Tuesday, April 15, 2008

When Will Gordon Brown Wake Up?

‘I wake up in the morning thinking what we can do to help homeowners’.

‘I wake up in the morning thinking what we can do to help… people who have got small businesses’

‘I wake up in the morning thinking what we can do to help… people looking for jobs’.

‘I wake up in the morning thinking what we can do to help… people wanting opportunities so they can have better jobs for the future’

Our Prime Minister does an awful lot of thinking when he wakes up doesn't he? Perhaps he'd be better off sticking to listening to the Arctic Monekys on his iPod. he'd do less damage that way.

Source: All quotes from his Sky News interview today or the PA Report of it.


  1. F"*$*"g Hell Dale. For once you have made a Fu*%£*ng good post!!!

  2. Gordon thinks he can dig himself out of the hole he's created. Holes get filled from above, if you stay in them you'll get buried.

    Read my lips Gordon. Prudence has become a trillion pounds of wasted taxpayers money, Stablity has turned into a credit crisis and Competitiveness has just up'd sticks and moved to Jersey, Ireland and Switzerland.

    Oh and stop waking up every morning thinking your the Chancellor - try waking up and remembering your a cr*p Prime Minister

  3. He'd be better off thinking about what curtailments on our freedom "we" can remove today. I can think of a number.

  4. Correct reporting of his use of a four letter word beginning with H, but wrong word.


  5. Gordon wakes up every morning and thinks he did't sell off a huge amount of gold at a rock bottom price.

  6. So he sleeps? He isn't being kept awake by rising prices, or can't get a mortgage, or paying it each month or the small business with a cash flow???

    Two thirds doubt he has the capacity to deal with this? He certainly doesn't look like he is bursting with confidence.

  7. I wake up in the morning thinking what I can do to help get rid of Gordon Brown.

  8. There's No point in knocking The Tartan McReich's Führer for that, it's a clear admission that he recognises his limitations: It's obvious that he gets his thinking in early, before his brain shuts down for the day.

    A little credit where credit is due Mr Dale, please.

  9. He keeps going on about "what needs to happen is (insert the bleedin obvious)*"

    No, Gordon, what needs to happen is for the State to get its dirty fingernails out of all the pies, its noses out of our lives and its grasping hands out of our pockets. It needs to clear off and stay that way.

    Alas, not possible under LibLabCon, as they are all now card carrying Statists.

    * rebel groups to talk, banks to lower rates and offer more mortgages blah blah blah.

  10. Strange way for a married man with two young children to start the day.

    He must be a real bundle of fun at the breakfast table.

  11. We'd all be better off if he'd just stay in bed.

  12. Judging by reports of his clinical depression, I'm surprised he didn't say, "I wake up in the morning wishing I hadn't woken up"

    At least he'd be with the rest of us then!

  13. The PM has never had a recession 10 years. The PM Thatcher had two recessions in her time. Why is it one is regarded as great other is regarded as a disaster surely it should be the other way round.

  14. "The Tartan McReich's Führer"

    A thoroughly constructive criticism, not in the least bit hyperbolic.

  15. 12:37 p.m. Verity manqué. Not my post. Does not echo my style. The little parasitic tick has a tin ear.

  16. i am verity, tbh

  17. "Every day you wake up ..."
    He should try not waking up in the morning, so saving himself and us a lot of trouble.

  18. 4:33 Verity manqué otro vez
