Thursday, April 10, 2008

Well I'm Convinced, How About You?!

It may have escaped your notice that there is an EU Referendum campaign underway in the Republic of Ireland. Here are two posters by the Yes campaign. Disgraceful. Outrageous. Sexist. And very, very effective. Perhaps someone could design something similar for Boris.

By the way, I gave my modelling fee to charidee :)


  1. Okay, so I'll happily buy into it now!


  2. Oh dear is this the best you can do...the moral high groud.

    Dont hold your breath Europhiles Eire will vote YES by a huge margin.

    If I remember correclty The Referendum for the Treaty of Nice in 2002 got 70% yes vote, and the ref on changing from the punt to the Euro was even higher than 70% in favour.

    Ireland has benefited greatly from the EU zone, and its peope like Guido arent stupid...Except for Guido of course.

  3. Well I blame Theo Spark for this sort of thing.

  4. "Disgraceful. Outrageous. Sexist. And very, very effective"

    how about 'desperate' ?

    Apparently ...
    "The EU is the main importer for Brazilian melons, especially between September and March when there is no local production; small and round melons are preferred in most European countries, except for Spain where large and long melons are preferred.."

  5. Freedom to Prosper
    I have to say Ian that your choice of undies is better than your choice of ties. How are things at the Telegraph? Still expecting a house price boom? Keep up the good work and happy new car.

  6. Jimbo,

    Nice got the "yes" from Ireland on the second time of asking.

    By the way, I gave my modelling fee to charidee :)

    I thought that they were attempting to ban digital retouching as a way to discourage Size 0 models, Iain...


  7. So the EU is for those with small tits or dicks! Real men say Better Off Out!

  8. Rather reminiscent of the Polish Plumber (and his counterpart the Polish Nurse) who appeared in French advertisements promoting tourism after right-wing French politician Philippe de Villiers asserted that ratifying the Constitutional Treaty would mean an influx of cheap workers.

    But who would have thought it of staid old Fine Gael?

  9. So Iain, which were you - one of the melons, or the underpants?

  10. Which one features Bertie Ahern?

    Typical EU policies..just pandering to the base instincts.

    I am sorry that you chose to pose for the picture Iain. Which picture?

    "I do not think it fitting that a Chairman of the Conservative History Group should expose himself so!"
    quote by Quentin Davies an erstwhile member!

  11. I bet some of the male regulars here found their eyes constantly coming back to the first picture. But they wouldn't care to admit it in public. No names, but maybe you can guess who I've got in mind :)

  12. Iain

    Unfortunately it is sexist.

    The Girls and the Gays get a hunk,

    Us boys get .....well it wouldn't be fair.

    Lets just say the boys might not be convinced.

  13. How deceitful. I bet those two are not even Irish.

  14. Begorahh!!!

    Fun in Eire? What's the Catholic Herald got to say on the matter?

    The pics are all a distraction from the IMF's expected 30% drop in the value of Irish housing - another benefit of being in the EU?

  15. Ever since I moved away from the evil Blair, my melons have shot-up...

  16. Is that a straight banana in your Treaty, or are you just pleased to see me?

  17. Well im the repressed Irish Catholic who designed the poster. I won a trip to Lisbon as recompense for my infantile humour.

    I would gladly offer my services to Boris, i take holiday payments only.

    A weekend mixing with the upper echelon of London society should suffice.

  18. More to the point, on balance the Lisbon Treaty could do little to "enlarge opportunities" or "increase prospects" for the average Irish citizen, and in fact it's far more likely that it would have the opposite effect. Indirectly some people at the other end of Europe, eg the Croatians, might eventually benefit from the EU moving from the present Nice Treaty to Lisbon, but not the average Irish citizen. The main beneficiaries would be members of the pan-EU ruling class and their various, ever-multiplying, hangers-on. But ordinary people in western Europe stand to gain very little, and could potentially lose a great deal, from Lisbon.

  19. I hope all you angry Tory types know that this is what passes for your Conservative allies here in Eire. So if the referendum passes it's in part on the Tories' heads.

    PS Tell that lump of flesh you have for a leader to set up another right of centre EU faction for Fianna Fáil to join or I'll ea him.


    Good Dinner

  20. Can't see BIFFO (Brian Cowan the next 'tee-shock') in those shorts.

    BTW BIFFFO is Cowans nick name it means (Big Ignorant F**ker from Offally though his supporters says it's 'intelligent fella' and not 'ignorant f**ker'. )

    It's almost make your mind up time folks!

  21. Verity said...

    "Ever since I moved away from the evil Blair, my melons have shot-up..."

    I'll need proof.

  22. Regarding the poster masquerading as Verity 10:54(aka Identity Thief) - Some trollesque mental cripple is posting under my name.

    Unfunny poster: There is a category for commenters bereft of imagination and unable to develop an identity of their own: continue to post within the drab, grey army of the Anonymous.

    I would counsel not stealing identities developed by others because you're not good enough to follow through on the charade. Your writing isn't up to scratch. Nor are what I will kindly refer to as your "thoughts". After three years of my posting as Verity, you are such a dullardthat you don't know that I don't do pantomime humour.

    God, your life must be grim if trying to co-opt someone else's identity was your thrill for the day.

    As grim as the pathetic Irish ad for Lisbon. In fact, the ad is so dimwitted, schoolboyish and directionless (which is doubtless why you were drawn to it), I honestly can't figure out whether it's encouraging people to vote Yes or No. I would guess it was designed by some overheated teenage boy essaying sophistication. Like the Anonymous who tried to steal my identity.

    Meanwhile, try to put your brain cell to better use.

