Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Saying Cheese for David Bailey & GQ

Late last year I took part in a photo shoot for GQ along with a host of other people from the Westminster Village. After my last experience with Esquire Magazine (see the awful result HERE) I vowed never to do this again, but when you are told David Bailey will be behind the camera you just don't say no.

The June issue of GQ contains the results of the shoot, which among others Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Nick Clegg (whos pic gets a 1/16th of page!), Matthew D'Ancona, Ed Balls, Tim Montgomerie, Alice Thomson, Shami Chakrabarti and Kevin Maguire took part in.

David Bailey was brilliant. Unlike the photographer from Esquire, he completely put me at my ease and it was quite an enjoyable experience. I had expected to hate every minute and then spend five months fearing the result.

I'll leave you to judge the result of my own page, but I was quite pleased with it. As this is a photo of a photo perhaps it doesn't do it justice!

I shall no doubt get a lot of comments about having an ego the size of a tent, but if you were asked if you'd like to be photographed by David Bailey, would you really say no? Well, would you? Thought not!

My only regret is that I was photographed before I lost a stone and a half. Not that I'm at all vain, you understand ... :)


  1. "My only regret is that I was photographed before I lost a stone and a half"

    Yes, but your kidneys don't show.

  2. Guido said no, didn't he?

  3. "I shall no doubt get a lot of comments about having an ego the size of a tent,"

    The only people who accuse someone of having a large ego are those whose own ego has become deflated at not getting the same attention of the person they attack.

    Enjoy it! ;-)

  4. "If you were asked if you'd like to be photographed by David Bailey, would you really say no?"

    Yes, and I did.

  5. Iain, you should be proud of that photo, but please be British and don't SAY it. You must be concerned to have your mugshot in any way associated with those of Gordon Brown, Ed Balls and Kevin Maguire, though.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. No reference to your being gay? :)

  8. Nice use of fish eye lens though, just like a person but reflected in a spoon , its a good effect and very 60s

  9. It just goes to show the advantage of working with a real professional, Iain. I think Bailey's photography probably does more for your appearance than the loss of a stone and a half ever could.

  10. Don't worry about the vanity charge Iain. No vain person would ever willingly make a photo like that public.

    From your facial expression, you were actually in the process of losing a small amount of weight when it was taken. (Sorry to be insulting on your own blog -will understand if moderated).

  11. It has a look of his iconic Kray Twins photo . . . . the sense of menace

  12. Maybe if Guido shed several pounds, he might feel more like having his photo taken.

    Haven't got a clue who the slim fella in his avatar is, but it's not Guido!

  13. Don't you think your piccy should be entitled "My Smugshot" ? It seems your parents failed to gift you with a modesty gene.

    Otherwise, I love your blog even though I'm of the yellow peril persuasion. And yes, that may account for the sour grapes due to David Bailey not wanting to take my photo.

  14. Has your GQ picture scared off the usual banner picture??

  15. That's certainly the photo they will use when "The Lurid Revelations" get out.

  16. it looks like the sort of police mugshot that you see accompanying a news item with Jon Snow saying "and in further arrests in Westminster today..."

  17. sort of face even a mother would feel like slapping

  18. Shame about the double chin.

  19. Smugshot is right.. But on a lighter note, did they ask you how many notches you have on your bed-post ?

  20. I thought that full page picture of you in just your panties in today's DT was a lot more flattering.

    Tho' I didn't realise you had taken up glamour modelling.

  21. I wonder how much space you have got inside your collar now? Il faut suffrir pour etre belle.

  22. Not your best, no. I would've taken a shot that shows more of your face's profile. It was a mistake to have you look into a lens that was 24" away from your nose. I guess it beats a grainy camera-phone shot.

  23. Is the photo distorted or did you borrow Cameron's forehead ?

  24. Puts me in mind of a bulldog licking piss off a nettle.

  25. But you've lost a few pounds since then.

  26. It is certainly better than that Esquire photo, which was terrible.

    Do you get a proper copy of the photo yourself? It'd be nice actually to have a David Bailey photo of oneself.
