Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cameron Gets Another Poll Boost

The Daily Telegraph has a YouGov poll tomorrow, with the Conservatives on 47%, Labour on 23% and the LibDems on 18%. Compared to last month's poll, the Tories are up three and Labour is down three. It's the highest ever Conservative showing in a YouGov poll and Labour's worst poll since, well, ever - ever since polling began.


  1. This government of all the muppets makes David Brent look like a proper manager, Calamity Clegg look electable and Kermit the Frog look like a bloody genius.

    Gordon, you're a twat.

    You're fired.

  2. The Tory lead is the lowest since 3 weeks ago. See The Sun, May 9th 2008

  3. Yeah but ...

    ... Cameron should be doing better in the polls by noe

    ... the Conservatives need to make inroads into the Northern inner cities

    ... it's just a mid-term protest

  4. If you want to get an insight into why that might be read some of the lefty dreaming on Compass or even in the Guardian.

    They are looking everywhere but at themselves

  5. I see your doppelganger, Mr. Pickles, is first respondent on tonight's QT :P... against our old favourite Geoff 'Buff' Hoon.
    Is there no other leading Govt. figure prepared to speak up for Gordo on the main political discussion on the main national broadcasting channel?

  6. What, you mean that Broon commanding an increase in north sea tractor production has failed to impress the prolls?

    Well, imagine that.

  7. I like Eric. He is an affable & effective communicator. He comes across as concerned, considered and careful. He will continue to prove a useful rebuff to the the taunts of 'Tory Toff'-ism. He seems like a decent ordinairry bloke. I suggest the Tories clone him & deploy pairs of him across the realm.

  8. Meanwhile at the EU. (Seen Cranmer's latest?)

  9. Wow I just watched Hoon getting spit roasted ( metaphorically speaking ) on QT .Just for once there seemed to be a rightish bias in the audience and what came over showed was that the Conservative case " You didn`t mend the roof when the sun was out" is the right one .

    Its not clever its just true.I cannot wait to see that slimy creep Millipede in choppy water next week.Watching him distance himself from Brown without going too far should be a delicious excercise in slithering New Labour smarm

  10. But it's a Yougov poll. As we know (well according to the BBC) they are VERY unreliable and it's quite possible Gordon has a 20 point lead.

  11. Milliband warned that Brown would be a disaster as Prime Minister. What he failed to mention was that he had already been a disaster as Chancellor for ten long years, but that no one had the courage to get rid of him, fearing the damage he could do.

    Don't worry, Millie, the electorate will get rid of the whole lot of you en bloc at the next election.


    Brown's on suicide watch. They've taken away his belt and shoe laces, but he's holed up in the No 10 bathroom.
    A SWAT team is on hand, but Sarah's trying to persuade him to come out. Tearfully, she told Andrew Marr in his No 10 office, "There are razor blades in there and God knows what prescription medicines he uses."
    The SWAT team are happy enough to spend the night in the typing pool, but hope the Prime Minister, his popularity at an all time low, will, in the end, do the decent thing.

  13. 23% for Labour? Really, that seems a little high?

    I wonder if we can get it below 20% next month?

  14. Can't we just have a General Election and end this farce one way or the other.

    How the government expects it can continue FOR ANOTHER 2 YEARS with more and more problems piling up(we have'nt seen the worst of the property crash yet)and then miraculously recover to win a majority under Brown(definitely not - Do they have minus figures in polls ?),Miliband or anyone else unless they act NOW to remove Brown is delusional(and that's probably being on the mild side).

    The country and the electorate are no longer listening to anything Brown or Labour is saying. The majority of them hate Brown for what he's done to the economy. He was a disaster as Chancellor but as a Prime Minister he's beyond parody anymore.

    Can the Cabinet and Party "en masse" actually get the courage to tell him to **** off back to Kirkcaldy whilst there's still a Labour Party to lead?

  15. I won't be voting for Labour at the next General Election - but there is one thing that really bothers me about 'Conservative Chatter' coming from David Cameron and his 'modern' party...

    I am deeply concerned about the direct discrimination shown by the Conservative Party to single people, childless couples, widows, widowers etc. There is a 'Conservative' bias towards 'families' and that is wrong.

    "Tax breaks and tax cuts for 'families'"? I'm sorry but 'families with children' aren't the only taxpayers. We should all be treated equally and fairly.

    I want the Conservative Party to be a fair and inclusive political party. I'm still not convinced that they are there yet - not with policies like this.