  23. The paddies have done very well in economic turns out of the EU..Big yes vote no doubt

  24. Verity, why don't you set up a blogger identity of your own? Then you'll never fall victim to identity fraud.

  25. Up with the Lisbon treaty.
    It is a great poster. That makes people think twice. I think the women looks good look at the size of her melons. LOL.
    Why did he put that funny shaped vegetable in his pants.
    They should have stuck a straight bannana or a cucumber in front of the man's pants.
    In reply to the euroskeptics being real men comment. If it was a euro skeptic they would have had to stick a match stick in front his underpants, rather than a cucunbler LOL.

  26. The poster's pathetic. It was clearly constructed by a gay who doesn't realise that gays and women look at men differently. (Most gay men do realise this; but obviously not the kid who did this poster.) I'll take a bet that most women would think the fellow was repellent.

    And another total misunderstanding of women. Why was that woman holding two large yellow melons with a tough rind in her hands and looking puzzled? Was this supposed strike a chord with women? In what way? Was it supposed to apply to gay women in some way?

    This poster is so baffling that I don't know whether it was intended to win a Yes vote or a No vote.

  27. Further to my post of earlier, I'll no longer be bothering with CiF. A site that gives a platform to worthless shite like Ruth Fowler is a site that I for one won't visit. Unless someone gives me a link. But the days in which I went there several times a day are over.

  28. I have no time for pantomime humour; It is all down to Blair and NuLab; it was his evil that made me leave England for the well known right-wing market economy of Mexico. I will not live in a country which disagrees with my principles.

  29. I agree with Asquith regarding identity faking, which is why I set up my own Blogger account in the first place, after seeing what happened to David Boothroyd. Whatever one might think of David B, he deserves not to be impersonated, and so it is with Verity.

    As I have taken that name for one of the three heroines in the novel I am currently writing, I feel something of a proprietary interest in preserving the integrity of her name :-)

    Meanwhile, I thought the lady was holding a couple of very large lemons (which I do accept is an anagram of 'melons') which seems appropriate for the EU -- just a very big lemon (or two).

  30. It's crude but how is it 'sexist'?

  31. In years to come, there will be a degree course at some former technical college which includes a module on the style of blog commenters.

    So kids, for 10 points, please summarise West Ham's season 07-08 in the style of "Verity".

    Additional points are available for well-aimed vitriol.

    P.S. Can I just add that "girl with the mask" is cute? Perhaps she should get married to Asquith.

  32. Iain - You are approving comments that are obviously not from me.

    Little Creepy Anonymouse: Actually, Mexico is a conservative economy, much more conservative than yours, which is why it is booming and you're self-flushing down the pan. President Fox served two terms introducing market principles to Mexico, and now we have President Calderone, who has two MAs (how many do you have?), one of them from Harvard. (Where are your MAs from?) How many languages do you speak? How many languages does Gordon Brown speak?

    Lesson: Mexico is on its second conservative, capitalistic administration and the place is in overdrive. Drive into a Wal-Mart parking area and all you will see are late model cars with all the extras. A long way from your estate, eh? Britain is on almost 12 years of communism. According to the news, you're not booming over there. The pound's dropping like a stone even against a Mickey Mouse currency like the euro.

    You must be so proud! Proud enough to post under a stolen identity.

  33. bugger - there I was trawling thru recent comments and hoping beyond hope that "she who must not be named" had left and then I got here.

    again bugger.

  34. Interesting there, 10:52. I sometimes leave anonymous comments, but you can generally figure them out because they're all written in my style. At universities, it's easy for an experienced lecturer to find plagiarism because the plagiarised piece has a different rhythm to the student's original work.

    Perhaps there could be some kind of competition amongst sixth-formers to see who can do the best newmania imitation. 1000 words :)

  35. Verity, as I have explained before, the only way to stop this is for you to get your own Google identity. It's quite simple and painless. I was out all of yesterday so I was block approving comments.

  36. Iain - I am your biggest fan and only yesterday suggested to a American friend, who is fairly known, that he visit your site, and to my astonishment and pleasure, found he is already familiar with it! But I am not handing over my identity to Google in order to register. So now we know the answer to the Meatloaf enigma: Register with Google.

    I had a feeling you were block approving yesterday, otherwise you'd have caught this bloodsucking little tick.

  37. Verity, why not become a blogger-without-a-blog & adopt a picture, then nobody can pretend to be you?Or is that the same as "registering", which you object to doing?

  38. Little Black Sambo - I don't want a blog. How could I be a blogger without a blog? (This is a genuine request for information.)

  39. Verity: all you do is go from where it says "No Google Account? Sign up here" and fill in the form. You can keep all your details private and you don't need to start an actual blog. You can supply a picture to represent you, which will distinguish you from impostors, and in any case your name will henceforth appear in blue and underlined. If you click on these blue-titled posters, you will see that quite a lot of them don't have actual blogs, or even any publicly available information.

  40. Little Black Sambo - thank you for the courtesy of your reply. But the sentence I didn't like is: "No Google Account? Sign up here".

    I am not signing up to Google. I know it already has all my information. I know it knows every website I've ever visited. I know it knows much else about me. But not with my complicity! I am not going to be an ally in the divestment of my own privacy!

    Now, you can say, 'if you don't want to be an ally', don't use the internet, and your case would be made.

    So just now, like most others, I'm a passive passenger. I don't want to sign up for a ticket.

    But thank you, LBS.

  41. Any information would make it easier to track down Verity - she wouldn't dare.

  42. Now if we could find out who Anonymous is, that would be a revolution in the blogosphere.

  43. verity cant surf
