Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wendy Alexander Stumped for a Question

At today's First Minister's Questions in the Scottish Parliament, Wendy Alexander asked the first 2 of her 3 questions (getting swatted by Alex Salmond as usual), then announced that "she had no more questions for the First Minister".

Puzzled looks and gasps on all sides. Alex Salmond got up to reply, but the Presiding Officer ruled that since there wasn't a question there was no need for a reply. Since Wendy is such a friend of Gordon Brown could it be that the line from Washington went down and she didn't know what to say?


  1. Come on Dale-boy, keep up.

    Yvette's PPS resigns over 10p tax fiasco shocker

  2. She could have asked "which part of Scotland is Jersey in".

  3. This was painfull to watch. The entire rest of FMQs was punctuated with laughter.

  4. This has to be the finest example of Labour having no ideas. Dreadful people.

  5. So, another 10/10 performance from Wendy.

    You do have to wonder about the capacity of an individual to govern if they can't even count to three.

  6. Hopeless, hapless, useless and feckless.

    We knew a long time ago that Labour had run out of answers, I had no idea they had also run out of questions.

  7. Wendy...Otherwise known as Mrs Bean..No wonder Alex Salmond is always smiling.


  8. you couldn't make it up!

    No answers - and apparently not many questions either!

  9. This gimmick would be bigged up as a barn burner if Cam had thought of it.

  10. Yep, it has been a blast watching Big Eck blast Labour into oblivion lately. What's been surprising is Labour's incoherent collapse after the two fingered salute from the electorate here. What are they about? Not 'socialism' (unless it's trying to shore up their own dwindling grassroots support); not 'nationalism' (apart from 'british'); what DO they stand for- apart from getting into power? Wendy's (otherwise known as 'The Lady in Red') dire performances in the chamber make an entertaining 10 minutes for us who despise Labour. Long may she continue.