  16. Interesting that, apart from a brief mention during my 30 mins of Today this morning, this gets no coverage on the BBC, including website. So it's probably either wrong or irrelevant, because we can trust the Beeb to tell us what we need to know, can't we?
    BTW, but still on the subject of wrong or irrelevant, why does the BBC Politics page still have a feature about The Blair Years, which it describes as 'The life and times of Tony Blair - from rebellious schoolboy to global statesman'. Surely this should be on the BBC History site, or perhaps on one of those funny retrospective programmes about things that people used to think were cool or clever but are now just embarrassing.

  17. Watcher - the BBC say they don't do opinion polls - not unless there's some 'genuine' news story related to a poll. Well they certainly don't do Conservative leads. They seemed to find enough news stories to let us all know about the Brown bounce last summer, when they consistently managed to make his poll lead headline news.

  18. Canvas - I don't think the Tories are only 'for' families with children. I think when it comes to families-with-children policy they recognise that it is usually better to have two good parents, preferably a mother and father, but not necessarily - remember Cameron's speech mentioning gay parents. And yes, that aspect of 'family' policy has had publicity.
    But I think the Tories would also argue that they have economic and social policies which reflect the needs of people across society whether with children or without.
    Everyone in this country has been affected by Labour's economic incompetence - it doesn't mean the Tories will only fix it for people with children.

  19. Build them up and knock them down, the oldest political trick of all time.

    What would YOU expect would make a case for Dave to freefall in those very same polls?

    I can't wait for Dave to break the news to YOU and the so-called Euro-hating public.

    Sure enough, today, tomorrow or next week, Dave will have to come out of his You-Gov air tight bubble and become a REAL leader.

    I hope I live long enough to witness this breakdown.

  20. Funny how the results are not on the BBC website.....Martin

  21. The tories are still not over 50%. Lbaour managed to get up to 60% in the Major era.

  22. The present PM lost an eye at 16 and a child I htink he has the incredible mental strength required to fight back and win.
    By the way this is just my opinion.

    Why do the tories not stand up for ther 42 day terror vote. We need to kill the terrorist scum.

  23. Its inconceivable that Brown can last the year.

    But a new leader is fraught with uncertainty as well - who would it be - a swing left or right - surely there would have to be an general election?

    The MPs with tiny majoritieso are toast anyway, its those with majorities of 4000 to 8000 who will be desperate. If nothing happens its got to lead to a meltdown in backbench morale.

    My analogy would be that of a pressure cooker - with the valve stuck.

  24. anon at 11:21:
    Cameron has said that he will give tax breaks to 'married couples'. The Tories propose to use the money raised from green taxes on 'families'.

    This is fundamentally wrong on so many different levels. I have nothing against 'marriage'. I am married but I don't want a tax break because of that.

    Money raised from 'green taxes' should go on improving public transport so it helps EVERYONE. The Tories need to be very careful about preaching 'moral values'.

    I want the Tories to be fair and inclusive. If they aren't then I won't vote for them.

  25. des, you've forgotten your medicine again.

    I rather thought the point of the dreadful '42-day incarceration without charge' period was to prove that the detainees were probably 'terrorist scum', not to kill them without trial? Or has your NuFacist Prime Minister told you something he hasn't told us?

  26. The best bit about the poll, and perhaps the most significant, is that people have (a) said they agree with Cameron's views on the reaching of the tax ceiling, and (b) people have stopped equating increased spending on the public sector with improvements in services.

    This is a a really significant change in the political discourse, and could open up the doors to a new post-Blairite consensus on how public services are delivered and paid for.

    I think essentially, people are increasingly seeing that the private sector might actually make a better job, and be cheaper - and if they make a profit, so what.

    In other words, a more pragmatic approach based on 'what matters is what works'!

    The left will hate it - the right should sieze the moment intellectually speaking!

  27. trevorsden said...
    "Its inconceivable that Brown can last the year."

    On the contrary, it is almost certain that Brown will hang on until spring 2010.

  28. Since it now seems clear that Brown was not the clever Chancellor that he said he was, does that not imply that Tony Blair was also a poor Prime Minister?

  29. Gary Elsby. rejected by stoke said...

    "I hope I live long enough to witness this breakdown."

    Must be a minority opinion.

  30. dougal
    It is not facist to kill terrorists you idiot. We did the same to the IRA. You tories did, grow up. Sometimes you have to beyond the law to beat evil terror scuzz.

  31. dougal you are a naie oaf and should shut up about politcs. If you had your pathetic tolerance to terror scum the UK would be a basket case. With terror ripping us apart all the time. Every nation has to take tough measures.
