Saturday, April 19, 2008

Proclaiming the Launch of "When I Wake Up Watch"

When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you

Gordon Brown hasn't got tghe Arctic Monkeys on his iPod, he must constantly listen to the Proclaimers. A few days ago I wrote about his almost obsessive penchant for using the phrase "I wake up in the morning thinking..." Well he has been at it again. At a press conference with George W Bush he said...

"I get up in the morning thinking this is the best job in the world..."

So, when he gets up he thinks it's the "best job in the world", what he can do to help homeowners, what can be done to help people with small businesses, what can be done to help people look for jobs and wanting to help people get opportunities.

No wonder he looks so bloody knackered all the time. So, dear reader, do feel free to alert me whenever you hear Brown utter the phrase "When I wake up, I..." He has form on this. Once he uses a line he repeats it ad nauseam. Remember 'prudence with a purpose', 'a hand up not a hand out' and 'no return to boom and bust'. Funny, we haven't heard that one for some time. Can't think why.


  1. Numerous pics of Brown were shown on last night's Have I Got News For You dozing off in various meetings. How much longer do we have to suffer the ridicule of watching a man clearly not up to the job?

  2. What I want to know is when is the idiot going to wake up and smell the coffee....

  3. Is this why he wanted GMTV's Fiona Phillips in his government, a minister for waking up?

  4. Gordon Brown is shameless.

    Though that doesn't mean having a go at shaming him isn't worth while, as it points out to those pygmies in the Labour party who doffed their caps and allowed him to be coronated as supreme leader how they sold out their principles and country to such a man.

  5. Maybe this is why he's getting so little sleep since becoming PM. He's got to make time to think about all of that every time he wakes up.

  6. The moment I wake up
    Before I put on my makeup
    I say a little pray for you

  7. Do Vampire's sleep then?

    I just wish the bogey-eating, fake-tan wearing, stuttering, incompetent, psychologically unsound, cretin would be 'retired' by the hapless morons who forced him upon us in the first place.

    Then he wouldn't have to worry about anything when he wakes up in the morning, except whether is it Coco pops or Weetabix with his morning mouthful of nose-pickings!

    God, I knew we wold miss Blair eventually, but not this soon!

  8. 'when I wake up, I hope the UN delegates didn't hear me snoring.'

  9. I was everybody's boy
    But soon that thrill just fades
    To be the love of one true heart
    Or the jack of all parades

  10. Aretha.... Dionne Warwick's version is far better.

  11. Get yourselves some of The Four Tops if it's going to be Motown. :)

  12. I think you'll find that's "no return to Tory boom and bust". He didn't mention the Labour version which he has created!

  13. how much is west ham going to win by today?

  14. Maybe he should of employed a remote controlled battery operated puppet, instead of one with strings attached for the job at number Eleven!, then he would have been able to lie in bed a little longer instead of standing over his Chancellor.
    So much for the independent Bank of England, Lucky they have plenty of ink for all those new notes.

  15. When I wake up early in the morning,
    Lift my head, I'm still yawning
    When I'm in the middle of a dream
    Stay in bed, float up stream

    Please don't wake me, no
    don't shake me
    Leave me where I am
    I'm only sleeping

    PS Rush is Right - Aretha is Queen.

  16. "When I wake up, I think of the United Kingdom being flushed down the toilet as I p***."

  17. if he really 'woke-up'......
    he would find that his whole life has been a fictional experience.
    His beliefs instilled by clergy and reading left wing schoolboy comics.100 stealth taxes,cooking the books,tax credit fiasco......the list is endless.
    He is a disgrace.

  18. Snoozing, because of all the effort put into "understanding" those who are suffering from the abolition of the 10% tax band?

    Fortunately for those of us who are fed-up with the man, with the 10% tax abolition, he has made quite a good albatross to hang around his neck - and he is far to proud to reverse that decision.

  19. Man in a Shed is absolutely right.
    How many of the 10P revolting Labour backbenchers cheered when their great leader said @PMQs 'We make the right decisions at all times'?

  20. Wouldn't it be better if he just didn't wake up?

  21. "The Britain of the Countries and the Regions" is by far the worst phrase ever uttered by the member for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath.

    When we wake up we should remember that is all he has ever been elected to represent.

  22. When I wake up - I will put in my eye

    When I wake up - I'll see my reflection

    When I wake up - I'll think of a lie

    When I wake up - I'll have lost the Election.
