Saturday, April 12, 2008

Zimbabwe: Crisis What Crisis Says Mbeki

"There is no crisis in Zimbabwe"

...So says the deluded South African President Thabo Mbeki today.

Could he perhaps explain why the presidential election results haven't been released, even though they were counted nearly two weeks ago? Could he explain why many of the country's people are starving? Could he explain why a country so rich in natural resources is on the brink of being a failed state?

For a leader like Mbeki to condone Mugabe's actions is incredible. Why won't South Africa force Mugabe to release the election results? We all know they have the power to do. Mbeki ought to be using it instead of creeping round a failed dictator.


  1. Its only really Mbeki - of the tripartite alliance that is meant to be basis of his support Zuma, ANC President & Cosatu (Trade Unions) have already said release and accept the results.
    As we see from his approach to HIV/AIDS, Mbeki is an obstinate man. Shame really after Mandela.

  2. He must have been talking to Gordon about promotion of policy.

  3. given his traack record what is suprising is that Mugabe has not simply massacred the electoral commission or enough of it to frighten the rest. Despot turned sour - a bit like Roumania's Chacheskou.

  4. The reasoning of Mbeki? Anyone who denies that a virus causes AIDS in a country where about 30% test HIV positive is a fruitcake, surely.

    The more us horrid old colonialists posture the greater the African solidarity with 'chief for life' Mugabe. Zanu can even claim we're planning to invade without invoking laughter.

  5. Don't worry. Within months the Zimbabwe economy will utterly collapse, refugees will spill across the SA border and this disaster will bankrupt them too. Then perhaps Mbeki will see what a stupid **** he is being.

  6. Thabo Mbeki has been a disaster for South Africa and his incompetence now infests every part of the SADC area. He is playing games to ensure he gets the outcome he prefers in Zimbabwe.

    In South Africa, Jacob Zuma was accused of raping a woman. Yet he is preferred by the ANC to Mbeki, who has gone further and used "quiet diplomacy" to allow Mugabe to rape an entire country.

  7. Ok, suppose Mbeki decides to do something about Zim.

    Can you see that every possibility he has will cost lives and more money than SA has? Zim has 'there be dragons' written all over it! (or 'Iraq II')

    OTOH, if Zim sorts itself out, all the better, because homegrown freedom is always more appreciated and treasured than imported one.

    Intervention is always wrong -- did anyone help the Anglo-Saxons in their (many) revolts and quests for freedom and equality? Nops, just like learning stuff in school, it's something you have to do yourself, no-one can do it for you.

    As for Mbekis' other follies, the man simply figures that SA is too populated and that AIDS is a convenient way of sorting this problem out, within our time. So he tells the world a stupid story and they laugh and rage at his imbecility, whilst not noticing the holocaust the man has organised on the ground, by simple omission.

  8. For Christ's sake we put Mugabe in power; gave him an honary KCB(but were too craven to take it off him in 2003 when the Foreign Affairs Committee recommended to Blair that we did so - in case we were accused of being biased against an African nation

    Zimbabwe(Rhodesia) was part of Britain's African "Empire". If one tenth of the the zeal that Blair and Labour expended on removing Saddam was expended on a concerted effort to get rid of Mugabe - he'd be gone - and his nation and people better for it but of course, there's no oil there or WMD etc.

    Equally South Africa under Thabo Mbeki should hang its head in eternal shame that they have continued to support Mugabe.

    Life expectancy is now 37 years; inflation is raging;the democratic process has been trampled and Mugabe's thugs are still in control.

    No crisis ? What ****ing planet is Mbeki living on ?(

  9. Mbeki stands convicted of putting his personal friendship over the needs and rights of all of the people of Zimbabwe. They were fellow "freedom fighters" in the 1960's & 70's. He is incapable of "breaking faith" with Mugabe, despite all of the suffering in Zimbabwe & the economic damage it is doing to South Africa. Also, there is more than a hint of racism in his failure to condem ANY black african.
    I am being driven to a very unchristian attitude of their plight if their african leaders don't care.
    And yes I do contibute a charity (a four figure sum this year)that operates in africa, but non of the money goes anywhere near the Government, their's of ours.

