Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Number Ten Website is Just Sooooo 2007

I just noticed that the Number 10 web site is still listing Lord Drayson as a minister despite the fact he stepped down from Minister for Defence Procurement (so that he could pursue his passion for motor racing, as supporting the troops was obviously too much hassle) back in November 2007. Given that they spend a decent chunk of taxpayers’ money updating the site, shouldn’t they be updating these things rather quicker than in 6 months? The link is HERE. Shall we have a bet how long it takes them to update it?

UPDATE: A reader writes: "Another oddity - go to the 10 Downing St site and on the homepage do a search on "contact". When I do it the first (of 481) hits is "Contact details for the Prime Minister Tony Blair".


  1. I think it's more ridiculous that the website says
    "The new Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP, came to power after a party leadership election in June 2007."

    isn't that a blatant lie?

  2. As November 2007 pre Northern Rock Nationialisation and missing data discs can now be considered a high point, all Downing street websites, offices, calenders, faxes, emails and press releases have been reset to November 01 2007 in order to give the PM the illusion that he really can turn the clock back.

    Cabinet ministers agreed to this rather bizarre suggestion as they feared that if they didn't they might find Mr Brown hanging from a rope through the banisters in the morning.

  3. still there at 18.45

  4. Still there at 20.00.

  5. With Lord Jones announcing he is leaving too, they should change the marketing from GOATS to QUISLINGS.

  6. Still there at 21:33.

  7. Still there at 08:05 on 16th

  8. Still there at 08:30 Wednesday.

    I doubt that there is anyone competent enough to make the "technical change" actually working outside of "office hours". Also this decision will need to referred up to a committee who will need to convene a sub-committee to write a report for discussion by the committee who will then report to Number 10. Number 10 will then examine the PR implications before asking Gordon who will then dither for a week or two...

  9. There are plenty of people to update the website, they're just too busy putting links to the Labour Party on there for a bit of free illegal pre-election publicity in the run-up to the election.

  10. Well, the link to the Labour Party "Vote Labour on 1 May" web page stayed up until Monday afternoon despite having been blogged on Friday.

    Another oddity - go to the 10 Downing St site and on the homepage do a search on "contact". When I do it the first (of 481) hits is "Contact details for the Prime Minister Tony Blair".

    Wishful thinking?

  11. Don't suppose they've all buggered off to America do you? After all, Brown is about to start the "War on Bankers" there. He'll need plenty of support. Mostly medical, I think.

    I see the Pope is there, too. Looks like the Americans are more interested in God's Representative on Earth that Britain's Presbyterian Mediocrity. I think they're wrong. Brown has already demonstrated his miraculous powers, transforming our lives for the better (at least, that's what I think he said). Why, even Tractor Production has increased exponentially.

    I doubt he travelled from Terminal 5, though - he's got so much baggage they'd still be trying desperately to lose it.

  12. When it comes to IT nulab have never done anything but make a balls-up. An abacus would be too good for them. Utter twats.

  13. Still there as at 14:40 on the 16th. Do you think something awful might have happened? Should we just nip round there and see if they're in? We might be able to see something through the windows....
