Sunday, April 20, 2008

Unfortunate Quote of the Day No 94

"Prince William landed his chopper
in Kate Middleton's back paddock."
Radio 5 Live newsreader, 20/4/08

Kenneth Williams would have been proud.


  1. Tart.

    I am really and genuinely saddened to hear that John Prescott has suffered from Bulimia.

    All those "fat bastard" jokes seem a bit lame now.

    He's only a bloke, an not a very clever one, but I feel sorry that he had this and felt he could not be open about it.

    shoot me down in flames if you like. I hate Nulab and everything they stand for, but it kind of explains a lot, doesn't it?

  2. could hgave been worse - could have been her back Paddick...

  3. Unfortunate? I bet he thought he'd won the lottery when that news item came up.

  4. Funneee! Thank you! I've sent it on.

    WW - Re Fatty, first, I don't give a crap. Second, if he wants the perfect emetic, all he has to do is look in the mirror.

    Third, I don't believe it. Bulimics are thin people who image they're fat. Prescott is a fat person who imagines he is competent. Fourth, he is a nasty, touchy git - but not as in "touchy-feely". He's more a "Ger off!" than a Princess Di person and he's never sought to share his pain before.

    There's a reason this absurd story has been planted. We'll get the follow-through in a couple of weeks.

  5. Nothing wrong with the tradesman's entrance. But imho, it has to be the right girl. Some girls you only like around the front, other times you get curious.

    And then there's the question of whether they want it!

  6. I personally think that Mr Prescott's candour and honesty is to be praised. Any other response risks destabilising the vital work done on behalf of all sufferers of what must be deeply worrying and debilitating disorders. I feel for him and wish him a full recovery from his condition.

  7. As we're on Kenneth Williams, this is from The Croydonian and is hysterical: A US weather announcer sees a cockroach ... "Cloudy with a chance of fabulous".

  8. Ooooh Matron!

  9. Explains why Prescott got so touchy and punched someone's lights out when they threw an egg at him.

    "What a bloody waste. I could have eaten that..."

    Although rather than Bulemic, I would have thought he suffered from Anorexia. Anorexics look in the mirror and see a fat person looking back at them...

  10. Verity, your knowledge of eating disorders, as with so many other topics, is very limited. Keep your hands of the keyboard on this one.

  11. 3:39 - Ha ha ha!

    Anonymous 3:50 - Oh, excuse me! I thought this blog was the property of Iain Dale, who believes in freedom of speech and isn't a Thought Nazi.

    If you believe that John Prescott has suddenly admitted to a carefully selected weakness without a sound political reason, that is up to you.

    There cannot be a fat bulimic, because they sick up their food by putting their finger down their throat and therefore consume unhealthily few calories. John Prescott's a self-indulgent fatso. Ergo ...

    Don't bark any more orders at me, by the way.

  12. But I know everything! Why won't the world listen to me?

  13. Verity:

    The thought of John Prescott's "follow through" makes me feel quite sick.

    Excuse me...

  14. Can we work into this comment something about his chopper avoiding her bush or is that too much?

  15. Verity said ... "I don't believe it. Bulimics are thin people who image they're fat."


    "There cannot be a fat bulimic, because they sick up their food by putting their finger down their throat and therefore consume unhealthily few calories. John Prescott's a self-indulgent fatso. Ergo ..."

    You are confusing bulimics with anorexics.

  16. 7:37 - Bulimia is connected to anorexia. I'm not confusing anything. It's a mental condition.

  17. Kate - future queen of England?

  18. "verity said... 7:37 - Bulimia is connected to anorexia. I'm not confusing anything. It's a mental condition."

    That is like saying that heart attack is connected to stroke.

    Anorexia is similar to bulimia in some respects. The main difference is that the typical anorexic is thin but believes they are fat whereas the typical bulimic is not underweight and isn't unduly concerned about body image.

  19. sorry to be a pedant Iain but these are the sort of headlines that "The Two Ronnies" newsreaders would have read out, not KW. Ken didnt make such overt bum jokes. But its a common misconception.