  10. "On the brink of being a failed state" - how much worse do things have to get before you can call it failed?

  11. Mbeki is and always has been an absolute disgrace. May the apologist for the evil Mugabe regime burn in hell with the tyrant himself.

  12. Not everyone in SA feels the same way as Mbeki as seen in this SA cartoon

  13. I only hope we do not get sucked into this mess even further with great schemes from Gordon - as long as he keeps talking rather than doing anything it will be fine. Let the Africans sort it out they have to learn sometime. After all its not as though our Government has spare capacity to take on another crisis.

  14. Ian Smith was right.

  15. Mbeki is a frikking idiot. He has started talking about the 'run-off' election.
    Is this where the voters 'run off' down the street away from paramilitary police/'war veterans'?

  16. Who cares?

    A tinpot African country run by a tinpot dictator with zero military, political or economic importance is totally irrelevant.

    Let them stew in their own juice.

    PS: We're feedinmg them through EC aid: soon the world will not have any surplus grain (see rice prices) and countries like this will starve. You could argue that EC food aid helps the regime survive.

    Bur frankly it's irrelevant.We can do nothing except huff and puff. Best to let them sort it out on their own.

  17. I was listening to Any Questions on Radio 4 today. Naturally there was a question about Zimbabwe. I was stunned to hear that Britain gives Zimbabwe £250 MILLION per year! Why are we doing this? We are keeping Mugabe in power.

    How heartening to know that the Government is taking money from poor people here to give to Mugabe - no wonder he doesn't care what the Government officially says about him, as long as the money keeps rolling in.

  18. Er, didn't I mention that Mbeki and Mugabe are related. Zimbabwe isn't on the brink - it has collapsed.

    Assassination is the way forward. Maybe Mbeki will get the message then.

  19. It's quite hard to say anything about the Zimbabwe situation without sounding callous but there is nothing anyone with from a European country, regardless of whether they have a white or a black face, can do to help. Let's just hope SA doesn't implode in the same way but it may well do so.

  20. this just shows where the world has come to in dealing with any international crisis, were down to two options its either dude we need a war or we huff and puff until we run out of steam and then wring our hands and ignore the situation.

    I feel rather sad and hopeless because in all honesty what can we do about the situation Zimbabwe, applying pressue behind the scenes isn't working, stopping food and economic aid doesn't hurt Mugabe and his allies and we don't have the troop numbers for toppling the regime. Were just stuck watching another tragedy unfold.

  21. As far as i'm concerned that lot in Africa are all extras on that 1970's classic tv show 'Tarzan' starring Ron Ely. I can hear the theme tune now...

  22. Don't know where the £250m figure comes from, jafo. The actual figure is £40m and none of it goes through the Zimbabwe government (hasn't since 2000). See DFID information page.

  23. One wonders what Nelson Mandela makes of it all.

    I would have thought that if his health allowed he would have made some comment.

    It is understandable that he has kept well clear of day to day politics since handing over to Mbeki but there comes a time when even the most loyal have a duty to speak up.

  24. Surely, we will soon be seeing Gordon on the steps of No 10 saying "There is no crisis in the Cabinet."

  25. Well folks, hasn't post-colonial Africa been such a resounding success?

  26. Getting a little bored with

    Have you sighted the lesser spotted Chipmunk?

    a) When is 'soon'?

    b) 'Lesser spotted anything' is perhaps the most tediously lazy hack's cliché ever conceived - well, perhaps after 'Joe Bloggs.'

  27. Praguetory said...
    "Er, didn't I mention that Mbeki and Mugabe are related."

    I don't believe it.

  28. Mugabe deserves total respect after correctly dalling Brown a Tiny Blot.

  29. " Anonymous said...
    Mugabe deserves total respect after correctly calling Brown a Tiny Blot.

    April 12, 2008 11:53 PM"

    Are you sure it wasn't something else that rhymes with blot?
