Monday, May 12, 2008

Another Record Breaking Day for THE WHIP

The Sun's Whip column has surpassed itself again. Today it breaks the news that "The Whip learns Mayor Boris has also cancelled the subscription to the Morning Star."

Yes, The Whip learnt it from this blog on Friday morning. The Sun must be so proud to host a column that recycles three day old news. At least other items in today's column were only one day old - rehashed from the Sunday papers as per usual.


  1. Is the title of this post a euphemism for Gordon's on-going public lashing? I only ask...

  2. Oh dear Iain. You've been days late with stuff before, sometimes knowingly, and you're digital and a blogging expert to boot.

    All the diaries trip up every now and then ... but you only pick on this one. Now why is that?

    Your blog is not the only way one could find out about the Morning Star debacle either is it?

    And being seen by a few thousand does not mean a story isn't still worth telling to millions.

    And finally it is a fact that quite a lot of your content is taken from inkies. Pot and kettle.

  3. Chris, Wrong on all counts as usual. The trouble with the Whip is that they gratuitously nick stuff from other sources with no attribution at all. If I comment on stories from other blogs or newspapers at least I have the decency to state where I got it from. On the Morning Star issue, I revealed that exclusively ie. before anyone else. Everyone else who has commented on it has named me as the source. Why dies The Whip always think it should be the exception. The editor of that column gets paid a six figure salary for basically copying and pasting from elsewhere, but making out to the readers of The Sun that it is all her own work. She doesn't like it when I expose that fact, but I'll keep on doing it until she gets the message. Perhaps one day her bosses will wake up to it.

    Suprised to see you defending a Murdoch paper, anyway. But then if I said the night sky was black, you'd say it was white. And that's why no one, not even on your own side, takes you seriously.

  4. Oh, and if you are going to accuse me of being days late, or accusing me of "taking content" do provide examples to back up your ludicrous claims, there's a good chap.

  5. One example Iain from the top of my head ... you were days late on the Beppo Grillo story about Italian state registration plans for bloggers. At least 100 bloggers had it before you according to Technorati.

    Not one was hat tipped. A quick search of your archives found that you'd never picked up a Beppo story before. And falling for a clever trap you called me for nicking "your" story.

    If you ever caught The Whip doing anything right, and they have broken some good stories, that would be different.

    But you're obsessed. Why do you only pick fights with this one? Why two replies on the trot to my comment? Without answering my points. A large proportion of the stories there are fine. A proportion of stories in other inky diaries are not.

    I have had the Guardian Diary YEARS behind the cutting edge. And Pendennis MONTHS off the pace. Both excusable actually and the latter at least with a new story for a national inky even if local radio/tv and local press and who knows a blogger or two had it before.

    How many of Katherine's readers do you really think read your blog? And do you really think your source is the only one who knew about the Morning Star story anyway.

    You often don't hat tip. Well known phenomenon mate.

  6. PS You didn't even acknowledge how you found out Isaby's story was wobbling ...

  7. Shit, Chris Paul! That Dale posted about the English Democrats wacko video just 20 minutes after you did. Report him to the National Union of Bloggers, he's a scumbag freeloader.

  8. There is no reason why a tabloid diary should credit a blog - even if they did get a story from there. It would be meaningless for The Whip's readers. Sorry Iain, I think the idiotic Chris Paul is right on this one.

  9. It's all very well complaining. Guido does this too.

    The point is: until "underground" political blogs are read by the (Sun reading) massess, who's to know that this gossip is nicked/second hand/old.

    You must BECOME the mainstream media. Mainstream should be a positive thing, rather than meaning "populist", "dumbed down", "dissembling" or "chronically biassed".
