Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Taxi for Ms ....

Which high profile female Labour Cabinet minister hailed a cab recently, ordering the Cabbie to take her to a Jaeger shop "and make it quick"? When they arrived she asked for a receipt "and a couple of blank ones". Whatever could she have intended to use them for? The cabbie, to his credit, refused her the "blankies".

Cue cries of "this is beneath you, Iain" or "provide the evidence" or "name her". Clue. This is what comes under the "gossip" part of this blog.


  1. thoroughly dull and unilluminating without a name.. besides which it's almost libel. a big name in lobbying was once sued by a man for a multiple choice question on a christmas card. the man was one of the two incorrect answers to a question but said that being among so few other options implied there might be guilt. So it goes with female cabinet ministers.

  2. Perhaps it was an attempt to deplete the cabbie's supply of "Back Boris" receipts.

  3. Which high profile Conservative blogger hailed a cab recently, ordering the Cabbie to take him to a Upton Park "and make it quick"? When they arrived he asked for a receipt "and a couple of blank ones". Whatever could he have intended to use them for? The cabbie, to his credit, refused her the "blankies".

    Cue cries of "this is beneath you, Dave" or "provide the evidence" or "name him". Clue. This is what comes under the "gossip" part of this comment.

  4. Not very good gossip unless you name her though, it is!

  5. Iain, have you gone completely bonkers?!

  6. baseless scuttlebutt!

    more please

  7. give us a clue?

  8. Give us a clue....

    Was she in a Hurry-iet?

    Was she Tess(a)ting the taxi driver's integrity?

    Or was she a bit Flint at the end of the month?

    Mortgage to pay off or loans on a leadership campaign?!?!?

  9. It can't have been Harriet, Jaeger don't do stab vests.

  10. Do any of them actually wear Jaeger?

  11. Why is this so surprising? Is this not standard procedure, then?

  12. Front runner would be Tessa 'separated' Jowell, closely followed by Harriet Harperson. I suspect that they are sisters in any case.
