hinged on a second round of voting.

    Voters are asked to pick a first, then second choice as mayor -- Johnson didn't win the required 50 percent initially, but triumphed when second preferences from eight minor candidates, eliminated after the first round, were added to the totals.

    Uncombed and often awkward, Johnson is known both his wit and for remarks that are have offended minority communities and others.

    He labeled members of the Commonwealth "piccaninnies" -- a derogatory term for black people, referred to Africans as having "watermelon smiles," and likened his party's internal conflicts "to Papua New Guinea-style orgies of cannibalism and chief-killing."

    Johnson's scorn has also been directed at gay marriage, which became legal in Britain in 2005. In his book "Friends, Voters, Countrymen," he said that if homosexuals could marry then why not "three men, as well as two men; or indeed three men and a dog."

    Ex-party leader Michael Howard ordered Johnson to visit the northern city of Liverpool in 2004 to apologize after he wrote an editorial accusing the city's people of "wallowing" in victimhood after Liverpudlian Ken Bigley was taken hostage in Iraq and beheaded.

    Johnson has cultivated a befuddled, rumpled image and was often seen clumsily pedaling his bicycle to Parliament.

    His campaign billboards featured silhouettes of his iconic poses -- scratching his unruly thatch of blond hair, ambling along a road with hands stuffed in wrinkled pockets, gesticulating wildly to make a debating point.

    His first key test is likely to hinge on how he handles relations with China. As mayor, he will be expected to attend at least part of the Beijing Olympics -- and his party will hope he is able to avoid offending the hosts.

    "Chinese cultural influence is virtually nil, and unlikely to increase," Johnson wrote in one of his several books -- on subjects ranging from sports cars to Ancient Rome.

    Johnson said it is likely "there will be the odd ill-chosen expression" in his future.

  15. I do love this. What a wonderful, iconic, althogether more democratic and used friendly logo for Boz and City Hall.

    So much more impressive than the real City Hall - which always seems to me to be modelled on the bald head of a tipsy red Ken.
