Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Should I Take Part in Celebrity Big Brother?

After the problems which the last series of Celebrity Big Brother had, I didn't think it would return, but yesterday I had a call sounding me out as to whether I might consider appearing on it. I did point out that few people would have a clue who I was and wasn't the word 'celebrity' a bit of a clue as to why I would say no? Anyway, I thought I would seek your advice, dear reader. Should I consider taking part? Vote in this one question poll - Yes or No...


  1. bit late in the day for april fools isn't it mr dale..

  2. Oh, Iain, that gave me a laugh out loud moment. Thank you!

  3. Iain it's after midday. You're not meant to run april fools any more

  4. yeah yeah, very good - bit late in the day though

  5. dont. No one has ever done well out of the so called celebratory edition.

  6. If you're in there for ages we'd miss the blog.
    Also it's a bloody awful show... and would you REALLY want to dress up in a liotard and pretend to be a cat? On second thoughts don't answer that!

  7. You're the fool Iain, you posted this after midday!

  8. Today is the first of April

  9. Oh my God yes - Labour needs a boost in the polls... :-)

  10. Ah, this is your April Fool's Day post!

  11. You got the call yesterday, you say - not today then?

    If this is real and not a joke by either (a) the caller or (b) you, then the answer is NO for heaven's sake - Celebrity Big Brother is a perfect example of the Marxian "I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member"...

  12. No. Dreadful bunch of arse gravy (can I say arse gravy in comments?) that programme. Just an irritation to sane people.

  13. On second thoughts, "steaming foetid turd" would be a better description for the Big Brother franchise.

  14. Firstly, I don't think celebrity Big Brother has ever had a celebrity appear on the show, so you'd be fine on that score.

    Secondly, Would you be so cruel as to leave your readers in limbo while you were unable to blog from the house?

  15. What a dumb post. Your slip is showing. Or perhaps you are inherently attracted to the vacuous notion of celebrity.

  16. I'm dissappointed that you actually had to ask this, or, were you just letting your readership know that somebody thought you were well known enough to be considered a celeb?

    Don't be such a tart Iain, you might be an MP one day!

  17. I'll do it!!!! Somehow don't think I be getting an invite!!

  18. I thought April Fool's was supposed to end at midday?

    After that time, isn't it the prankster who is the fool?

  19. April Fool's gone past...and you're the biggest fool at last!

  20. Since I am considered a fool by you, I will not be voting in any other of your polls.
    It wasn't even funny! :(

  21. Of course you should do it. I mean, look how well everyone else has done out of it. Where would Germaine Greer be now if it wasn't for Endemol? Probably poncing away on newsnight review...oh!

  22. zendo said... Since I am considered a fool by you, I will not be voting in any other of your polls.
    It wasn't even funny! :(

    Yes it was. And the 12.00 deadline doesn't apply to the Internet (Tim Berners-Lee told me).

  23. Better to agree to "I'm a celebrity - get me out of here !" if asked. You get to spend time in a 5 star hotel in Oz although the downside is you get to meet strange creatures/and even eat some of them.

    Anyway as it's after 12 noon I refuse to get involved.

  24. I've changed my mind ... YES!

  25. As the "Virgle Pioneer" is still active - I don't see why Iain shouldn't keep going!!!

  26. Not on this topic at all. But why not think about not reinstating all the pictures on this blog. At the moment it loads like greased lightning. With pictures it takes for ever.

  27. 6:48 PM is a bit late for an April fool.

  28. Interesting that they are looking at Bloggers as the New Celebrity. There is certainly something in that.

    I'd be a tad wary though Mrs. Dale, I suspect they are more interested in you being a Tory Puffter than a blogging celebrity.

  29. Well, at least you'd know where East Angular is, innit?

  30. Why not? I'd see you as a cross between George Galloway, Michael Barrymore and Chantelle.

  31. ...and you'd know where East Angular is, which always helps.

  32. I'M NOT A MINGA!

    (I'm a Thatcherite booksella/pundit!)

  33. Only if you promise us that you'll keep your kit on.

  34. I assume an April Fool.. but if it isn't then I think you should ask yourself the question that all good poker players if asked to play an inpromptu poker game:

    Who had been set up to lose at this table?

    If you cannot identify the person being set up that leaves only one candidate....

  35. If you're Fool enough to post a Fool after 12, you certainly qualify for CBB

  36. Only if you wish to lose all credibility as a serious political analyst......

    Reality TV - strictly for the Bimboids.

  37. YES, it's about time they had someone intelligent on.

  38. Are you going to publish the results of this poll Iain?

  39. Joke or not, the subject is of doubtful taste.

    If Channel 4 ever get a slice if the licence fee, I hope it's on condition that the programme's strangled.

  40. I was asked to go on a programme which was sort of relationship Jury format where people would put their "relationship " case and we would decide the justice of it . Someone got my name from the Local Party as a gobby right-winger who was "normal" which was what they wanted.

    I was absolutely amazed.

    I decided I `d rather not be famous ( in a very very small way) than look such a prat.

    Thats what I did,

  41. Given up the aim of being an MP, then?

  42. Iain, you are suppossed to go on CBB when your career is on the way down.

    Is your acreer on the way down?

  43. Yes. Just more proof that the Tories are all spin and no substance. Did Brand Cambo recommend you join up. Maybe you could wear a full size brown ale bottle outfit on the first night..YAWN

  44. CB4 is for Z listers, Iain you are a Z999

  45. What a great idea, a Political Big Brother with representatives of existing parties selected in order of number of paid-up members. And why is it never Big Sister?

  46. Surely you should be looking at appearing on Celebrity Strictly Ballroom (or whatever it might be called - never watched it!) under the 'Nom de Guerre' of...
    Dancing Queen...
    I'll get my coat.

  47. Aah, but it cannot be true.

    You are too placid, too much of a peacemaker. You are not gay enough or straight enough. You are not young but you are not old. You make sense most of the time. You have no obvious loony tics and no lapses of public decorum, apart from the ties, which are in themselves a declaration of conformity.

    You are a Tory, which I suppose still has comedic value, but then again you are a closet liberal democrat, which almost certainly would come out during the show and make grass-growingly gripping telly.

    You are provenly discreet. I cannot see you revealing all your Westminster tittle-tattle or whether David Davis really does prefer y-fronts.

    You would miss your friends and your dog far too much. Ann Widdecombe would disown you.

    No. I don't see it. It must be an April Fool.

  48. This is exactly why no one takes the Tories seriously anymore.

    One of their most senior members wanting to be Celebrity Big Brother.

    I have started my blog now to expose you as jokers.

    Just wait till I am through with Boris tomorrow at PMQs.

  49. Iain

    April fools day is past and gone.

    Your the fool for looking on.


    As we ysed to say in out childhood

  50. Just say no, don't encourage mindless television.
